12 Angry Gunners - Game Complete!


Apr 12, 2013
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its reads time

Boooo - prob town
Dess - town or if theres a 3p they are it
hipmeow - towns saviour
HKCaper - a dirty evil mafia doctor person
Infected_alien8_ - an evil mafia
Ltin - town there is no mafia gunner losers
Mooglie - he could be evil i guess idk
Nottykitten - inf killed this person in cold blood
Stranger from Planet 9 - idk
TheWeakGuy48_ - not enough talking
Timdood3 - i believe 100% they are town
Unusual_Dood - i believe 50% they are town

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
and i'm finding UNU incredibly hard to understand which is new and no idea what to make of that
Would you be open to lynching Unu instead of Ltin? I feel like him mentioning the possibility of roles that can affect the chances of a gunshot hitting followed by HK claiming such a role is connected somehow, and we could get some insight into HK from Unu's lynch and vice versa.

Plus switching to Ltin shortly after he said he's not going to be very active feels weirdly opportunistic to me.

Question 1: What is your name?
Question 2: What is your quest?
Question 3: What is your favorite color?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Would you be open to lynching Unu instead of Ltin? I feel like him mentioning the possibility of roles that can affect the chances of a gunshot hitting followed by HK claiming such a role is connected somehow, and we could get some insight into HK from Unu's lynch and vice versa.
probably not, I don't feel anywhere near as suspicious of UNU as I do of ltin

what insight on hk do you think you'll get after UNU's flip? personally I don't think UNU mentioning roles that can't be shot and hk claiming to be able to make a gun miss doesn't tie their alignment together, so UNU's flip wouldn't change my opinion on hk any

Plus switching to Ltin shortly after he said he's not going to be very active feels weirdly opportunistic to me.
I guess, I forgot he said that but I don't care anyway since I was voting for him way before that, he gave his defence and it didn't convince me so it doesn't matter if he's afk now or not he's not going to change my mind on finding him shooting me extremely scummy since even if he suddenly comes up with a decent reason for it, I'll just think 'why didn't you say this originally' and still be sus of him anyway


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
probably not, I don't feel anywhere near as suspicious of UNU as I do of ltin

what insight on hk do you think you'll get after UNU's flip? personally I don't think UNU mentioning roles that can't be shot and hk claiming to be able to make a gun miss doesn't tie their alignment together, so UNU's flip wouldn't change my opinion on hk any
personally I don't think it does tie their alignments together*


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score

You’ll have to forgive any times where posts don’t flow well as well as the formatting. I was typing this on word and as you are aware, Word is shit sometimes.
fully sounds like someone trying to act townie, here comes the tunnel uh oh
to elaborate to me this sounds like someone trying to act clueless about whats going on because you know town never really gets any info but who knows why am i acting serious on day 0 quick someone make a funny meme
For context, this was in response to Boo asking if there was a messenger. I personally haven’t played many games with Boo so I’m unsure of their nature in games but I don’t think this was anything to actually dig into. Overall this bit after rereading the thread struck me as a bit odd but as I mention down below, it was day 0 so I’m not reading into this too much.
Do not like
Snipe Hipman
Do not like
Snipe hipmeow
also BIG susp on ltin for trying to start a bandwagon on hip... wtf
I know this was day 0 but still, it seems incredibly weird for Hk to state that Ltin is trying to start a bandwagon on Hip when he posted the exact same thing directly after he did. I also know that later in the day Hk states that we shouldn’t take anything he said day 0/early day 1 seriously but I can’t help look at this and read it as him trying to push a lynch on Ltin, who if I remember correctly at this point already had some suspicions.
everyone who does not vote hip is on my hit list for tomorrow
This post happened directly before the above one. So for Hk to turn around immediately afterwards and state that Ltin was trying to start the bandwagon on hip when in all reality it was Hk? I still don’t understand the reason behind why Hk wanted to lynch hip so bad and the more I’m reading this the more I’m reading Hk as a hard scum.
for real though i am pretty happy to shoot ltin so what does everyone think about that
Dislike this post from inffy tbh, it feels like tunneling when even after rereading the thread two times I cannot understand the thought process or why you would want to shoot him. Leading into this I do honestly fully understand the thought process behind why Ltin decided to shoot you (except for the part about him thinking you were lying about having a gun).
btw if im dead KILL LTIN there's 0 way he just shot me like that without asking me to claim first as a townie
You already claimed before this. You claimed gunner just the page before this or two pages before this so asking you to claim again would be redundant.
So inf were you lying about having a gun
yes he was
These two posts seem odd to me, but specifically HK’s response. HK’s joking nature aside this seems like he is trying to push a vote onto Inffy who at this point was practically town.
i guess i should vote

