They Are Among Us [Game Complete!]

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Day 0 Final Votecount
Fog - Pairjax, erik5456, infectedalien8_, MarsKid, TheWeakGuy48_, Timdood3
InfectedAlien8_ - Fog, HKCaper, Unusual_Dood
As the sun set on this first day under the confines of the alien forcefield, the town was weary from the intense debate, but finally settled on executing Fog. Little did they know that Fog was Ray Dawson, a cattle rancher who had lived on the outskirts of town all these years. Ray had even brought his beloved cow into town with him in his quest to aid town. They returned to their homes, nervous about what might be in store for the night....
Fog was lynched. They were Town-aligned.
Fog's role was Ray Dawson.
Abilities: None

-Cow (named Cran): If someone attempts to carry out a lethal attack against you while you have the cow, the attack will fail and the visitor will instead receive the cow.
-Can of paint

Win condition: Eliminate all threats to the town.

After Fog's lynch, his items were left out in the town square for anybody to grab as they pleased...
-Cow (named Cran): If someone attempts to carry out a lethal attack against you while you have the cow, the attack will fail and the visitor will instead receive the cow.
-Can of paint

Night 1 is now starting. Please submit your night actions via forum PMs.

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Day 1 Beginning
As the sun rose, the denizens of Ravensbluff returned to the town square just as tired as they had been after the intense debate yesterday. Clearly, it had been a restless night. As a further reminder of that unfortunate fact, the townsfolk encountered the dried out body of Erik5456 upon arrival in the town square. Erik5456 had been the town's reclusive doctor, James Pinkerton.
Erik5456 was killed.They were
Erik5456's role was Dr. James Pinkerton.

Role Name: Dr. James Pinkerton

-At night, you may choose to heal one player from a lethal attack or visit one player and find out whether or not they are an alien.


Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the town.

Furthermore, the townsfolk noted that someone had clearly been to visit the town square at night, as Ray Dawson's beloved cow was now missing....
-Can of paint

Time until Day 1 Deadline Here:


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
So Unu is maf confirmed. Rest of the day is essentially free to gain info.

Probably bought too much into the fakehammer too much assuming fast activity would've mixed things up. Erik flipping blue probably means Inf is red, and Unu staying on Inf when he was about to go down is a surefire bus attempt.

Assuming therefore Unu/Inf scum team with a potential third member.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Day 1 predictions:

1. maf team is unu, twg and one of marskid or hk

2. unu claimed cop early since maf team got told 'town doesn't have a regular cop this game' as info (alisha likes giving maf teams info)
- he didn't feel worried about town losing their cop when it might not have been necessary since he wasn't real cop he was scum
- he didn't worry about being cc'd so that explains why he didn't wait til later on

it's the only explanation that is at least reasonable for why UNU would claim cop at that time. though granted there's nothing saying UNU had to be reasonable yesterday, but at least now I don't have to rely on assuming UNU made a play that made no reasonable sense to make

3. someone stole fog's mystery third item which he needed to gather more items to use, when he died?

kinda annoyed my gut betrayed me yesterday by making me believe UNU for a while, though at the end his ignoring of my refutation of his point and blatant tunnelling of me on something that any reasonable person would've easily thought could be innocent and not worth such a tunnel did smell of scum

gotta admit though I was still up in the air about him during last night, it's only now that I see erik dead that I feel confident; it's possible we have two cops sure, with erik being only like a half cop, but I find it unlikely and UNU just seems too scummy to me now - his initial sheer amount of confidence i was maf for just finding him sus after a few others really should've made it more obvious to me that he was maf but hey hindsight's a great thing, my gut this game apparently not so (soz fog xoxo will make sure town wins for you)

at the time, TWG's post calling out UNU gave me a flashback to when he was mafia and bussed me, the tone of how he was as maf felt similar to me, kinda more pleasant and decisive than normal, im not sure how to word it, but I didn't think too much on it since I was mostly concerned with getting a lynch in and not dying, but now that UNU is like 99% scum to me, looking back on that post I definitely feel bus vibes

