They Are Among Us [Game Complete!]


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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sessybessy Good Skele TheWeakGuy48_ thoughts on who you want to vote for? we're running out of time and if we dont lynch maf today we've prob lost.

im still gunning for a hk vote since im not sure on what to think of aqua at this point, i can see uses for his safe as both alignments, and idk how i feel about him.

ive been sus of hk all game and that still hasnt gone away for me, so thats currently where im planning on voting.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
I'm sorry I can't clearly follow 100+ posts of incoherent nonsense. As a note, I'd also request that you not be quite so rude. I've no problem with aggressive play, but there is no need to be rude.
Sure, apologies if that came across as rude, but you have to see how counter productive it is trying to debate someone who is arguing against an argument I didn't even make because they didn't read my arguments.

Why do they need to? As I said, they only need to destroy one item.
It counters massclaim strategies because if someone claims
"Hey I have a blueprint that makes town win the game! It needs items a, b, and c!"
And then there you are, already holding one of the items and a way to destroy it.
Your role keeps mafia from immediately losing to a massclaim.
I find it extremely unlikely that they would give the member of the mafia team, with the means to destroy the item, the item they need to destroy.

At most I'd expect another member of the mafia team to hold it so they'd have to spend one turn exchanging the item. Otherwise, like I say it would make the alien detector incredibly unlikely to ever get finished.

Assuming mafia team holds their own blueprints, they already know the item isn't useful to them so would likely just scrap it anyway as a means to keep the number of items in their possession as low as possible so they don't appear suspicious when investigated by the thief.

Furthermore it would also make the whole picking up items after a lynch kind of useless as if you lynch a mafia you're not going to be able to get any items you would need to make the blueprint.

I think a thief role would balance out the team better as it would be a preventative measure to stop the town from building the machine in the event of a massclaim, especially if the items are given to an unkillable player via body armor and doc but wouldn't just ruin that aspect of the game by deleting the item, as the items can be regained by lynching maf.

It would also give a REASON for your claim to exist, as that way, especially in the absence of evil sounding items you would be able to identify which players were hoarding items, without all the hoarded items getting deleted.

And I did read the parts talking about the potential mafia pool being thinned but I don't follow. Could you give me a rundown?
So, assuming we massclaim items as well, we know who has what. It is entirely likely based off what we know about the game that mafia have some items they don't want town to know about and hold some of the items required to make the alien detector.

So day 0 we massclaim.

The townies who hold the items that go into alien detector blueprint all claim and are uncc'd. Depending on whether or not it's revealed what goes into the blueprints the mafia may or may not lie about their items.

Everyone agrees to trade their items to one (or two) agreed sources who will be protected by Erik and the Bulletproof vest.

Maybe a lynch on someone unpreductive maybe not

Night 1

Mafia have two options, if only townies have the required items they need to use their night kill block and other pr on those with the actual items.

If mafia have some of their items they can nightkill and block whoever they chose.

2-3 Town investigative roles have a 3/8 chance of hitting scum (more if they agree to target different people the day before).

day 1

if all maf have an item free to trade they slip under the radar (if not some have suspicion).

1-2 townies have failed to give their items, if they were the uncc'd blueprint item townies they will likely appear more innocent.

A lynch happens, possibly on a scum revealed by the investigative role possibly one of the townies that were blocked at night.

night 2

Mafia kill/block other players trying to give their items or target the protected townies (and doc) or kill/block investigative roles

2-3 investigative roles have already cleared 0-3 townies (0 if they hit 2 mafia) so now confirm those who did not trade last night


From this point on the pool gets thinner and thinner with following nights being a 1/2 chance of an investigative role hitting someone who lied about their items, had too many items or (if Erik) show up as mafia.

Following this it's quite easy to see how much of an advantage having 3 town investigative PRs are in this format. Obviously there are plenty of other variables and a massclaim isn't likely, but it's definitely town favoured.