snipe hk
It should be noted that this was the first vote on HK, immediately after which HK began to panic and defend himself, immediately casting suspicions on hip and hinting that he may be the cop. HOWEVER, from what I am seeing hip’s vote wasn’t unwarranted, I can see the reasoning and I can understand the thought process behind it. Hk the entire game up until then had been essentially trolling around and not taking anything seriously. Looking at this, immediately after hip “called” Hk as mafia Hk voted to lynch him. Again. Even if hip was serious (which let’s face it, that post doesn’t look serious at all), why immediately vote for him? Why retaliate in such a sense that will make people panic? To me it sounds like Hk panicked and was thinking along the lines of “oh shit somebody actually suspects me even though I’ve been only memeing”.
*serious input* i agree with hip, mafia gunner seems unlikely to me. Of course we shouldnt write it off completely, but for now there is no justifiable reason to lynch ltin.

We could look more into who would want to kill notty (even if it looks like a frame on inffy, thats proper wifom reasoning).
Looking at this I’m now reading it as Hk trying hard to come across as town sided. Asking people to not lynch Ltin and asking people to look into reasons people would want to kill Notty seems like somebody trying to play town too hard. In addition to this, unless I missed it mentioning that the kill on notty may have been a frame for inffy was the very first time it was mentioned. What I’m thinking with this now is what if that was actually the plan but what if it was Hk’s plan? It seems a bit out of the blue to mention that the kill on notty was done to frame Inffy but looking at it in culmination with arguments to defend ltin, look into notty, and in a sense defending inffy makes it seem very off.
ill shoot everyone who doesnt vote hk ill find a way dont you worry
Hip really going after me, I could think of a reason why, but i dont want to say it. Hip, you should reconsider.
Hk’s post above seems almost like a direct response to what appears to be a very obvious joke. Also to be noted that from this point on Hk immediately lost all the memeing he was doing before in the game. While yes this was likely in response to be focused by hip, hip had justifiable reason for doing that. Hk however immediately threw out the idea that Hip was cop AND that he (Hk) was miller.
Shooting a scum

Yes. I figured that since he repeatedly said he was going to shoot me, but did not, despite some enthusiastic support for it, that he did not have a gun. Since he kept saying he was going to shoot me in my mind he had claimed gunner.
Also I got impatient with him being like "imma shoot Ltin" and the not shooting Ltin
Dislike this train of thought. Why shoot somebody who claimed gunner regardless of whether or not they have actually shot yet? It was also mentioned NUMEROUS times that inffy was waiting for more input, a key fact that was ignored.
that leaves me no other options than to come forward with my suspicion.
Taking anything i said day 0 and start day 1 remotely serious is naive or big scum.

I was contemplating if i would do this still, but i guess i owe it now.

My thought was, if hip is going for me this hard, he might have a scum inspection on me. This could well be the case, since i just so happen to have the miller trait: i show up mafia-aligned on inspections.

Lowkey hope im wrong about hip, which means he is just going for me for no good reason. I dont know who else to vote, but deadline is in 2 days and the game is moving slow.

I am willing to double down, because i have more i can claim, but to me it would be nice if we just mass claim after that, unless nobody believes me. So id be willing to claim and possibly start the massclaim.
For context with this, there was 3 hours between these posts.

Why not take the posts seriously though? I know that we all “agreed” not to take the game seriously but does that immediately mean we can’t scum read your posts or your actions? Are we no longer allowed to pursue “memeing” when it comes across as different or scummy?

To me it seemed like Hk had to find out and think about exactly what his defense would be and quite frankly, as others have mentioned I simply don’t buy a miller trait existing in this game. ALSO the idea of claiming to start a massclaim seems like a futile effort at getting other power roles to claim, especially after he later claims a power role.

