EscapeRemastered Mafia: Economy of Madness [Day 3]

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Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Well, do you have compelling evidence as to why we should lynch someone else? (Beyond just <o>) Or a compelling reason as to why we should no-lynch?
no but theres no compelling reason to lynch me either and its early on so anyone could be lynched yet

That said, I don't see a complete denial of information being reasonable, especially in a closed setup. After you were initially put in the hot seat, we had to do a lot of pushing to get you to reveal anything about your coin count until I revealed that I had zero coins. That hesitance makes me extremely concerned that you're scum wanting to avoid getting caught in a fakeclaim b/c you don't yet have any information on any other role in the game, including those of your mafia buddies.
theres a reason that, as a townie, i didnt want to reveal my coins. its the same reason oog said nobody else should reveal coins, and why notty rated that post agree. notty literally agrees we shouldnt all be outing our coins yet pushes on me to do it and then complains when i dont. the only way it made sense to want me to say whether i had more or less than average is if they were assuming all town had 0 coins, but i wasnt making that assumption, so it was unreasonable of me to claim my coin amount. the only reason i did was because i thought notty + alisha + your reactions, combined with my role pm, meant tim accidentally messed up my role pm and that all town got told each other had 0 coins and that i might be lynched for it. which yes is kinda my fault for believing it but realistically when you go into the game expecting your 0 coins to be an outlier because of your rolename and role pm and then your role pm is missing information and then three players act like i should know that the average coin count is 0 its not unreasonable that id believe them instead of thinking alisha, for some reason, decided to play along with nottys lie

Furthermore, the only lynch you've suggested outside of yourself is a player who's barely said anything so far, and even that you've give barely any rationale for. Even your reads on other players have been incredibly bare-bones thus far, which is next to useless for me.
thats because its day 0 and barely anything has been said, so yeah i dont have many reads.

but i mean stranger why do you even suspect me

all that i did was say i had less than average coins before saying i had 0. there's no reason that should be seen as suspicious because its not like i lied about my coin count or something and then switched it. i said i had less than average, then said i had zero. how could that possibly be a scummy slip up or something, it doesnt make any sense. its not as if town should know what the average coin count is so even if it is 0 and i was wrong to say less than average there was no way of me to know that and doesnt make me scummy.

notty is just pushing for info out of me thats not useful to town and only useful to scum, either because theyre so sure im scum despite having any decent reason for it that theyve mentioned and so just want to corner me and get me to reveal as much info as possible because theyre sure it will be lies, or because theyre scum and are just trying to get info out of town players. theres no reason i should be suspicious to anyone realistically unless you think my behaviour in general this game is scummy in which case id ask why you think that


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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its your guys' choice if im the likely lynch target, i dont have to be. the reasons presented against me are, in my opinion, weak at argueing that im scum, and im hoping the rest of the players see that and defend me and then i wont have to claim. from my perspective as a townie thats the best thing i can do for town, wait and hope i dont end up being in the lynch spot. if i do then yeah ill have no choice but to claim but it could hurt town for me to do that so its on you guys to decide if im scummy enough for you to take that risk. surely you can see that as a townie its reasonable to be reluctant to claim your role until you know you have to.
This 'I don't want to claim because its the best thing I can do for town' play is very weak considering im not asking for a fullclaim


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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I'd argue Moog's did too when he was weirdly questioning Inffy earlier.
and how does that make you feel :) ?
(but no i dont have any speech compulsion)
theres a reason that, as a townie, i didnt want to reveal my coins. its the same reason oog said nobody else should reveal coins, and why notty rated that post agree. notty literally agrees we shouldnt all be outing our coins yet pushes on me to do it and then complains when i dont.
i do not see this being the same as asking you to reveal your coins (especially if you only have 0) since you were 1 person under pretty heavy suspicion (seeing as you would have had 5 votes at one point if i had voted) vs a random person claiming their coins when 3-5 have already which is unnecessary and just dangerous
thats because its day 0 and barely anything has been said, so yeah i dont have many reads.

anyway in the spirit of HONESTY infs calmer attitude is swaying me into believing him but the fact hes suddenly adopted this post-those like 3 points where he was like 'wait......... hm............' and when hes meta referred to his town-behaviour twice now (so could easily intentionally change it as mafia since he's self-aware) means im still #anti-inf

i still want atleast a claim if inf has a night power or not!!!!!!!!!


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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i really don't know what to say (can't believe i've avoided vibes/AURAS arguments so far) but as the inf seer with a 98% accuracy on his alignment in mafia games, like 67% of his posts this game make me feel disgusted which is a new thing to me as the inf seer so i don't know how it ties in to town v scum but i'll just throw that out there i guess


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
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anyway in the spirit of HONESTY infs calmer attitude is swaying me into believing him but the fact hes suddenly adopted this post-those like 3 points where he was like 'wait......... hm............' and when hes meta referred to his town-behaviour twice now (so could easily intentionally change it as mafia since he's self-aware) means im still #anti-inf
Not just that, but the fact he said 'less' then quite literally the post after next in the thread he said 'exactly average' as if he panicked and suddenly clicked. Him then following that up with the ums and ahs to buy time and appeal to emotion with his 'oh woe is me I did a confused' seals it for me.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Day 0 Votecount 1
Vote Target(Current/Needed)
Good Skele0/6

I'm trying out a new system for votecounts to hopefully make it easy for me to keep track. If you dislike it or find it difficult to look at, feel free to give feedback in your role PM.
And for anyone that may find use in this sort of thing: Links to votecounts and deadline countdowns will always be available in the OP.