Assuming mafia also needs 3-4 items to make their blueprint (if they have one), with only one theft ability they wouldn't be able to accumulate them in time before they would likely be found by the investigative roles or that the alien detector blueprint was finished.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
asking host for clarification on info is fine. its the hosts choice whether to answer or not. if i have info on the setup as clarified by the host then itd be much worse for the game if i wasnt then allowed to share that and instead had to rely on hoping others happened to ask the same question, for us all to be on the same page.
True, but the host SHOULDN'T answer. That's my point.

Imagine if there was suspicion of a day kill ability (via typing death or lynch or something) and I asked will I be notified if it's used on me and they said yes or no.

If you are genuinely lying about being told that by stranger it feels pretty exploitative of pm mechanics imo

I remember back in the days of priz hosting he'd mod kill for that shit.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
sessybessy Good Skele TheWeakGuy48_ thoughts on who you want to vote for? we're running out of time and if we dont lynch maf today we've prob lost.

im still gunning for a hk vote since im not sure on what to think of aqua at this point, i can see uses for his safe as both alignments, and idk how i feel about him.

ive been sus of hk all game and that still hasnt gone away for me, so thats currently where im planning on voting.
I see ur now rushing for a lynch despite wanting to be very careful about who choose 3 pages ago.


Timdood3 I'd like to know your thoughts on the 3 investigative type roles and why there would be a townsided version of your claim that's even better than your claim?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
I find it extremely unlikely that they would give the member of the mafia team, with the means to destroy the item, the item they need to destroy.

At most I'd expect another member of the mafia team to hold it so they'd have to spend one turn exchanging the item. Otherwise, like I say it would make the alien detector incredibly unlikely to ever get finished.

Assuming mafia team holds their own blueprints, they already know the item isn't useful to them so would likely just scrap it anyway as a means to keep the number of items in their possession as low as possible so they don't appear suspicious when investigated by the thief.

Furthermore it would also make the whole picking up items after a lynch kind of useless as if you lynch a mafia you're not going to be able to get any items you would need to make the blueprint.

I think a thief role would balance out the team better as it would be a preventative measure to stop the town from building the machine in the event of a massclaim, especially if the items are given to an unkillable player via body armor and doc but wouldn't just ruin that aspect of the game by deleting the item, as the items can be regained by lynching maf.

It would also give a REASON for your claim to exist, as that way, especially in the absence of evil sounding items you would be able to identify which players were hoarding items, without all the hoarded items getting deleted.
yh i agree maf starting with a safe that can *destroy* items and an item that the alien detector requires is extremely unlikely. it would only work if there was a town role that could create items that had been destroyed or something, but i didnt want to say that since itd give scum a good fakeclaim to save you and look townie, in the event we massclaimed today. but now that youve retracted that thats how the safe works, i guess im free to say it.

So day 0 we massclaim.
first faulty assumption: that town decide the setup is such so that massclaiming items is a good idea, and do it, when they dont necessarily know about erik/the cow/me/tim, or necessarily believe them if they claim it.

Everyone agrees to trade their items to one (or two) agreed sources who will be protected by Erik and the Bulletproof vest.

Maybe a lynch on someone unpreductive maybe not
second faulty assumption: maf dont have a one-shot strongman role or something similar to bypass erik, or dont have a roleblocker to block them if erik has claimed.

if erik hasnt claimed, even then, town dont even know whether a doc exists for sure, so the possibility of the only doc being the vest, and maf being able to take it from them after hitting the vest-wearer only one time, thereby removing all protection from day 1 onwards, is real. so this links back to the whole 'you're assuming town knows its a good idea to do this'.

therefore its plausible the hosts didnt predict town would.

and, as i said, even if they did, the maf could still have a strongman role to get around it.

so this still isnt a foolproof plan.

1-2 townies have failed to give their items
third faulty assumption: that only 1-2 townies failed to give items. a kill, a block, and an item driver role could make it 3.

Assuming mafia also needs 3-4 items to make their blueprint (if they have one), with only one theft ability they wouldn't be able to accumulate them in time before they would likely be found by the investigative roles or that the alien detector blueprint was finished.
fourth faulty assumption: that maf also needs 3-4 items.