Also with this there was no indication whatsoever that hip could have possibly been a cop unless Hk suddenly had that realization himself. Maybe Hk was thinking wait hip could possibly be a cop that might be why he is voting me, but as was mentioned above the reasonings for why hip went after Hk were perfectly understandable from my point of view.

So, im not a gunner, im a gunsaver. What does that mean? I can select a player at night, and the next day, if they are shot, the miss chance becomes 100%. It counts as a shot for successive shots. Remember when inf got shot and he didnt die, ye, i targetted inf last night.

Assuming i would panick in a game im not taking serious after ive been mafia like 4 times in a row is a bold assumption. Also if i didnt have miller trait i would not have considered hip having me as scum, but rather him going after me for no reason. I recal a situation like this one before, not sure when.
idk what to make of this claim tbh

like i can see it being a thing i guess?

but i can easily see it being either a maf role or a fakeclaim, stemming from you thinking hip was cop and visited you last night so deciding your only way out was to fakeclaim miller (and you wouldn't necessarily need to feel 'panicked' or take the game seriously to do that) and to make your claim a bit more believable you play into the whole ltin missing his shot thing since it conveniently makes sense

and i still struggle to believe we have a miller in a 12 player setup since that seems a bit harsh but would alisha think it was harsh, idk tbh
I agree with Inffy’s statement on this. The role sounds entirely made up. Hell, even a blacksmith that distributed bullet proof vests is more believable

That opinion is not related to my role. It just feels like the game is, vanilla tonwie is gunner. That, to me, leaves no room for mafia gunner. I could be wrong, its just a feel. I guess that could be a weird feel if i consider my role, since, why would i prevent gunner kills if only townies are gunner. I guess town cant be trusted at times. I tried not to take the game to seriously at first and not think things trough a lot. I mean, if it saves me, id be wiling to test the theory out on ltin, but some players eagerness to kill me, since lets be real im not looking to good on surface, worries me.
Agree with this idea however wouldn’t that make your role inherently anti town as was mentioned by Unu? You are essentially a doctor for the mafia. You would be taking away the chances that town has for possibly killing two+ mafia in one day and wasting their gun shots. What part of this sounds town to you?

Overall thoughts:

Inffy: Town. I don’t like Inffy’s tunneling hard on Ltin. But I’m still seeing him as town. I don’t feel like he is tunneling in the sense where it is an easy lynch but instead, I’m reading this as digging into somebody hard to try to find out information about them. Also, he shot a gun using the gunner command soooo

Ltin: Town. Even if his thought process was a bit absurd at points, I can slightly understand it. However, the major area I’m currently having issues with about him at this point is the continuously missing information about why Inffy was not shooting him. To me this doesn’t read as scum but instead laziness and not reading through the entirety of new posts whenever they happen. My main feelings for him being town though come based off of his gunner claim. I don’t buy the idea that a mafia gunner, WITH a day action exists in a 12-person format.

Oog: I dunno I’m kinda vibing him as anti-town at this point but it’s hard to explain why.

Boo/ Good Skele: Partially anti-town, hard to explain why but a lot of this comes from the first few posts that were made. It just feels off to me and not town like.

Notty: Rip ☹ gone to early so sad

Hk: HARD anti town vibes at this point

Hip: partially town, his main comments I’ve seen so far are the denying the potential existence of a mafia gunner. Which, while I agree with this, it isn’t making him out right town in my head. This being said, his minor digs at Boo “trying to act clueless” rub me the wrong way. Even if they were day 0 it still sounds weird.

Unu: ???? potentially town based off of his claim ????

TWG: ????

Tim: Town, his defense of ltin seems to be legitimate and not like a mafia member. From my standpoint a mafia member would have seen a potentially easy lynch and instead of trying to stop it from happening would have joined in an pointed out “faults” that appeared in arguments, thus guaranteeing another town death.

Stranger: Mild town vibes, again hard to explain why but arguments they have made have genuinely seemed to be in the interest of town.

Role Claims:
Dess (das me!): Gunner

Ltin: Gunner (shown via action as well)

Inffy: Gunner (shown via action as well)

Notty: Confirmed Gunner (via death)

Unu: Gunner

Stranger: No claim

Moog: No Claim

Boo / Good Skele: No Claim

Hip: Gunner claim (?)

