The Happy Vice Institute - Game Complete!

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Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
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Im also curious, in case this day does end in me dying, lets not waste it on purely me either. Who do you all think are the remaning scum and why. Even if i get lynched here town could get lucky if say the 3p and maf kill eachother somehow. Its good to get those reads out there in case something like that happens.
If I had to guess now, I'd say Tim and Mulb are the other two scum besides you, as I agree that both Mulb and my role existing is very unlikely.
As for Tim, I still am hesitant about his claim that his designated person didn't die due to reasons and that he's now SOL, but I'd like to see what you flip first before I lynch Tim.


Deleted member 4601

mulb is lying
Well then

See, I don't wanna rule out the possibility that you might be town and Notty and Tim are anti-town, because somewhere in my mind I still think that's kinda possible (if it is then the dead peeps probably screamin' at us on discord rn)

Nevertheless you're mistaken about me so, uh, this is not the best argument ever, but I should say that it'd be kinda weird for an anti-town to claim the same role as Stranger, complete with a shady lore and a vice that at that point differed from everyone else (since it was positive), and then actively invite people to nightkill


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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okay so this is earlier than i expected because reasons but:

notty is probably town. she has vibed town the entire game to me, hasn't been a detriment to discussion as far as i could tell, and has been making sense most of the time. that's really all i have to say about her.

stranger and mulb are also both vibing town for me, although not as much as notty.
i was suspicious of mulb at the beginning of the game, because he said some weird stuff in my opinion (the whole bit with the bomb was pretty susp to me) and wasn't active at all, although it looked like he wanted to seem active, so scum points there, but as we're approaching the endgame, i think he has stepped up pretty adequately and i can, in retrospect, write those initial hiccups off to playstyle or personality, because thinking back, i seem to be suspicious of mulb in the beginning of every game i play with him, regardless of what his alignment turns out to be
stranger is a bit different in that regard, because i didn't really notice him at all in the beginning of the game. but i haven't seen anything particularly suspicious about him as far as i can remember, so it's not like i can really call him out as scum. if there are two maf left like you guys seem to think, i think he might be it because of his sheer forgettableness in this game for me, but i wouldn't lock him in just yet.

tim is an interesting case because as i understand it, he claims to be a killing role? considering we definitely have a second killer in the game, but no one has claimed any of the kills in the nights with two of them, makes me think that that second killer is anti-town, so an sk. and what better claim for an sk than a vig or something along those lines? basically if what i've understood so far is true and tim is claiming a kill ability, i think he's the sk. this would also explain the suspicious stuff with his claim in day 0, because it would mean he has something to hide, and therefore overcompensated for that, which resulted in the weird out of the blue claim that he gave us.

so by process of elimination, hk is the final maf, assuming one maf left, or one of the two final mafs, assuming two mafs left. honestly, based purely on his behaviour, i can see him being town, and i can see him being maf. his claims not making sense though suggest to me that he faked a claim and got tangled up in it, so that's a point for him being maf. i don't think anyone else had any problems with any redirection so far, so my guess is hk simply botched the claim and came up with the redirection point to save his own skin. which in turn suggests pretty heavily that he is indeed scum.

so in conclusion

assuming that tim is the sk, we need to keep him alive to avoid a town loss in the morning in case there are two maf left, and lynch hk, who i agree is probably maf. then we hope lynch tim tomorrow and hope that there aren't any maf left.

vote HKCaper


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Another day, and after a short series of convenient technical glitches on the device, the day ended and we are back in action.

...oh dear.

HKCaper was the Nightclub Owner.
Occupation: Nightclub Owner
Alignment: Town
You run the best nightclub in town. Well, you used to until you suddenly ended up here at the Institute. You enjoy spending time with people.

Night Action: You may visit one person, preventing them from performing any night visits and protecting them from any lethal attacks. [Requires Vice Objective Met]

Vice: Death
Watching somebody get executed is the exact motivation you need to go out and have a good time with somebody.

Vice Objective: You may only visit players during the night if the previous day ended in an execution(Lynch).

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

It is now Night 5.

Please send in your actions now.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Three people stood in the room by the device, not even able to remember sleeping. All they remember is seeing the mutilated bodies of Enderfive and Nottykitten, both very unsavory individuals.

Another choice must be made, and the happiness of many people hang in the balance...

Enderfive was the Dental Hygienist. [Mafia-Aligned]
Occupation: Dental Hygienist
Alignment: Mafia
You make playing with people’s teeth an artform, and you picked up a steady hand from all your years of experience.

Day Action – Produce one item of your choice from these options: (Video Games, Lip Balm, or Book) The item will enter your Inventory at the start of the night.[Requires one Happy Pill]

Night Action: You may choose one player and gain all items they otherwise would have gained. You may also give them one item from you or one of your teammate’s Inventories, provided your teammate gives the OK and is accurate with their possessed items to you.

Vice: Happy Pills
Happy Pills give you the motivation you need to produce items for use with screwing with those dumb townies. They’re probably really bad for you otherwise, but hey as long as you win and nobody finds out about your fondness for them, who cares?

You secretly begin with one Happy Pill. Your Day Action costs one Happy Pill to perform.

