They Are Among Us [Game Complete!]


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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Your stance on erik only appearing when it seemed convenient is just another concern that I have about you, even though I can think of why that might've happened that way if you were town
I mean I feel I was one of the first people to have some suspicion on Erik, I also voiced my concerns surrounding you and Tim. It is just at this stage in time I feel that Erik is the most suspicious out of the 3 of you, and he is also the most likely to gain the votes needed to get a lynch today.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
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I'd rather have a scenario where most/all people voted someone, than have it so mafia can hide in not voting at all and get away with it
Consolidation is always the best way to force maf into a compromising situation though, and given your experience I don't understand how you see otherwise. More votes over more wagons/choices = spread out votes = can't read anything. Maf can pick and choose however they please and basically any vote in that scenario is NAI.

Pressuring maf towards one wagon means you get to see counterwagons develop and gain more info from those that decide to not vote/vote NL. There are far fewer variables to consider and it's more likely that maf gets exposed in some manner.

Mostly gut feeling, though as I write this post I'm starting to realize where it came from. It started when UNU mentioned your name, your response to him felt off. Then when erik is under pressure, suddenly saying that the more he speaks the more you're suspicious of him, and saying that he was jumpy about his items - even though, now that I think about it, you neglected to mention that until he started getting heat. And your post on this page where you talk about UNU's post just feels like a faked 'what could be happening??' thought process, I don't know why it feels fake to me, it just does. This one I mean:
Fog mentioned earlier they were sus on Erik and Inf/Tim in #126. Weak stance, but the precedent is there.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I mean I feel I was one of the first people to have some suspicion on Erik, I also voiced my concerns surrounding you and Tim. It is just at this stage in time I feel that Erik is the most suspicious out of the 3 of you, and he is also the most likely to gain the votes needed to get a lynch today.
You were one of the last. You didn't bring up erik as being suspicious until page 7, when he was making his 'okay looks like I might be lynched, let me try to defend myself again but I'm not willing to claim yet' post:

Vote Erik

I'm sorry, the more you talk the more suspicious I get. I might change the vote, but we have like 24 hours left so I don't wanna risk not getting a lynch.

Also, I'm curious as to your "activator" item erik5456 if you don't want to reveal the exact object could you give us a clue as to what it might be useful for? <3
Before that erik had been quite a topic of conversation and from what I can see you didn't mention him at all.


Mar 30, 2020
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Hmmmmmm. . . . I'm going to change my vote, actually

Vote Fog

I didn't expect this much discussion in this mafia game, so I have a lot more to go off of in terms of super-sleuth detective stuff. No reason to not vote when there's so much discussion to be had.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Consolidation is always the best way to force maf into a compromising situation though, and given your experience I don't understand how you see otherwise. More votes over more wagons/choices = spread out votes = can't read anything. Maf can pick and choose however they please and basically any vote in that scenario is NAI.

Pressuring maf towards one wagon means you get to see counterwagons develop and gain more info from those that decide to not vote/vote NL. There are far fewer variables to consider and it's more likely that maf gets exposed in some manner.
I'm not talking about more than 2 wagons, just one counter-wagon, to make it viable that people choose someone else.

Fog mentioned earlier they were sus on Erik and Inf/Tim in #126. Weak stance, but the precedent is there.
Oh yeah, I missed that woops

Multi-wagon scenarios always put the most power in the hands of maf b/c they can dictate how the day goes the most, and there's a higher chance they can force a dual/triple-wagon situation that's entirely v/v/v.
Alternatively, it's more likely a given wagon has a mafia member in it, the more wagons there are in play. If the wagon is a mafia lynch yeah that'd be better, but you can't bank on that.

You conveniently didn't look hard enough.

vote Inf
If you think I'd let myself get caught in a situation where evidence is against what I say when I'm mafia, think again

I'm far too paranoid when I'm maf to let something like that happen, though wifom I guess


Mar 30, 2020
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Gut feeling. I have played and run A LOT of mafia, and gut feeling wins games. Plus, I know it's not you because you spend a large amount of time "sleuthing" and just generally swaying your opinion, which is not really a mafia thing to do. Mafia stick to a target, since they try to target people of high value to them.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
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Hmmmmmm. . . . I'm going to change my vote, actually

Vote Fog

I didn't expect this much discussion in this mafia game, so I have a lot more to go off of in terms of super-sleuth detective stuff. No reason to not vote when there's so much discussion to be had.
Damn, you really know how to rocket back up in my POE.

#27 you said the purpose of the initial day was observation, but then pushed for an NL out of the gate. But now there's "no reason" to not vote because of observation.

'Gut feeling' wins games. So does wagonomics, reaction tests, observing relations between players, etc etc. Looks more like piggybacking off of mounting pressure on Fog.