True, but the host SHOULDN'T answer. That's my point.
you said i was exploiting pm mechanics. i was argueing against that point.

even if im lying thats not exploiting pm mechanics, and you can literally disprove me instantly.

I remember back in the days of priz hosting he'd mod kill for that shit.
this literally never once happened.

I see ur now rushing for a lynch despite wanting to be very careful about who choose 3 pages ago.

please quote where im rushing for people to vote now, instead of asking for who they want to lynch.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
gonna go for a bit now, but aqua's entire argument assumes

1) town somehow predict massclaiming roles is a good idea before they know anything about the setup, when a large range of roles are possible that'd make it a bad idea
2) that maf dont have roles capable of disrupting his plan, when its easily possible they do (and ive given several examples of this)

so its wrong and is based off faulty logic. this is basically what me and aqua were argueing about when writing those big essay posts, for anyone who didnt bother reading.

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
As with all mafia games in recent history, roleblock targets are not notified that they have been roleblocked.

In addition, please refrain from hostposting going forward. I've tried to be generous in giving out answers relating to some of the mechanics specific to this setup, please don't make me regret doing that.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
first faulty assumption: that town decide the setup is such so that massclaiming items is a good idea, and do it, when they dont necessarily know about erik/the cow/me/tim, or necessarily believe them if they claim it.
this is a hypothetical situation where town massclaims. for the millionth time inf I'm not saying it would happen.

second faulty assumption: maf dont have a one-shot strongman role or something similar to bypass erik, or dont have a roleblocker to block them if erik has claimed.

if erik hasnt claimed, even then, town dont even know whether a doc exists for sure, so the possibility of the only doc being the vest, and maf being able to take it from them after hitting the vest-wearer only one time, thereby removing all protection from day 1 onwards, is real. so this links back to the whole 'you're assuming town knows its a good idea to do this'.
I haven't ignored the block. Assuming they go all in on blocking/night killing Erik they've still get 2 more nights before the item hoarder is killed.

in that time they're framing one less person and on night 2 keeping one more person alive.

It just thins the pool of who could be lying about their items even faster.

in this scenario going for the kill on the guy taking in all the items is the worst thing mafia could do.

UNLESS as you say they had a strongman. That would completely disregard this theory entirely. However I believe town having one less investigative/thief role and mafia having a thief is far more realisitic in the realms of this game, don't you?

third faulty assumption: that only 1-2 townies failed to give items. a kill, a block, and an item driver role could make it 3.
Dude... if they're killed they're not suspicious....

1-2 is the possibility of a block and/or another block-esque role.

fourth faulty assumption: that maf also needs 3-4 items.
It's an assumption, but I'd say a pretty fair one.

It's unlikely mafia need less than 3 items as that could mean they could win within 2 nights just by luck. They have the advantage by being hidden. it would make more sense to up their stealing abilities or put in a 3rd party stealer to screw over town, rather than make their wincon rediculously easy.

you said i was exploiting pm mechanics. i was argueing against that point.
maybe pm mechanics was the wrong word.

I want your opinion on this since you keep avoiding it. Do you think Stranger should have or shouldn't have, told you anything about roleblocks?

this literally never once happened.
making meta arguments to defend your points based on game mechanics revealed privately to you?

dude I'm still in a discord with him I can go seek him out and ask his opinion but you know how strict he was on keeping the game on track.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
gonna go for a bit now, but aqua's entire argument assumes

1) town somehow predict massclaiming roles is a good idea before they know anything about the setup, when a large range of roles are possible that'd make it a bad idea
2) that maf dont have roles capable of disrupting his plan, when its easily possible they do (and ive given several examples of this)

so its wrong and is based off faulty logic. this is basically what me and aqua were argueing about when writing those big essay posts, for anyone who didnt bother reading.
Bad faith slander from the mafia mob boss myself.