The current deadline is 10 am eastern time on Monday 7/20.

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
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Why tf is Aqua frog-reacting everyone's posts?

no but theres no compelling reason to lynch me either and its early on so anyone could be lynched yet

theres a reason that, as a townie, i didnt want to reveal my coins. its the same reason oog said nobody else should reveal coins, and why notty rated that post agree. notty literally agrees we shouldnt all be outing our coins yet pushes on me to do it and then complains when i dont. the only way it made sense to want me to say whether i had more or less than average is if they were assuming all town had 0 coins, but i wasnt making that assumption, so it was unreasonable of me to claim my coin amount. the only reason i did was because i thought notty + alisha + your reactions, combined with my role pm, meant tim accidentally messed up my role pm and that all town got told each other had 0 coins and that i might be lynched for it. which yes is kinda my fault for believing it but realistically when you go into the game expecting your 0 coins to be an outlier because of your rolename and role pm and then your role pm is missing information and then three players act like i should know that the average coin count is 0 its not unreasonable that id believe them instead of thinking alisha, for some reason, decided to play along with nottys lie
Obviously don't know if Tim's used a naming convention or not, but iirc the original economy of madness used basically zero naming convention with role names ranging from "Greg" to "That One Guy Who Donates Every Sunday", so I have to ask why you're specifically concerned about your rolename. Furthermore, I don't see what potential risk there is in revealing that you don't have any money for mafia to steal. If memory serves your defense for this yesterday was "I didn't want to claim because I was hoping mafia would waste a nightkill on me" and now that you've been forced into the position of revealing some information, you're switching gears to the defense of "I was scared b/c I thought my role seemed scummy" which to me reads as you panicking to avoid getting lynched rather than genuinely trying to help town.

thats because its day 0 and barely anything has been said, so yeah i dont have many reads.

but i mean stranger why do you even suspect me
It's day zero and I already have plenty of reads. Plus 18 pages of content hardly seems like barely anything has been said to me. Furthermore, I'm scumreading you because literally any attempt to get information from you has been met with a complete denial. I literally specified in my post that I wanted to know your reasoning for townreading myself and Alisha so I can decide whether or not you're legitimately townreading us or just saying that for brownie points and you haven't even answered that simple question.

and how does that make you feel :) ?
(but no i dont have any speech compulsion)
If you did have a speech compulsion, how would that make you feel? :)

just you wait until you find out twg and UNU are too
I gotta say, the real plot twist was that Mooglie guy playing as well.

Vote Inffy


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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This 'I don't want to claim because its the best thing I can do for town' play is very weak considering im not asking for a fullclaim
i dont care, youre asking me to confirm if im a PR or not, which has 0 use for town to know, only for mafia to know

i do not see this being the same as asking you to reveal your coins (especially if you only have 0) since you were 1 person under pretty heavy suspicion (seeing as you would have had 5 votes at one point if i had voted) vs a random person claiming their coins when 3-5 have already which is unnecessary and just dangerous
i was being pressed for my coins before anyone was suspicious of me though

the reason i am suspicious is because of me finally revealing i had 0 coins except i described it as 'less than average'

anyway in the spirit of HONESTY infs calmer attitude is swaying me into believing him but the fact hes suddenly adopted this post-those like 3 points where he was like 'wait......... hm............' and when hes meta referred to his town-behaviour twice now (so could easily intentionally change it as mafia since he's self-aware) means im still #anti-inf
ask literally anyone who played the last two games i am not very good at replicating my town meta as mafia and the last two games should be good evidence of that considering i spent my townie game under suspicion the entire game but with my mafia game i was sensible and only got under suspicion after the massclaim because my claim was sort of a cc of aqua's

and i dont see how me going 'wait... hm'....' means im scummy, if im scum why would i make an obviously weird post like that

i still want atleast a claim if inf has a night power or not!!!!!!!!!
for what purpose

this genuinely makes no sense

Not just that, but the fact he said 'less' then quite literally the post after next in the thread he said 'exactly average' as if he panicked and suddenly clicked. Him then following that up with the ums and ahs to buy time and appeal to emotion with his 'oh woe is me I did a confused' seals it for me.
aqua i want you to explain to me how this makes me scummy

if im town i shouldnt know what the average town coin is anyway, so even if you think i got it mixed up and said less than then 'clicked' that i was wrong and changed, that makes no sense at all to scumread me for

and do you truly think that my 'im confused' was to try to appeal to emotion, who would truly think that telling everyone theyre confused would somehow manipulate them into unvoting them when saying theyre confused is exacty what a mafia could say as well, thats unrealistic

the ums and ahs to buy time is also unrealistic because filler posts are obviously going to look weird and if im scum and want to buy time i have a far easier method of just not being here to post


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
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if im town i shouldnt know what the average town coin is anyway, so even if you think i got it mixed up and said less than then 'clicked' that i was wrong and changed, that makes no sense at all to scumread me for
Because if you were town you would have admitted that, yet you've been dancing around it and coming up with excuses the entire game.