Hk: Gunsaver

TWG: No Claim

Tim: No Claim

Side note: Inffy / Moog I swear to god if you don’t stop suspecting me because of how I type you’re gonna catch these hands later.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
(tl;dr is at the end of this post, it's just me responding to dess/asking hk questions)

I know this was day 0 but still, it seems incredibly weird for Hk to state that Ltin is trying to start a bandwagon on Hip when he posted the exact same thing directly after he did. I also know that later in the day Hk states that we shouldn’t take anything he said day 0/early day 1 seriously but I can’t help look at this and read it as him trying to push a lynch on Ltin, who if I remember correctly at this point already had some suspicions.

This post happened directly before the above one. So for Hk to turn around immediately afterwards and state that Ltin was trying to start the bandwagon on hip when in all reality it was Hk? I still don’t understand the reason behind why Hk wanted to lynch hip so bad and the more I’m reading this the more I’m reading Hk as a hard scum.
I really don't think hk was trying to push a lynch on ltin there, it was obvious ltin didn't actually try to start a bandwagon on hip and I'm sure hk knew that he'd never actually get anyone to buy into what he was saying, to me that reads completely as a joke from hk

Dislike this post from inffy tbh, it feels like tunneling when even after rereading the thread two times I cannot understand the thought process or why you would want to shoot him.
since he imo was unusually defensive day 0 so I was sus of him, so I wanted to get a feel for how others felt about him

Leading into this I do honestly fully understand the thought process behind why Ltin decided to shoot you (except for the part about him thinking you were lying about having a gun).
but that was the entirety of ltin's reported reasoning for shooting me, so if you don't understand that, what part of his thought process do you understand, and did ltin actually say that that was his thought process?

You already claimed before this. You claimed gunner just the page before this or two pages before this so asking you to claim again would be redundant.
I didn't claim gunner I said I was up for shooting ltin and asked whether others would be okay with it. I guess I can see why others might assume I'm claiming gunner from that but I mean, it's me, I tell lies about having a fake gun all the time to get reactions, ltin knows this

These two posts seem odd to me, but specifically HK’s response. HK’s joking nature aside this seems like he is trying to push a vote onto Inffy who at this point was practically town.
why are you brushing the fact it's a joke aside and then deciding he's trying to push a lynch on me?

and I think you're vastly underestimating what hk would do as scum tbh, there's no way hk would think 'I know, I'll lie about what inf did so that people will lynch him, it's not like anyone will notice that I'm blatantly lying or that inf could point out I'm wrong and I'll look suspicious'

I think he was joking regardless of his alignment
It should be noted that this was the first vote on HK, immediately after which HK began to panic and defend himself, immediately casting suspicions on hip and hinting that he may be the cop. HOWEVER, from what I am seeing hip’s vote wasn’t unwarranted, I can see the reasoning and I can understand the thought process behind it.
I think you're putting your own thought processes and reasoning onto other people since this is the second time where you seem to 'understand' someone's thought process without them actually saying this was their thought process - hip's only reason he ever gave iirc was just that he 'felt' hk was scum and that's it, I can see why hk reacted the way he did

It should be noted that this was the first vote on HK, immediately after which HK began to panic and defend himself, immediately casting suspicions on hip and hinting that he may be the cop. HOWEVER, from what I am seeing hip’s vote wasn’t unwarranted, I can see the reasoning and I can understand the thought process behind it. Hk the entire game up until then had been essentially trolling around and not taking anything seriously. Looking at this, immediately after hip “called” Hk as mafia Hk voted to lynch him. Again. Even if hip was serious (which let’s face it, that post doesn’t look serious at all), why immediately vote for him? Why retaliate in such a sense that will make people panic? To me it sounds like Hk panicked and was thinking along the lines of “oh shit somebody actually suspects me even though I’ve been only memeing”.
why are you fine interpreting hip's vote on hk as a joke yet interpret hk's as serious? I can't decide if I think you're confirmation biased and that's why, or whether you're purposefully trying to frame hk as bad

also saying "Why retaliate in such a sense that will make people panic?" seems scummy to me, like making out people will panic because hk voted hip and therefore hk is being anti town or something, seems very biased - again could just be confirmation bias but it's a bit concerning to me

Looking at this I’m now reading it as Hk trying hard to come across as town sided. Asking people to not lynch Ltin and asking people to look into reasons people would want to kill Notty seems like somebody trying to play town too hard.
why does it seem like he's trying to play town too hard, rather than just trying to help?