My arguments are as followed:

Inf's role, as a townie, would be overpowered in this setup. We already have 2 investigative roles that are both weaker than his. (along with all the other item benefits and pr roles town has.)

Inf's role, as a townie, doesn't fit thematically with this set up. In a game where trading and looting lynch drops is the main game mechanic/gimmick town has no need for a thief. His name is also suspiciously far removed from what would be expected of a townie in this game, Charlie the Hobo with a thief ability.

Also that inf has been acting incredibly scummy and unhelpful from day 0, muddying the water and pseudo contributing and now that he's been called out by me, acting in incredibly bad faith as established by the quoted post.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
this is a hypothetical situation where town massclaims. for the millionth time inf I'm not saying it would happen.
your entire point is 'town would be OP if inf was town, because town can do this'

and im saying, its perfectly reasonable the hosts didnt think town would do that, because why on earth would we when we know nothing about the roles until theyve flipped

I haven't ignored the block. Assuming they go all in on blocking/night killing Erik they've still get 2 more nights before the item hoarder is killed.

I haven't ignored the block. Assuming they go all in on blocking/night killing Erik they've still get 2 more nights before the item hoarder is killed.

in that time they're framing one less person and on night 2 keeping one more person alive.

It just thins the pool of who could be lying about their items even faster.

in this scenario going for the kill on the guy taking in all the items is the worst thing mafia could do.

UNLESS as you say they had a strongman. That would completely disregard this theory entirely. However I believe town having one less investigative/thief role and mafia having a thief is far more realisitic in the realms of this game, don't you?
thats wrong. if they block erik + attack hoarder, they take the vest that night. next night they block erik again and target the hoarder, hoarder dies before they can reveal everyone's second item sent. therefore your entire plan crumbles.

Dude... if they're killed they're not suspicious....
woops i was talking from the assumption everyone gave 1 other townie their items. i forgot thats not what your plan was, it was what my plan was originally so thats why it was in my head. then its the person dying isnt the problem. its the person who was meant to reveive their items.

It's an assumption, but I'd say a pretty fair one.

It's unlikely mafia need less than 3 items as that could mean they could win within 2 nights just by luck. They have the advantage by being hidden. it would make more sense to up their stealing abilities or put in a 3rd party stealer to screw over town, rather than make their wincon rediculously easy.
another faulty assumption is that the maf's item lets them win automatically.

we dont even know that towns reveals *all* mafia, because we dont know if all mafia are aliens. for all we know only half of them are.

for all you know the maf's item just reveals to them the identity of the cop or something.

but yeah, granted i do agree its more likely mafia needs 3-4 items to build it.
I want your opinion on this since you keep avoiding it. Do you think Stranger should have or shouldn't have, told you anything about roleblocks?
its irrelevant and i dont understand why you want me to answer. besides, this is stranger's first game she's hosting. if she shouldnt have done it, you shouldnt feel shocked that she made a mistake. it really doesnt matter.

making meta arguments to defend your points based on game mechanics revealed privately to you?

dude I'm still in a discord with him I can go seek him out and ask his opinion but you know how strict he was on keeping the game on track.
if a decent host decided to disclose info privately to someone, it would only be fair to let them share that info with others.

if your point is that a decent host wouldnt disclose info privately to begin with, then i dont care, it happened.

im only arguieng about why i should have been modkilled or something.

Bad faith slander from the mafia mob boss myself.

My arguments are as followed:

Inf's role, as a townie, would be overpowered in this setup. We already have 2 investigative roles that are both weaker than his. (along with all the other item benefits and pr roles town has.)

Inf's role, as a townie, doesn't fit thematically with this set up. In a game where trading and looting lynch drops is the main game mechanic/gimmick town has no need for a thief. His name is also suspiciously far removed from what would be expected of a townie in this game, Charlie the Hobo with a thief ability.