The only other explanation is ur ego's that fragile you couldn't simply admit to not knowing what the town average was at the time and you've just been making and doubling down on excuses since.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
and do you truly think that my 'im confused' was to try to appeal to emotion, who would truly think that telling everyone theyre confused would somehow manipulate them into unvoting them when saying theyre confused is exacty what a mafia could say as well, thats unrealistic
I mean why else would you type it?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
what are you confused about

Why tf is Aqua frog-reacting everyone's posts?


Obviously don't know if Tim's used a naming convention or not, but iirc the original economy of madness used basically zero naming convention with role names ranging from "Greg" to "That One Guy Who Donates Every Sunday", so I have to ask why you're specifically concerned about your rolename.
"something something comparing last game is a bad idea something something" - tim

Furthermore, I don't see what potential risk there is in revealing that you don't have any money for mafia to steal. If memory serves your defense for this yesterday was "I didn't want to claim because I was hoping mafia would waste a nightkill on me" and now that you've been forced into the position of revealing some information, you're switching gears to the defense of "I was scared b/c I thought my role seemed scummy" which to me reads as you panicking to avoid getting lynched rather than genuinely trying to help town.
this isnt even true, i never said this ever

my reason has always been the same, i didnt want to claim coins cuz i was hoping maf might waste their kill on me, i dont want to claim whether im PR or not since its irrelevant and only useful for mafia to know

It's day zero and I already have plenty of reads. Plus 18 pages of content hardly seems like barely anything has been said to me.
then what are all these reads you have

and its 18 pages except the majority is me defending myself and the rest isnt very indicative of alignment to me

It's day zero and I already have plenty of reads. Plus 18 pages of content hardly seems like barely anything has been said to me. Furthermore, I'm scumreading you because literally any attempt to get information from you has been met with a complete denial.
yes because the information youre asking for is anti town so of course its being met with complete denial because im town

I literally specified in my post that I wanted to know your reasoning for townreading myself and Alisha so I can decide whether or not you're legitimately townreading us or just saying that for brownie points and you haven't even answered that simple question.
you didnt ask me that at all you just said you didnt know if i was genuinely townreading you or if i was lying as scum

obviously my only response to that would be 'im genuinely townreading you' because the alternative option is saying im scum so i didnt bother responding because i didnt read it as an actual question


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Because if you were town you would have admitted that, yet you've been dancing around it and coming up with excuses the entire game.

The only other explanation is ur ego's that fragile you couldn't simply admit to not knowing what the town average was at the time and you've just been making and doubling down on excuses since.
i already explained why as town i didnt want to admit that, for pro town purposes

your ego thing makes no sense why would me not being told by tim the coin average have anything to do with my ego

I mean why else would you type it?
since i was just typing my feelings/thoughts as they came idk


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
If you did have a speech compulsion, how would that make you feel? :)
sad :(
I gotta say, the real plot twist was that Mooglie guy playing as well.
wait, we're playing with THE BEST MAFIA PLAYER IN THE WORLD ????
i was being pressed for my coins before anyone was suspicious of me though

the reason i am suspicious is because of me finally revealing i had 0 coins except i described it as 'less than average'
define anyone since i think you were the only person being pushed to claim their coins because you were suspicious
ask literally anyone who played the last two games i am not very good at replicating my town meta as mafia and the last two games should be good evidence of that considering i spent my townie game under suspicion the entire game but with my mafia game i was sensible and only got under suspicion after the massclaim because my claim was sort of a cc of aqua's

and i dont see how me going 'wait... hm'....' means im scummy, if im scum why would i make an obviously weird post like that
for what purpose

this genuinely makes no sense
just do it


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
i already explained why as town i didnt want to admit that, for pro town purposes

your ego thing makes no sense why would me not being told by tim the coin average have anything to do with my ego

since i was just typing my feelings/thoughts as they came idk
I mean after the fact. You claimed less than average, then immediately claimed exactly the average 2 posts apart. Unless I'm being an idiot at no point until now you've said 'I have no idea what the average is.' You've claimed it was a tactic to confuse mafia, you've blamed getting confused by your role pm

If you were townie, like me, I find it hard to believe you wouldn't just say "I didn't know" and be done with it.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
define anyone since i think you were the only person being pushed to claim their coins because you were suspicious
notty was the only one asking me to claim my coins but they never gave a reason for it, it mightve been because i was suspicious but they didnt say that at least and nobody else did either
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