Mafia: Saints & Sinners - GAME OVER MAFIA WIN

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Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score

The year is 1925. It’s the height of the roaring 20s. The entire city of New Orleans, Louisiana is bustling in preparation for Mardi Gras. However, behind the scenes there’s something sinister going on. Along with the many partygoers, the Devil himself has made his way to New Orleans. The Devil and his friends in the local voodoo community plan on using the festivities to gather the souls of poor, unsuspecting sinners amongst the crowds for their own nefarious purposes. Will the Devil be able to achieve his goal of claiming all the souls in New Orleans? Or will the saints and the sinners be able to work together and put a stop to his nefarious plans?

The Rules
  1. Be respectful and polite to each other. This is a game after all :D
  2. Don’t edit or delete posts.
  3. Don’t talk in the game thread if you’re not playing.
  4. Don't use forum status in an argument. (Online status, conversation status, etc)
  5. Don't use PM mechanics in an argument.
  6. Don't quote or screenshot your role PM. You may paraphrase it.
  7. No discussing the game outside of the game.
  8. Lie to other players all you please, but always be honest with the hosts.
  9. Don’t do anything to deliberately sabotage your own faction.
  10. Be active. If you anticipate being unable to check forums for more than 24 hours, please let a host know.
  11. Night actions and votes must be bolded in order for them to be counted.
  12. Most of all, have fun! :D

List of players:
  1. Alisha
  2. HKCaper
  3. sessybessy
  4. Infected_alien8_
  5. Aqua
  6. Timdood3
  7. TheWeakGuy48_
  8. Fog
  9. BetaPanda
  10. Unusual_Dood
  11. Good Skele
  12. Vatumok
Game Summary
Day 0 - No Lynch
Night 1 - No Deaths
Day 1 - Fog lynched
Night 2 - Sessybessy killed
Day 2 - Vatumok lynched
Night 3 - Aqua killed
Day 3 - Infected_Alien8_ lynched
Night 4 - HKCaper killed
Day 4 - TheWeakGuy48_ lynched
Night 5 - Alisha killed
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Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Infected has STILL not penta posted, made typos in his posts that he spends 2-3 more posts on correcting or made an essay that is too big for one post???!?

And Vatumok is playing????????

I don't think this happening in the same game is a coincident. I believe Vatumok must have gotten access to Infected's account, or Infected to Vatumok's account. Or maybe they both did, and are using each other's? Hmm. I would say both are mafias, but at the same time HKCaper is just bad. vote HKCaper
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