Also that inf has been acting incredibly scummy and unhelpful from day 0, muddying the water and pseudo contributing and now that he's been called out by me, acting in incredibly bad faith as established by the quoted post.
and your arguments are completely flawed, as ive pointed out to you. :)


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
no, i dont.
So despite a strong man only being useful in this niché scenario. Sure it would definitely solve the massclaim problem but it seems like it would otherwise be a useless role. A thief mafia or a thief 3rd party would do a much better job of balancing the game whether a massclaim occurs or not.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
So despite a strong man only being useful in this niché scenario. Sure it would definitely solve the massclaim problem but it seems like it would otherwise be a useless role. A thief mafia or a thief 3rd party would do a much better job of balancing the game whether a massclaim occurs or not.

strongman wouldnt be a useless role at all


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
@Timdood3 I'd like to know your thoughts on the 3 investigative type roles and why there would be a townsided version of your claim that's even better than your claim?
But I don't think there's a more powerful, town-sided version of my role. In other words, I don't think inf is town. I think he's likely to be a third party whose win condition is either to assemble some specific items or just some number of items.
Assuming mafia also needs 3-4 items to make their blueprint (if they have one), with only one theft ability they wouldn't be able to accumulate them in time before they would likely be found by the investigative roles or that the alien detector blueprint was finished.
This is somewhat of a moot point, but there would have to be some sort of chance for something to still happen after the alien detector was finished, else it would just say "town wins lol" instead of still having to go through the motions of lynching. I imagine this would come in the form of a) a third party or b) a secondary maf win condition that's still achievable while getting lynched.

I do agree with inf that town deciding to massclaim day 0/1 just straight up isn't a good idea. Just because we know (I use that term loosely here) that it's a good idea with perfect information is exactly why it's a closed setup. Because no one knows what information is important to who or exists in the first place.
I think you could be mafia, I also think you could be 3rd party.

Besides nobody who I do think is mafia are here so not much use focusing on them innit
A) Who do you think is mafia?
B) Does this mentality not just let them sit back until deadline and be safe?


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
But I don't think there's a more powerful, town-sided version of my role. In other words, I don't think inf is town. I think he's likely to be a third party whose win condition is either to assemble some specific items or just some number of items.
If that was the case the fact you interjected before inf responded pains me even more ;A;

This is somewhat of a moot point, but there would have to be some sort of chance for something to still happen after the alien detector was finished, else it would just say "town wins lol" instead of still having to go through the motions of lynching. I imagine this would come in the form of a) a third party or b) a secondary maf win condition that's still achievable while getting lynched.
Perhaps, or perhaps there's a secondary wincon for both sides.

Or perhaps the alien detector isn't what we think it is at all and inf, who you agree could quite well be 3p is lying.

Infected_alien8_ since you seem more for a massclaim now, what's your reason for not revealing what item's you started with and what new items you have stolen. You can keep the current state of the cow a secret if you wish.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Or perhaps the alien detector isn't what we think it is at all and inf, who you agree could quite well be 3p is lying.
if you think im lying, that means you think TWG is too. so if you think im 3p, i aint lying. if you think im maf, and you also think im lying, that means you think me/twg tied our alignments together so that if anyone lynched 1 of us and took the blueprint and learnt we were lying, the other would be lynched soon after.

so youll prob agree with me its very unlikely im lying.

Infected_alien8_ since you seem more for a massclaim now, what's your reason for not revealing what item's you started with and what new items you have stolen. You can keep the current state of the cow a secret if you wish.
i still think an item maf thief role is possible.

claiming my items will be pointless. if you think i have a scummy item, and cant just make something up to replace it, then, i mean, why do you think that.

what value do you possibly think you could get out of me claiming my items?


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
A) Who do you think is mafia?
B) Does this mentality not just let them sit back until deadline and be safe?
I think if not inf TWG, Good Skele and Jenben are scum

This mentality might do, but unfortunately due to previous circumstances in the game we're now at mislynch - lose with there being no evidnece towards any of them being antitown besides vibes. There is good reason to suspect inf of being antitown as well as even stronger vibes.

I'd rather risk losing the game and beating inf than losing the game anyway.