Win Condition: Gain control of the vote with all threats to the Mafia eliminated.

Nottykitten was the Architectural Visionary. [Neutral-Aligned]
Occupation: Architectural Visionary
Alignment: Neutral
People worship the buildings you create, so why not adjust your strategy a bit and get the people to worship you? You found yourself teleported here, but you can probably identify a couple people that might be willing to team up and kill people with you!

You will survive the first lethal attack on yourself.

Day Action: Choose one player. At the end of the day, an anonymous message with a choice will be sent to them if they are of the Neutral alignment;
Someone has approached you with an offer to team up. Should you accept, you will join a shared chat with the offerer of the deal. You will be given a new Win Condition, replacing your old one;

Win Condition: Gain control of the vote with all threats to yourselves eliminated.

Will you join?
If they accept, they join a shared chat with you, with daytalk capabilities, at the end of that night period, and will have a new Win Condition matching yours, and be able to execute the night action you possess in your stead if you so choose.

The player you choose to send the offer to will only see it if they are of the Neutral Alignment. Otherwise, nothing happens. You will not get any additional messages regarding the result of this action until the following day begins.

You may have a maximum of one subordinate at a time. If you die while having a subordinate, they will gain your Day Action as compensation.

Night Action: Choose one player, inputting their Vice or Occupation. If you are correct by a factor of 80% or more(Matching letters), execute a lethal attack on them.

Vice: Blood
Seeing blood coming from yourself is really darn energizing.

Vice Objective: Getting hit with your first lethal attack will permanently upgrade your Night Action, making the visit and kill impossible to tamper with. You also can test both the target’s Vice and Occupation at the same time, if you’re right on either of them then the kill is successful. These bonuses extend to your subordinate if applicable.

Win Condition: Gain control of the vote with all threats to yourself eliminated.

It is now Day 5.

3 people remaining, it takes 2 votes to execute or not execute.

Stay happy.

Stranger from Planet 9

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
This is gonna be a tough choice... thoughts:

Tim: Has claimed a one shot vigilante role, which theoretically could be a mafia killer. The fact that his kill failed to happen when he said it would reeks of him bullshitting us and I really can't think of a way to explain that. On the other hand, the fact that Notty has flipped as our RID killer, Im far more inclined to believe that Tim's role, if it's legit, is town.

Mulb: Nothing about Mulb's behavior has struck me as particularly scummy thus far. They've read pretty townie to me all game. However, i still cant get over the idea that two oracles existing in a single game is unlikely.

(Also I'm not gonna bother with my vice since we arent gonna have another night phase)


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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So I was totally right about Ender being scum, which is cool for me. But also means it super sucks that my kill was tampered with.

Funnily enough, this is the second time I've been down to the final three as town. I was pondering last night how I always manage to someone be lynchable enough that I don't get night killed, but not lynchable enough to actually get lynched....But that's not really relevant to this game, more of a personal achievement.

So before me sit two people claiming the same role. One a slut and the other a dirty cop. I'm about to leave for a few hours, but I'll ponder in the meantime.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
If I had to guess now, I'd say Tim and Mulb are the other two scum besides you, as I agree that both Mulb and my role existing is very unlikely.
As for Tim, I still am hesitant about his claim that his designated person didn't die due to reasons and that he's now SOL, but I'd like to see what you flip first before I lynch Tim.

How has HKC's flipping town affected your opinion of me?

Deleted member 4601

With Notty out of the way I might as well do a full claim (still paraphrased due to the rules)

Human Footstool, Town aligned.
  • Lore: I have a weird job where people with money pay me to let them rest their legs on my back.
  • Night Action: Visit a player; if I'm night killed, the occupation of that player is revealed at the start of the next day.
  • Vice: Lip Balm
  • Vice Objective: If I have lip balm from the start of the night, I can't be stopped when visiting someone.
So I was totally right about Ender being scum, which is cool for me. But also means it super sucks that my kill was tampered with.

Funnily enough, this is the second time I've been down to the final three as town. I was pondering last night how I always manage to someone be lynchable enough that I don't get night killed, but not lynchable enough to actually get lynched....But that's not really relevant to this game, more of a personal achievement.

So before me sit two people claiming the same role. One a slut and the other a dirty cop. I'm about to leave for a few hours, but I'll ponder in the meantime.
The whole time I was thinking about whether to lynch you or Stranger, I have completely forgotten about the possibility of me being lynched.

Deleted member 4601

Right now I'm definitely more suspicious of Stranger, mostly due to the direct counterclaim as well as the fact that town already has a detective (Skele), but I don't think I should be judging purely based on that; the boo read and boo vote from day 1 did puzzle me a bit

Tim's comments on Ender way back when there was the issue of Ender and Inffy having potentially conflicting roles as well as his later visit to Ender is interesting and makes a bit of sense, which is giving me generally town-ish vibes

Deleted member 4601

Something I find very odd is that it seems to me that mafia only started killing on night 3. Night 2's kill could be explained by Poke's Librarian claim, and the subsequent nights all had deaths that were caused by item vices, which leaves only 3 kills to attribute to mafia
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