[Concluded] The Party at the Machine

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Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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"i don't know that i'll be affected if i choose to visit the machine "
yes im quoting a quote. Actually on second thought im not so certain ender can visit the machine. Afaik this was said before tim made it clear that you couldnt visit the machine unless it specifically said so in your role. Could be ender just assumed he could visit the machine.

Also i decided to read back enders posts (which was like 5 so it didnt take long), but they did seem certain jay was town.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Day 2 - Final Votecount

PokeSvorlds - 6 (hipmeow, Nottykitten, Mooglie, Jacethegray, HKCaper, Boooo) [L-1]
Boooo - 2 (PokeSvorlds, Mischief) [L-5]
Nottykitten - 1 (Mischief) [L-6]

With 12 Players alive it will take 7 votes to lynch and 6 to no-lynch.
PokeSvorlds has been deadline-lynched.

There is little argument on the second day, people seem to have made up their minds about one person in particular: PokeSvorlds. Fortunately for the group, but unfortunately for Mr. Poke, the Machine took up the needs of the situation. While no one was looking, it seemed to have simply sprouted gallows. PokeSvorlds is quickly strung up and hangs.

PokeSvorlds was the Informant.
Alignment: Mafia

Abilities: Each night you may visit a player and learn their role name.
Factional abilities: Kill - In order to use your factional kill, at least one of your members must visit the machine. Communication: You have access to a shared chat at night with your fellow mafia members.

Win condition: You win when you achieve an uncontested majority among all living players.

It is now Night 3; you are all free to submit your night actions.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Day 3 - Start

A bloodbath greets the survivors as they return once more. An ominous warmth emanates from the Machine, as if inviting anyone to dive into its fiery embrace. A comically large oven door hangs open and a pile of ash lays beneath it: The remains of Infected Alien8_.
On the other side of the Machine: A harrowing sight. An innocent bystander, just along for the ride, half melded into the heap of metal. Enderfive met a cruel fate, but perhaps it was the beautiful death he wanted.
Leering dubiously from a distance, Nottykitten pipes up. "Y'all are crazy. I'm out." And simply walks out.

Infected Alien 8_ was the Mafia Runner.
Alignment: Mafia

Abilities: Each night you may make a visit the Machine. This visit makes you appear as town to investigations.
Factional abilities: Kill - In order to use your factional kill, at least one of your members must visit the machine. Communication: You have access to a shared chat at night with your fellow mafia members.

Win condition: You win when you achieve an uncontested majority among all living players.
Enderfive was an Artist.
Alignment: Town

Abilities: You have no active abilities, however, you can identify other artists by using colors and emojis in their posts, as well as by keywords such as "creative" and references to art. They can identify you in the same manner.

Win condition: You win when all threats to town have been eliminated and there is at least one town member alive.
Nottykitten was the Physical Penetration Tester and has achieved their win condition.
Alignment: Self-aligned

Abilities: Each night, you must choose a player to visit. If neither you nor your target are visited by another player, the visit is a success. (If your target visits you, the visit is unsuccessful.) After a successful visit to someone, you cannot visit that person again.

Win condition: You win after making three successful visits according to your ability.

It is now Day 3. With 8 players alive it will take 5 votes to lynch and 4 votes to no-lynch.
A deadline is set for Friday 10/18, 4:00 pm UTC. An extension will be granted on popular demand.
If a majority is not reached by the end of the day, the player with the most votes will be lynched.

Boooo HKCaper Mischief Mooglie hipmeow Ltin Jacethegray Comp


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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also lol ender was literally the artist 10/10
also important to note that given ender's flip saying 'an artist' and the role info describing multiple artists, i g u e s s this should confirm jace as town? (he's 100% another artist looking back at his posts) BUT im slightly worried since inf made a post that almost exactly called them out and he was mafia so did they know or what


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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also how did inf even die??
is ltin some kind of reflective role or something

also the fact that the mafia (i assume?) killed ender (an inactive) this means that the other mafia people are good people who want the quality of game experience to better so thats interesting to note!

my current conspiracy theory is that hip is mafia but as i was typing this i realise inf's role info confirms the existence of a cop and he hasnt been cced so i guess not


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
so my friends
8 players left
mafia have 2 people remaining (hk, comp)
there are 2 third parties (mis, boo (creepy girl))
there are 4 townies left (me, hip, jace, ltin)
if mafia and third parties combine forces, they win via being able to no lynch
BUT, should our third party friends do this?
the answer is no, and i have a plan that results in the wins of all town and all third parties

firstly, lets look at the town and mafias treatments of the third parties:
smh classic mis not knowing english.
how rude
boo - probably scum. think they were trying to find reasons to sus me and didn’t seem like they actually thought it out or considered alternatives
trying to get boo lynched
no, mis is getting lynched
trying to get mis lynched (even when we were switching to stranger)
lmfao. boo's still tomorrow's lynch. (or vig?)
trying to get boo lynched (after lynching mis)
I hate ya, I actually tried to help you. You're so cold bleh.
mis' own words about the terrible, terrible poke

MOOG (lovely, sweet town)
look, look at us becoming great friends since i was the person to turn the almost guaranteed lynch on you onto stranger
im bandwagoning with oog, if you survive today then visit me tonight since I'll visit the machine

vote stranger
see, it was due to my action of unvoting you and switching to stranger that cascaded into you not being lynched!
also, 0 townies have held back on being able to visit the machine, only mafia (inf was the only one to admit)

so (since we're massclaiming)
hi its me, the doctor
my actions have been:
N1 - inf
N2 - myself (i could protect myself once, i thought i looked too much like doc day 1 (saying that we shouldnt claim things when i usually support massclaim a lot so i decided to use it that night)
N3 - hip

so hip has the doll (hip can confirm since it was just confirmed to me that i no longer had it)
what does this mean for our lovely third parties?
i'll show you what:

a guaranteed win for all third parties and town as long as the remaining town members follow exactly what i say!
it relies on hipmeow not passing the doll to anyone tonight by not visiting anybody, and then the vig ( Ltin ) killing hip (so person holding doll dies and boo can win)
the mafias only chance of winning ( HKCaper Comp ) is either both claiming mafia today and hoping that both third parties join their side OR counterclaiming creepy girl or vig and then hoping we mislynch today/tomorrow

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