[Concluded] The Party at the Machine

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Apr 8, 2019
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I can't tell from my role but it seems like an okay massclaim for day 1

If it goes badly I'll offer my soul up for you inffy

Jace what do you mean no night action? Do you mean you have no actions at all?

Also as it seems, some people can visit other players/no players but still do an action/ or the machine


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
so I think answering whether we can visit the machine or not is prob a bad idea since anyone who can is basically saying 'I have an action' so it makes the pool of PRs known (if there is a pool or PRs and a pool of vanillas)

it's too late for me but oh well not like my role is particularly useful anyway (or IS IT!)

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
so I think answering whether we can visit the machine or not is prob a bad idea since anyone who can is basically saying 'I have an action' so it makes the pool of PRs known (if there is a pool or PRs and a pool of vanillas)

it's too late for me but oh well not like my role is particularly useful anyway (or IS IT!)
Not necessarily. I have a night action, I just can't visit the machine.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
i also dont think its a good idea since idk how traditional strong power roles (cop/doc/watcher/tracker/roleblocker) would carry out their actions by visiting the machine (like flavour wise) so in my mind it makes the pool of people with those roles smaller (i might be wrong but)

its a FULL MASS CLAIM or a no mass claim for this guy


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Votecount #4
There have not been many votes since the last one.
Boooo - 3 (PokeSvorlds, Jacethegray, Nottykitten) [L-5]
PokeSvorlds - 2 (MarsKid, hipmeow) [L-6]
Stranger from Planet 9 - 1 (Infected Alien 8_) [L-7]
Mischief - 1 (Stranger from Planet 9) [L-7]
Jacethegray - 1 (Boooo) [L-7]

With 15 Players alive it will take 8 votes to lynch and 8 to no-lynch.

No deadline has yet been set for Day 1.
If no majority has been reached by the deadline, the player will the most votes will be lynched, with ties being decided randomly.

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Well, since not much else is going on, imma post my reads so far:
HK: Slight town read, his thoughts on the maintenance guy make sense
hip: Slight town read. From what I can tell hip is a lot more relaxed this game, possibly b/c he doesn't have to worry about getting caught in a lie?
Inffy: His lack of reads/insight on people other than myself doesn't sit well with me, and not because he thinks I'm scum. In any game I'd expect Inffy to be diving into details to get an idea of people's alignments, but I feel like he's not doing that here for some reason.
Booo: Reading her as a memey town right now.
Mischief: My instincts tell me she's scum trying to lead town into a mislynch. I know she's claimed that she's just trying to start discussion but I really don't see it that way.
Mars: I'm getting a slight scum vibe from him, partially b/c he's kinda gotten on my nerves thus far. That said, his hesitance towards revealing any role details whatsoever makes me think he hasn't had time to come up with a good fakeclaim yet.
Pokes: I can follow most of his logic about the setup (re: Maitenance guy) so far, but I'm still confused as to why he's voting booo.
Jace: I'm inclined to think he's a very confused townie, but there's no reason I can think of that he couldn't be a 3p either.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
Well, since not much else is going on, imma post my reads so far:
HK: Slight town read, his thoughts on the maintenance guy make sense
hip: Slight town read. From what I can tell hip is a lot more relaxed this game, possibly b/c he doesn't have to worry about getting caught in a lie?
Inffy: His lack of reads/insight on people other than myself doesn't sit well with me, and not because he thinks I'm scum. In any game I'd expect Inffy to be diving into details to get an idea of people's alignments, but I feel like he's not doing that here for some reason.
Booo: Reading her as a memey town right now.
Mischief: My instincts tell me she's scum trying to lead town into a mislynch. I know she's claimed that she's just trying to start discussion but I really don't see it that way.
Mars: I'm getting a slight scum vibe from him, partially b/c he's kinda gotten on my nerves thus far. That said, his hesitance towards revealing any role details whatsoever makes me think he hasn't had time to come up with a good fakeclaim yet.
Pokes: I can follow most of his logic about the setup (re: Maitenance guy) so far, but I'm still confused as to why he's voting booo.
Jace: I'm inclined to think he's a very confused townie, but there's no reason I can think of that he couldn't be a 3p either.
Pretty early to be having any reads, which probably explains why all of these stances are so weak. Begs the question though, why make this post when it really doesn't offer too much?

What are your thoughts on Mooglie?
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