The Happy Vice Institute - Signups

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Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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The Happy Vice Institute
A New Mafia Indulgence by Alisha

One mid-August afternoon, the news cycle erupted with reports of a very select few people from all over the world instantaneously vanishing before everyone’s eyes. There one moment, and with a blink, gone.

The general sentiment over the internet is that it’s a massive hoax and that all the friends and loved ones making the claims of disappeared persons are delusional or lying. Slightly more reasonable opinions vary between ‘spontaneously combusted’ and ‘massive assassination chain by [national government]’. Not helping matters is the fact that no video footage of any of the disappearances has been recorded.

In truth, the people that vanished may have wished they simply exploded that day.

The instrument of the disappearances? Teleportation.

The destination for the disappeared?

The Happy Vice Institute.


The word ‘Vice’ has multiple common definitions; immoral or wicked behavior, a weakness of character/bad habit.

Suppose that my vice is Sour Candy. Doesn’t sound like immoral or wicked behavior to me, but hey eating a bag of sour candy while I know it’s unhealthy for me definitely fits the latter definition; a bad habit, even if the habit itself feels so good!

Then you try twisting that vice. Maybe every time I lie unnecessarily to somebody, I have to grab a handful of sour candy and devour it. It’s technically not immoral behavior, but hey it’s linked to something immoral I just did!

Every role has a vice attached. It could be something benign, or could be something completely wicked. Maybe it doesn’t amount to anything at all, or maybe it defines how you play the game. I don’t really know, since you need to figure that out for yourself, and for your fellow players in the game. How would you know for sure if someone’s vice has a wicked connotation, anyway?

For once I’m ditching my overly complicated word choices and using what works for everyone else so hey that’s my vice in action!

  1. Be respectful and polite.
  2. No editing or deleting posts. The all seeing eye is everywhere.
  3. No posting or rating posts if you're dead/not playing.
  4. Don't use forum status in an argument. (Online status, conversation status, etc)
  5. Don't use PM mechanics in an argument.
  6. Don't quote or screenshot your role PM. You may paraphrase it.
  7. No discussing the game outside of the game.
  8. Don't cheat, use common sense.
  9. Play to your win condition. No gamethrowing.
  10. If you need to leave the game, PM the host about it. Once you're out, do not discuss the game with anybody still alive in it or reveal your role in public.

  • This is a closed setup, so the roles and intricacies of the mechanics are not known.
  • Some experience with conventional Mafia mechanics is recommended, but the game is open to everyone and I am always happy to answer questions for you!
  • Scum get additional information about town to help themselves integrate.

I need 16 people to participate in this experiment, but depending on the turnout I can add or remove a few slots if necessary!

I will be fine with any role I may receive, and I have read the rules.

A vice you have.

1. Omni
2. Nottykitten
3. Mooglie
4. Infected_Alien8_
5. Timdood3
6. Ltin
7. Mulbery
8. PokeSvorlds
9. Stranger from Planet 9
10. enderfive
11. TheWeakGuy48_
12. MacTarvish
13. Comp
14. Sessybessy
15. HKCaper
16. Shadow_Hunter3
17. JurgenVW
18. Hipmeow
19. Boooo

1. Good Skele
Last edited:


Apr 8, 2019
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I will be fine with any role I may receive, and I have read the rules.

I annoyingly correct mistakes.
So, alisha, if some experience with conventional mafia mechanics is recommended twice, does that mean we need lots of experiences with conventional mafia mechanics or some experience with a wider range of mafia mechanics.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Woohoo we've got quite a few people now, I'd say this is enough for me to work with in case we don't hit 16, but I'll keep signups open a day or two longer to see how they go!

(Comp signed up too but his vice is not bothering to actually log in)
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