The Happy Vice Institute - Game Complete!

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Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score

I slightly lied

I do have one person that raises my eyebrows a little - I find tim's 'enthusiasm' for memeing and joking around slightly odd considering he ignored all of that last game and called it useless

I didn't want to share it yet since I wanted to watch to see how far he'd go - I wondered if the reason for him memeing this game was since the atmosphere was more 'memey' than last so he felt more compelled to join in with it, so I wanted to see if he'd still meme around after I'd posted my more 'serious' and longer post to kinda dim the memey atmosphere a little (but it isn't an anti-meme post btw idk why it's being interpreted like that!)

But I just re-read day 0 of the last game and it does seem very memey on the first page so I find it unlikely that he feels a difference in the atmosphere so I don't feel as much need to do that test + we don't have a huge amount of time left so I've decided to just out with it now and see what happens

I'm also slightly sus of moog for not pointing this out himself since he called tim out for his anti-meme attitude last game and so I would've thought out of everyone he'd notice suddenly tim was memeing this game and find it weird

(not condemning tim as scum btw, I can think of reasons he'd suddenly be more memey this time around as town, just raises an eyebrow for me so I figure it's worth mentioning)


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
anyway if we want this day 0 to be actually useful then i propose everyone reads through the thread so far and sees if anything catches their eye at all. doesn't have to be a super well thought out point or anything, even the slightest nitpick can turn out to be useful

otherwise this day will stay dead and we'll have wasted a great opportunity to get a headstart over the mafia


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
guys i found 2 batteries i wonder what they can do
so what pamphlet pages is everyone reading tonight
ill read page 1
reading those posts makes me think that maybe items are a thing this game? of course hip and oog could've just been memeing, but the pamphlet bit especially seems like an early attempt to fish out information regarding whether other players have similar items to what moog has (i'm assuming a pamphlet for the sake of the argument)

This message serves no other purpose than to make it seem like I am not completely inactive

I can't meme


I don't think any of you have posted yet so get on with it! Alisha threatened me if I didn't post this game so I'll use the positive message to ensure you post too :)
that's definitely a way to say something without saying anything
mulb literally says he's only posting to make himself not seem inactive, which i find a bit scummy, because i don't think a townie would be concerned with appearances like that
comp is a bit better but i'm generally suspicious of people who tag other inactives while contributing nothing themselves

good luck finding scum in the memefest of day 0
i don't really like how hip just gives up on day 0 like that when there's plenty of time left
typically that's about the time when everyone's getting tired of memeing and the real day 0 starts, at least in my experience, so him tossing in the towel before anything even happens is a bit sus imo

then again there are always those people who just give up on day 0 and i can't remember if hip's usually one of them so it could just be a personality thing


Aww no upside down question mark emoji

Nottykitten does this dissapointed you as much as it dissapointed me?


Though, at least we are making some progress into a serious day 0.
The pleases me.
ltin saying he's pleased with making some progress into a serious day 0 and contributing nothing towards that progress feels fake to me, like he knows he should be pleased from a town perspective, so he just says it and hopes that's enough to make him seem townie

definitely a little sus of ltin right now


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
reading those posts makes me think that maybe items are a thing this game? of course hip and oog could've just been memeing, but the pamphlet bit especially seems like an early attempt to fish out information regarding whether other players have similar items to what moog has (i'm assuming a pamphlet for the sake of the argument)
Last game there were items (including batteries), and there was a pamphlet that everyone could read, so that'd be why they're saying those things


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
I guess I'll exchange opinions with you on the other stuff actually

that's definitely a way to say something without saying anything
mulb literally says he's only posting to make himself not seem inactive, which i find a bit scummy, because i don't think a townie would be concerned with appearances like that
personally I can see mulb doing that as town - I agree that scum are probably more likely to be concerned about looking suspicious than town but I interpeted the purpose behind this post not to alleviate suspicion and being concerned about that but just to make sure everyone knew they hadn't abandoned the game, something which I can see mulb doing as town in this situation. Also if they were saying it with the intention of making sure they didn't look suspiciously inactive I lean towards thinking they wouldn't make that explicit in their post since I think mulb would know that the reason they're worried about it is because they're scum and that others could pick up on it and therefore censor themselves. A counter to that though is that they haven't played in a while so maybe just let it slip, or wifom or whatever, so I'm not convinced it was a townie thing to say, but it definitely doesn't make me suspect them particularly