Looking at this I’m now reading it as Hk trying hard to come across as town sided. Asking people to not lynch Ltin and asking people to look into reasons people would want to kill Notty seems like somebody trying to play town too hard. In addition to this, unless I missed it mentioning that the kill on notty may have been a frame for inffy was the very first time it was mentioned. What I’m thinking with this now is what if that was actually the plan but what if it was Hk’s plan? It seems a bit out of the blue to mention that the kill on notty was done to frame Inffy but looking at it in culmination with arguments to defend ltin, look into notty, and in a sense defending inffy makes it seem very off.
I don't think it was strange or anything that he mentioned that, notty did say she was going to shoot me and then died, I was expecting someone to wonder about if I killed her or not when I saw she'd died, and I can see a townie considering that and deciding to mention it at any point in the game, so whilst he said it without being prompted on his opinion of notty's death, that doesn't seem weird to me

also, what about the culmination of the "arguments to defend ltin, look into notty and in a sense defending" me seems very off?

Hk’s post above seems almost like a direct response to what appears to be a very obvious joke.
even though I interpreted hip's 'ill shoot everyone who doesn't vote hk' as a joke, I still saw it as him pushing for hk to be lynched and basically saying 'i want hk lynched' but in a jokey way, so I could see hk interpreting it that way too because I automatically did I guess

Also to be noted that from this point on Hk immediately lost all the memeing he was doing before in the game. While yes this was likely in response to be focused by hip, hip had justifiable reason for doing that. Hk however immediately threw out the idea that Hip was cop AND that he (Hk) was miller.
even if hip had a 'justifiable reason' for focusing on hk, why wouldn't hk as a townie begin to be a bit less memey and start to wonder if hip's cop with a guilty on him? (I'm interpreting the bolded part of the quote above as you saying 'yes, this was probably in response to being focused by hip, but hip has a justifiable reason for doing that, so it's weird he became less memey', correct me if I'm wrong)

also hk didn't "immediately" throw out the idea hip was cop, he did that after a while of hinting to hip that he should reconsider things, though I agree it was kinda weirdly early to possibly out our cop when it was still possible ltin could be lynched so a response on that would be nice HKCaper

as others have mentioned I simply don’t buy a miller trait existing in this game
yeah I do agree miller is unlikely

ALSO the idea of claiming to start a massclaim seems like a futile effort at getting other power roles to claim, especially after he later claims a power role.
true it could be that, but I could also see him wanting a massclaim as a townie as well, although I do wonder why specifically he wanted a massclaim there HKCaper

Also with this there was no indication whatsoever that hip could have possibly been a cop unless Hk suddenly had that realization himself. Maybe Hk was thinking wait hip could possibly be a cop that might be why he is voting me, but as was mentioned above the reasonings for why hip went after Hk were perfectly understandable from my point of view.
from what I saw it was just hip saying he 'felt' hk was scum and pushing on him

I can totally buy hk, knowing he's a miller, seeing hip push on him and think 'wait it could be that hip's got a report on me', because if I was a miller I'd be a bit paranoid and on the lookout for that happening and I can imagine hk would too

plus hip did something similar two games(?) ago when he was actually cop with a guilty on someone, and hk remembers that since he mentioned it and implied it influenced his realization that hip might be cop this game, so that could've easily happened

Ltin: Town. Even if his thought process was a bit absurd at points, I can slightly understand it. However, the major area I’m currently having issues with about him at this point is the continuously missing information about why Inffy was not shooting him. To me this doesn’t read as scum but instead laziness and not reading through the entirety of new posts whenever they happen. My main feelings for him being town though come based off of his gunner claim. I don’t buy the idea that a mafia gunner, WITH a day action exists in a 12-person format.
how come it reads that way to you?


tl;dr I disagree with dess's push on hk, feels very biased, not sure whether that's accidental town confirmation bias or scum bias to push a lynch though

also I asked hk why he wanted to massclaim and why he claimed miller when he did


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
also saying "Why retaliate in such a sense that will make people panic?" seems scummy to me, like making out people will panic because hk voted hip and therefore hk is being anti town or something, seems very biased - again could just be confirmation bias but it's a bit concerning to me
(to clarify, feels biased because I just don't personally think anyone would feel panicked by that at all)