Maf don't always stick to a target; they can ebb and flow with the mood of the town to best blend in. If you're too hard against one player, town or not, it'll look sus to someone at some point and get called it. Similar to players that are consistently contrarian.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Gut feeling. I have played and run A LOT of mafia, and gut feeling wins games. Plus, I know it's not you because you spend a large amount of time "sleuthing" and just generally swaying your opinion, which is not really a mafia thing to do. Mafia stick to a target, since they try to target people of high value to them.
Well, your sudden change of stance from this:

Simple. The first round is used to survey the environment and give first impressions of people. Your chances of choosing the mafia first-night is slim, so you will find yourself killing a valuable part of the probability for victory in the game. Rather, it is better to not vote and pay attention to the way people talk/who is killed the first night to inform us who is suspicious. Plus, I have no idea how items work in this game, so I'm hoping I can figure out its use before we're all dead :p.

Just because it was asked that I bold my decision, I'll choose Vote No-Lynch.
to saying 'oh I didn't know we'd be talking this much, guess we should vote', reads really scummy to me. Like, none of the points you brought up in your initial stance have been changed. All that changed is that there's more discussion than you apparently thought, which imo isn't enough to justify this change in stance, since it's not like with the amount of discussion we'd had it makes the chances of choosing mafia first-night 'not slim', so your original stance should still stand.

It just feels like an excuse to vote fog to save your maf buddy erik or something.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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As much as I am enjoying this way of thinking... Why have you suddenly done a full 180 ?
Since pairjax's vote only really makes sense to me if he's scum partners with someone in danger. The only real person in danger is erik, meaning I was wrong about erik and he's probably mafia.

Either that or he still perceives UNU to be in danger I guess, which is possible now that I think about it


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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If you think I'd let myself get caught in a situation where evidence is against what I say when I'm mafia, think again
also just want to clarify, I meant as in, as maf I wouldn't let myself say x happened in the thread, when people can go read back and show that I'm wrong, and I'd meticulously make sure I was right in what I was saying happened in the thread, so that my mistakes couldn't be used against me

obviously I can't help it if some evidence from investigations or whatever are contradicting what I say

I just felt like I should clarify what I meant with that since it came off to me like I was saying I'm invincible as maf or something


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
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Basically the scenario at hand given town mood is most likely three choices of Fog/Unu/Pairjax.

I've gone to bat for Fog b/c Inf's stance on them was sloppy, with the excuse being that it wouldn't be sloppy if he was maf. I don't like meta arguments since meta can be manipulated too easily. Pairjax jumps in with 'gut' reasoning despite favoring an NL and seeming to want to close D0 up from the get-go. Assuming Jax is experienced, don't know how you can't expect there to be craziness on D1, especially in context of this forum where threads can suddenly accelerate several pages.

Unu b/c meat deficient posting and then suddenly deciding to shield himself with a cop claim. Assuming Unu is experienced, as maf, that sort of situation should be a cakewalk; it's easy to talk out of and def not a death sentence. Really weird to panic there. Does have the benefit of a closed set-up, so there may not even be a cc opportunity. Safe claim to make as maf, but it's a really strange move. Unu's sole vote was Inf.

Erik due to the item shenanigans/swapping stances over the items. Nothing wrong w/defending trs ofc, but Inf's defense went to hella great lengths to put himself in Erik's shoes and very clearly give him an out. Reads way too strong considering its early game. Then Erik confidently sides with Inf and buys into it.

Inf could be playing a bit sloppy as maf, but he's not entirely rash, so throwing himself on the train tracks for scum!Erik would be an off play. By the same token, if scum!Erik has been around the block, he wouldn't so clearly side with scum!Inf. Ergo it's possible to assume w/t in Inf/Erik. A world where they're partners is difficult to see.

tl;dr potential w in Inf/Erik, sr on Pairjax, Unu a big question mark.

And this doesn't account for the fact fencesitting expert Good Skele is MIA; sess and HK are both on the sidelines as well


Mar 30, 2020
Reaction score
Gut wins out!!!! This is my first time playing this type of mafia game, I usually play via discord, so it's cool that people type such big, long paragraphs. The more people talk, the more you can sense their vibe. If I don't vibe with 'em, I vote for 'em.

Also what does "SR" stand for? Lots of new terms lol


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
I feel that this went from 0 - 100 hahahah

The fact that Pair just jumped in doesn't sit well with me, but I still feel that Erik is the most suspicious, followed by Inf.

In other news has sessybessy actually said anything regarding their reads yet?
There you go guys, he has said it - GAME OVER

(this is a joke post just in case people don't see the sarcasm)
confirmation bias or not these posts smell of mafia foggy to me <3