They Are Among Us [Game Complete!]

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
They Are Among Us
A closed mafia setup by Stranger (with help from Alisha)

A large meteor has landed on the outskirts of the town of Ravensbluff, NM. It was a curiosity, at first. Until one day, the meteor split open and revealed a mysterious device within. The innocent townspeople began panicking as the device shot a large ray up into the sky. It was then that the town was locked down by a massive mysterious forcefield. Shortly thereafter, every radio in town began broadcasting the message “Beware humans. We are the Karblin species and we have sent a scouting team to survey your planet. They have already infiltrated your miserable settlement to prepare for our invasion. Soon we shall open a portal to our world so we may all migrate here and turn you miserable fleshbags into our slaves forever.” Surely there must be some way to stop this diabolical extraterrestrial plot.

Current Deadline

The Rules
  1. Be respectful and polite to each other. This is a game after all :D
  2. Don’t edit or delete posts.
  3. Don’t talk in the game thread if you’re not playing.
  4. Don't use forum status in an argument. (Online status, conversation status, etc)
  5. Don't use PM mechanics in an argument.
  6. Don't quote or screenshot your role PM. You may paraphrase it.
  7. No discussing the game outside of the game.
  8. Lie to other players all you please, but always be honest with the hosts.
  9. Don’t do anything to deliberately sabotage your own faction.
  10. Be active. If you anticipate being unable to check forums for more than 24 hours, please let a host know.
  11. Night actions and votes must be bolded in order for them to be counted.
  12. Most of all, have fun! :D

Setup-specific rules:
  1. Every player will start with some items in their inventory.
  2. Each player may give ONE item to another player at night in addition to their regular night action.
  3. If a player is nightkilled, their attacker will receive all their items.
  4. After a player is lynched, all their items will be dropped in the Town Square. During any night phase, any player may choose to loot a specific item from town square instead of giving any item to another player. If more than one player chooses to loot an item, the recipient of the item will be decided randomly.
Game Summary
Day 0 - Fog lynched.
Night 1 - erik5456 killed.
Day 1 - Unusual_Dood lynched.
Night 2 - MarsKid killed.
Day 2 Part 1 - Pairjax replaced by Aqua.
Day 2 Part 2 - TheWeakGuy48_ lynched. Game Complete!

List of players:
  1. Good Skele
  2. Inffy
  3. Fog
  4. HKCaper
  5. Timdood3
  6. Unusual_Dood
  7. Sessybessy
  8. Pairjax
  9. erik5456
  10. TheWeakGuy48_
  11. MarsKid
Please respond to confirm that you've received your role PM.
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Dec 26, 2013
Reaction score
Alright so we're down a timdood, and 5 votes away from getting a player whos not in the game lynched. Id call this a successful day 0 if I've ever seen one.

In all seriousness, given the fact that we're dealing with a closed setup, I'm more inclined to try to get something going day 0. I was thinking of either exclusively mentioning what items we've gotten or exclusively saying what they do. I originally just wanted to push to know what items people have received as then we can try to find who doesn't belong, but I realized this may run the risk of a mafia(/alien?) or 3rd party being able to specifically find items they need to win. Hence why Im throwing out the idea of talking about what our items do. I'm more than willing to come out with my items uses whenever I get a vocal majority agreeing to do the same


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Alright so we're down a timdood, and 5 votes away from getting a player whos not in the game lynched. Id call this a successful day 0 if I've ever seen one.

In all seriousness, given the fact that we're dealing with a closed setup, I'm more inclined to try to get something going day 0. I was thinking of either exclusively mentioning what items we've gotten or exclusively saying what they do. I originally just wanted to push to know what items people have received as then we can try to find who doesn't belong, but I realized this may run the risk of a mafia(/alien?) or 3rd party being able to specifically find items they need to win. Hence why Im throwing out the idea of talking about what our items do. I'm more than willing to come out with my items uses whenever I get a vocal majority agreeing to do the same
I'm kind of inclined to believe that items were randomly distributed since the item I got don't seem to have anything to do with my role. I also don't know what they do, but they certainly don't sound related.


Dec 26, 2013
Reaction score
I'm kind of inclined to believe that items were randomly distributed since the item I got don't seem to have anything to do with my role. I also don't know what they do, but they certainly don't sound related.
Its fine even if items were randomly distributed. If we can get an idea of what they do,even if thats nothing, thats more info for the town to work with. Plus, since I am to believe the mafia dont know one another since there hasn't been a night period, day 0 is the one time where they can't coordinate item claims.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Its fine even if items were randomly distributed. If we can get an idea of what they do,even if thats nothing, thats more info for the town to work with. Plus, since I am to believe the mafia dont know one another since there hasn't been a night period, day 0 is the one time where they can't coordinate item claims.
I think it's been becoming more mainstream here to notify the mafia of their partners Day 0, so I definitely wouldn't put too many eggs in hat basket. And the point I was trying to make with the random distribution is that we won't get much information in terms of alignments based on items. It was in regards to your "seeing who doesn't fit in" comment.

And this is just speculation, but working with the fact that I personally know nothing more about my items than their names, I think that items don't have direct effects, but rather that roles can do certain things with the items.
This idea is reinforced by the whole item-stealing part of kills; I would imagine there are things the mafia could do with our items.

If you have an item that directly does something then obviously that doesn't apply there, but mine are just names.