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
new forums are shit for quoting btw

(tl;dr is at the end of this post, it's just me responding to dess/asking hk questions)

I really don't think hk was trying to push a lynch on ltin there, it was obvious ltin didn't actually try to start a bandwagon on hip and I'm sure hk knew that he'd never actually get anyone to buy into what he was saying, to me that reads completely as a joke from hk
See that's the thing, I agree with you that it was obvious that Ltin wasn't trying to start a bandwagon on hip and I'm sure Hk was aware of that. What I can't ignore though is how Hk is still pushing hip after that. I'm simply stating that I didn't interpret him doing this as a joke.

since he imo was unusually defensive day 0 so I was sus of him, so I wanted to get a feel for how others felt about him
It may be because I haven't played mafia in awhile but I didn't see anything he was saying as overly or unusually defense. The major thing I still don't understand though is the continued push for him even after he has, assuming there is no mafia gunner, been proven town.

(tl;dr is at the end of this post, it's just me responding to dess/asking hk questions)

but that was the entirety of ltin's reported reasoning for shooting me, so if you don't understand that, what part of his thought process do you understand, and did ltin actually say that that was his thought process?

I didn't claim gunner I said I was up for shooting ltin and asked whether others would be okay with it. I guess I can see why others might assume I'm claiming gunner from that but I mean, it's me, I tell lies about having a fake gun all the time to get reactions, ltin knows this

I think you're putting your own thought processes and reasoning onto other people since this is the second time where you seem to 'understand' someone's thought process without them actually saying this was their thought process - hip's only reason he ever gave iirc was just that he 'felt' hk was scum and that's it, I can see why hk reacted the way he did
Quite honestly I think you are right about this. I think What i might be doing is reading into things a bit too much and substituting my own logic for theirs. However it still stands that I don't think that Ltin shooting you was completely out of line. The way I perceived his logic was "well I'm being threatened with being shot and I am town, I can prove that by shooting Inffy". Looking at it again I can even understand the idea of "wait I haven't been shot yet they might be lying". What I don't understand though is why he would have assumed you were lying in the first place. Somewhere along my post I mentioned that Ltin didn't see or ignored you stating that you were waiting for more opinions before shooting him.

On the topic of hip though looking at the posts I quoted about Hk and the hip bandwagon my assumption is that hip's thought process is similar to my own, however that being said I can see that I'm putting my own rationale in place here. Assuming that hip's vote on Hk wasn't purely reactionary the quotes below detailed what I believed to be were his thought process.

Also with you "claiming" gunner, this is something I interpreted it as so it's only safe to assume that others did to. Especially in this game where likely most players have guns.

heres ur mafia people: hk, oog and unu

my job here is done you will thank me in the aftermath
now thats just fake news and uncalled for
i have no chill
snipe ltin
f*ck wrong name, dont I look silly now
snipe HIP
heres ur proof
I don't pretend to understand why Hip called those three in particular out as mafia however the reaction, even I can see that Hk was clearly joking around here but going with assumptions that hip didn't see the joke or the joke seemed out of place, that meaning the reactionary vote, I can understand the vote being placed on him.

why are you brushing the fact it's a joke aside and then deciding he's trying to push a lynch on me?

and I think you're vastly underestimating what hk would do as scum tbh, there's no way hk would think 'I know, I'll lie about what inf did so that people will lynch him, it's not like anyone will notice that I'm blatantly lying or that inf could point out I'm wrong and I'll look suspicious'

I think he was joking regardless of his alignment
I said putting his joking nature aside, not the post being a joke or not because quite frankly I didn't think it was one because other people also thought you lied about having a gun, unless I'm still only thinking of Unu

You probably are right about me underestimating him. That's likely because I don't think I've ever actually played a game with him as mafia. But wouldn't that also be a good strategy? Subtly cast doubt on you by playing on the fact that you might be lying whilst also not actually doing anything about it?

why are you fine interpreting hip's vote on hk as a joke yet interpret hk's as serious? I can't decide if I think you're confirmation biased and that's why, or whether you're purposefully trying to frame hk as bad

also saying "Why retaliate in such a sense that will make people panic?" seems scummy to me, like making out people will panic because hk voted hip and therefore hk is being anti town or something, seems very biased - again could just be confirmation bias but it's a bit concerning to me
The reasoning behind why I am not interpreting hk as being a joke is the posts that follow it. Almost immediately after he is voted for by hip he becomes significantly more serious and loses all joking nature. The drastic change in character is what is odd about this. If I was to look at only the individual posts then yes it would be a joke, however his change following this is what drew my attention back towards it.