comp is a bit better but i'm generally suspicious of people who tag other inactives while contributing nothing themselves
it is slightly weird I guess but I could easily see him doing it as town too

i don't really like how hip just gives up on day 0 like that when there's plenty of time left
typically that's about the time when everyone's getting tired of memeing and the real day 0 starts, at least in my experience, so him tossing in the towel before anything even happens is a bit sus imo

then again there are always those people who just give up on day 0 and i can't remember if hip's usually one of them so it could just be a personality thing
I think he's always had a pessimistic view of day 0 but idk for sure

ltin saying he's pleased with making some progress into a serious day 0 and contributing nothing towards that progress feels fake to me, like he knows he should be pleased from a town perspective, so he just says it and hopes that's enough to make him seem townie

definitely a little sus of ltin right now
I ultimately ended up deciding that this was probably sarcasm since I couldn't tell where in the thread he'd think there was actual progress towards a serious day 0 but I did have some difficulty deciding whether it was sarcasm or not so I do wonder if it was serious - if it was though I'm not sure what to make of it (I can easily imagine him as town just saying he enjoys that we're making progress even though he didn't make it himself, but I just don't know what he would be referring to when saying we'd made progress towards a serious day 0)


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
I'm also slightly sus of moog for not pointing this out himself since he called tim out for his anti-meme attitude last game and so I would've thought out of everyone he'd notice suddenly tim was memeing this game and find it weird
i called tim out for not reading the thread day 0
the find posts feature isnt working rn since ??? broken forums but all i remember him doing is posting 1 meme post on page 1 which isnt an indication of not reading the thread since its a whole 1 page at the moment


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
i called tim out for not reading the thread day 0
the find posts feature isnt working rn since ??? broken forums but all i remember him doing is posting 1 meme post on page 1 which isnt an indication of not reading the thread since its a whole 1 page at the moment
ye but when you brought it up later he responded saying that he found memes and stuff pointless for making reads, implying that's why he didn't read the thread (and implying he didn't care about reading them), and before that he said that the first page (which was just memes) was pointless garbage (implying he doesn't enjoy memeing around much), so to me at least it built up the image of him not enjoying memes in games much, not wanting to waste his time with them and seeing them as useless garbage not worth his time - so spending time this game making so many memes just seems a bit discrepant (is that a word) to me and idk I just thought you'd think so too


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Also the order of people mentioned vices may be worth mentioning.

Hip did it first asking Tim if his vice was designating people.
Inf did it second acussing Shadow of having a vice of posting in a weird font. The 'accusing' part may be noteworthy.
Shadow acknowledged vices in response to Inf.
Me now in this very post saying it might mean something.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
I get the impression that this day is just going to be a quiet day where nothing really happens since there's no public setup information to discuss and nobody seems to have any private information they want to share so the usual topics of discussion aren't there
We could talk about our vices.

I slightly lied

I do have one person that raises my eyebrows a little - I find tim's 'enthusiasm' for memeing and joking around slightly odd considering he ignored all of that last game and called it useless

I didn't want to share it yet since I wanted to watch to see how far he'd go - I wondered if the reason for him memeing this game was since the atmosphere was more 'memey' than last so he felt more compelled to join in with it, so I wanted to see if he'd still meme around after I'd posted my more 'serious' and longer post to kinda dim the memey atmosphere a little (but it isn't an anti-meme post btw idk why it's being interpreted like that!)

But I just re-read day 0 of the last game and it does seem very memey on the first page so I find it unlikely that he feels a difference in the atmosphere so I don't feel as much need to do that test + we don't have a huge amount of time left so I've decided to just out with it now and see what happens

I'm also slightly sus of moog for not pointing this out himself since he called tim out for his anti-meme attitude last game and so I would've thought out of everyone he'd notice suddenly tim was memeing this game and find it weird

(not condemning tim as scum btw, I can think of reasons he'd suddenly be more memey this time around as town, just raises an eyebrow for me so I figure it's worth mentioning)
Well for one, I didn't wake up to 15 pages, read 5 of them only for it to all be one line garbage this game (yet). And what makes you think that my 'memes' serve no purpose? I urge you, read my posts without context and see if you feel any differently.
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