marskid's push on me near towards the end of yesterday felt scummy to my gut, but my gut has been trash so far this game so I'm not as confident on how I feel about mars - before that he seemed really town, and i also have 0 idea what to make of his voting shenanigans yesterday

the one solid townread I have right now is tim, he felt genuine as heck during yesterday's last hour, i have no idea why i feel so confident about him being genuine but i am, my instinct/gut just tells me he's town (feel like this read's gonna be most up for looking fake but whatever)

hk I suddenly feel in my gut is town but I wasn't a fan of his silence right at the end of the day - usually I'd expect town to be more vocal, but with it being a town vs town lynch I can see why maf would want to just hang back, so he's my other maf suspect alongside marskid

anyways I stole TWG's items last night, since either a) he was scum or b) if he was town I was betting he was gonna be nightkilled since he was the most visibly trusted player, and had made it clear he had an item that needed other items, and I figured maf would likely want it themselves, so i decided to take them for myself

will make another post tomorrow with more stuff, but I need to go to bed now. TWG, obviously please don't talk about the items I took from you yet

So Unu is maf confirmed. Rest of the day is essentially free to gain info.

Probably bought too much into the fakehammer too much assuming fast activity would've mixed things up. Erik flipping blue probably means Inf is red, and Unu staying on Inf when he was about to go down is a surefire bus attempt.

Assuming therefore Unu/Inf scum team with a potential third member.
so you think maf have an item thief as well as being able to steal items from anyone they kill? or do you not believe im an item thief at all?

also UNU was never "about to go down" so I'm not sure what you're even referencing there, and nothing that happened yesterday can be reasonably described as a "surefire" bus attempt

what exactly was the point of your fake hammer yesterday by the way? did you think if I was maf I would admit it before stranger posted or something?

p.s. sorry for turning on you at the end erik


Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Plot Twist:

My role is annonymeously actually referred to as "Sheriff X" (not my role name and I will come back to what I mean), but my ability works differently than a cop. My role is called Bill Rutherson like I said earlier, but my actual ability is that I can select a player each day, which will be added to a private conversation with an annonymeous account I can use, during the night phase. The account I was given was called "Sheriff X", and I was given the password so I could use it.

When I said "You may not want to lynch the cop", I wasn't technically wrong (at least in my eyes), but in handsight we can all agree on that I should have clarified how my role actually worked, although the claim could have been a little more scummy. After Erik claimed I was very suprised, so I regret what I did before that. However, after Erik was outed I think I did the best I could do which was to claim the same ability as him, otherwise I think I most surely would be lynched, and try to get neither of us killed d0. That went quite smoothly in my opinion. If it was someone else who counterclaimed me I think I might have been lynched. Although, much harm was done I was hoping doctor would be on Erik, or mafia wouldn't kill Erik, but it turns neither of this happened (cause Erik was doctor, and somehow mafias knew doctor wouldn't be on Erik) and so Erik died and the harm was done.

As the day was ending I figured my visit was quite important of choice. If I selected mafia or someone who would then die, my role wouldn't be proven, which is sort of what I relied everything on, and I would likely be lynched. That's why I chose sessybessy as I did read them as slight town, and they rarely gets night killed. Sessy claimed her role and items. After trying to make sure I believed her, I claimed my name and role. She can confirm this.

Basically I have been the cause of a very unusual game which has driven the town in the wrong direction, and got our cop+doctor killed. Sorry :S

I'm interested to see what you think of this.


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
As the day was ending I figured my visit was quite important of choice. If I selected mafia or someone who would then die, my role wouldn't be proven, which is sort of what I relied everything on, and I would likely be lynched. That's why I chose @sessybessy as I did read them as slight town, and they rarely gets night killed. Sessy claimed her role and items. After trying to make sure I believed her, I claimed my name and role. She can confirm this.
I can confirm that Unu visited me in the night, the private message showed up as Sheriff X and was anonymous (at least for me)