I think I phrased the second part you are asking about poorly. What I moreso meant was that Hk's retaliation conveys a sense of panic to me. It's not that his retaliation is making people panic. Instead it's reacting in a way that can make people think you were panicking while writing it. And you're right maybe I am looking too far into this and maybe now that I'm seeing Hk as scum that's all I ever will see him as but as I stated in my reads post for Hk the reason why I find him suspicious isn't purely because of his vote on hip. The biggest reason is his reaction and what I believe to be a role that is blatantly unlikely and a lie.

why does it seem like he's trying to play town too hard, rather than just trying to help?
To me there is a difference between trying to help and playing too hard. While yes in this case he was slighting aiding in the discussion of Ltin he didn't really help it that much after that one post iirc. Furthermore with this he is also bringing up two different ideas that haven't been discussed once, which yes would ultimately help town it also seems like he is trying to portray himself so hard as town by bringing up three potential issues that need discussing in an attempt to deflect the conversation away from him. If you were to look at his posts following this he never once mentions the idea of Ltin, notty, or even you again.

I don't think it was strange or anything that he mentioned that, notty did say she was going to shoot me and then died, I was expecting someone to wonder about if I killed her or not when I saw she'd died, and I can see a townie considering that and deciding to mention it at any point in the game, so whilst he said it without being prompted on his opinion of notty's death, that doesn't seem weird to me

also, what about the culmination of the "arguments to defend ltin, look into notty and in a sense defending" me seems very off?
For me this is coming from knowing notty in mafia and knowing how most people are in mafia in regards to you. From my experience a ton of people joke about killing you night 1, myself included however it's never actually done, mafia doesn't even carry through with killing the person that "threatened" you because most likely they can assume you wouldn't make such a rookie mistake. I never once would have questioned if you killed her because you are a seasoned mafia player and you know that would only draw light to you and quite frankly it's more enjoyable having notty in the game longer, something I'm sure you would agree with.

I want to be clear that I don't think it's weird that he mentioned either of the three things. What i think is weird is that he mentioned all three in one post as if, like I said earlier, he was trying to push the conversation away from him.

even if hip had a 'justifiable reason' for focusing on hk, why wouldn't hk as a townie begin to be a bit less memey and start to wonder if hip's cop with a guilty on him? (I'm interpreting the bolded part of the quote above as you saying 'yes, this was probably in response to being focused by hip, but hip has a justifiable reason for doing that, so it's weird he became less memey', correct me if I'm wrong)

also hk didn't "immediately" throw out the idea hip was cop, he did that after a while of hinting to hip that he should reconsider things, though I agree it was kinda weirdly early to possibly out our cop when it was still possible ltin could be lynched so a response on that would be nice HKCaper
No you're right about my assumption that even if Hk is town that he would have lost the memey behavior but I still think he would have carried over some of and not taken it as seriously but that's just me.

We can agree to disagree on the idea of him throwing out the idea that hip was cop immediately. I use the word immediately loosely here because as you mentioned it wasn't a direct response there was some time in between them. Also like you mentioned Hk told him to reconsider things, which looking back at this it seems oddly threatening tbh. However. my point with this is is that instead of trying to find out more information for why hip thought he was sus, like you and I are doing know, he instead opted for going "oh I have an idea as to why but I won't say it" which to me screams "I think hip is cop".

true it could be that, but I could also see him wanting a massclaim as a townie as well, although I do wonder why specifically he wanted a massclaim there HKCaper
You're absolutely right about him possibly wanting it as a townie but like you are saying the placement of it is weird, if he wanted a massclaim why not go along with it when others, myself included were saying it could be a good idea to have on early on in day 1?

from what I saw it was just hip saying he 'felt' hk was scum and pushing on him

I can totally buy hk, knowing he's a miller, seeing hip push on him and think 'wait it could be that hip's got a report on me', because if I was a miller I'd be a bit paranoid and on the lookout for that happening and I can imagine hk would too

plus hip did something similar two games(?) ago when he was actually cop with a guilty on someone, and hk remembers that since he mentioned it and implied it influenced his realization that hip might be cop this game, so that could've easily happened
This is all assuming there is a miller trait in the game, which it seems you and I are in agreeance that there likely is not one.

The point with hip is good to know though.

how come it reads that way to you?
This is just a gut feeling, or the vibes /o\ you so commonly use.

Not sure if I answered your questions tbh but ask away if you have more! (just not tonight)

On a sidenote, I will be working all day tomorrow so I will likely miss the deadline but I will try to be around for it if it is possible

TLDR on this: My main arguments for Hk being mafia are: His drastic change in mannerisms following a slight push on him, claiming what I believe to be a fake role, claiming miller (which I believe doesn't exist in this game), and reactions to certain posts


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
though I agree it was kinda weirdly early to possibly out our cop when it was still possible ltin could be lynched so a response on that would be nice @HKCaper
I didnt see ltin as a lynch option at the time, since i felt gunner meant town (like hip).

also I asked hk why he wanted to massclaim and why he claimed miller when he did
His drastic change in mannerisms following a slight push on him,
I dont agree it was a slight push. At first i was memeing along like the vote i placed on them. As i said earlier at some point the way hip kept on me without a seemingly good reason worried me since i had the miller, and hip seemed to behave as he did earlier game when he had it. Thats why i did it, especially since people were joining in (tim and now dess) giving in my eyes wrong reasoning. Inf's reply to dess' post sums up my opinion quite well on that.

Then the massclaim. Massclaims work (if executed properly). I hate massclaims as mafia, since they are annoying to deal with. I also think this game suits it quite well, because of the gunner role (like even if we consider a mafia gunner, surely not all maf are gunners) we should be able to use that to find fakeclaims. I also felt, if i have to claim a strong pr to prevent getting lynched (since again i felt there was no alternative, since i didnt want to lynch ltin at the time), and possibly out a cop (again i highly doubt hip is one at this point), we better get a massclaim going. I mean we could wait till tomorow, regardless of todays lynch, but i think its a good idea eitherway.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
also there is a semi-risky play of just checking hk's role tomorrow by the first gunshot being fired at the person hk claims to have 'protected' but thats somewhat inconclusive because the chance to miss already exists + even if it does miss (regardless of if hk is lying or not) then the shot chance is worse for a second person
That's not a terrible idea, but that only verifies his ability and not his alignment. If we do decide to go this route, I volunteer to take the shot.


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
nosnipe is not desirable, and i dont see any other lynch options popping up. Still have my doubts about the possibility of having mafia gunner, but thinking a bit more about my role (and assuming there arent any bastard aspects to this game), perhaps i was naive on that front. also my lowkey meta reasoning of alisha giving us the gunner template doesnt hold up either, because there could have shennanigans on day 0 (here im assuming at least not all mafia are gunners, which is fair i think).

I do still think ltin reacted oddly to day 0 memes, and him shooting inffy (although i fueled on the feud between him and inffy) was perhaps a bit shortsighted to do, since if he was town there was no good reason to panic (yet atleast). Hence a counterword there, others (tim and dess) also seemed to not understand (or appreciate) that i was memeing and took some stuff serious (still have no clue how the situation with me saying id shoot anyone who didnt vote hip and then the next post call out ltin for bandwagoning hip wasnt a blatantly obvious meme (especially since i responded in prequel quotes to ltin after that (to be fair it i found it really funny how he got really confused about the word 'operation')))

now i just hope there arent going to be any players out of nowhere to vote me without giving good justification to do so. please, if anyone was considering doing that, try writing a paragraph with reasoning why you would vote me. ofcourse the same holds for anyone coming out of nowhere to vote ltin.

lastly a reply to tim
That's not a terrible idea, but that only verifies his ability and not his alignment. If we do decide to go this route, I volunteer to take the shot.
i agree that the plan, while it would give more 'proof' for my ability, i think the issue is not so much with the existence of my ability, but more so the miller part and the aligment.

snipe ltin