EscapeRemastered Mafia: Economy of Madness [Day 3]

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Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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but i believe youre mafia and that would mean 99.999999999% stranger isnt scum
+ i dont think stranger is scum anyway since theyve completely slipped off my radar which i guess is scummy but other than that
idk why you even think im mafia

plus i mean, this is a terrible argument but ill throw in everything i got - stranger's opinions have been unwavering this game, if you look over their posts theres no second-guessing themselves or changing directions mid-way through, plus theyve still yet to even address or mention or acknowledge your claim at all despite all the times ive brought it up for discussion!!

i like how your fingers naturally went to 2 and 5 and then just actively trying to change it but it didnt work
im a simple guy


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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what happened to that possibility!
Its still there but less since if you were Mafia lynching me would have been easy

can you explain how you think aqua got told about starting with 3 coins as maf though bearing in mind twg started with 0 as maf
Nowhere does it say others Mafia can't start with coins. I think one could easely start with coins so that they have a bit of a start to buying an expensive item (and have to be careful not to get that person lynched).


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Its still there but less since if you were Mafia lynching me would have been easy
its not like it matters whether you or sessy gets lynched though, he can just sit and wait

plus when oogs maf he tries to do what he thinks he'd do as town so that he leaves no trail

Nowhere does it say others Mafia can't start with coins. I think one could easely start with coins so that they have a bit of a start to buying an expensive item (and have to be careful not to get that person lynched).
i guess

i think i had an argument against this earlier but ive forgotten but if i remember ill say it

either way i think youre wrong and i think aquas town


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Well vote me and lynch Aqua tomorrow then
just cuz youre town doesnt make aqua scum

i already think youre town and i think aquas town too

i just wanna kill stranger, join me, take the leap of faith...
Infected_alien8_ why do you think Notty is not mafia?
mostly gut feeling i guess.

i feel confident stranger + moog are the last mafia.

so, karaoke buddy... fancy joining me in lynching stranger? it will be exciting at the very least!

if i was mafia i would just have let you get lynched. getting you lynched instead of notty would be a lot easier than getting stranger lynched. so youre in a unique perspective where you know that i am avoiding pushing on you (a townie who is easier to lynch) and am instead pushing on someone else (harder to lynch), so out of everyone in this game you should know im likely to be town!

that, or im playing some kinda mind game


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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also sessybessy think about it:

if notty was mafia, theyre in a position where its them getting lynched vs you right now (cuz noone is supporting an aqua lynch but people are supporting a sessy or notty lynch).

that means, if theyre mafia, itd only make sense to push on you to be lynched, to save themselves and lynch a townie (you) instead.

but theyre not doing that, theyre pushing on aqua (unlikely to be lynched). as scum this would be an unnecessary + risky move.

it could be a mindgame to make them appear more townie but i think its worth pointing out anyway.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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soz i got caught up irl
idk why you even think im mafia
as well as i really dont believe you would base your entire suspicion on me around a claim, especially when i was like a strong #teamtown to you day 0 and then suddenly when i call out that youve been vibing me as mafia the entire day 1 but have failed to mention it (even if it is claim bias) especially when i feel like i have asked before today if you find me suspicious purely based on claim and you said yes
+ also i still feel good about stranger and UNU donating pretty much instantly and even tho you ultimately donated it doesnt really mean much other than if youre mafia you cant bid whereas it means more for stranger/UNU to do it (this obviously assumes 1 of the distributors is scum but whatever if youre assuming mafia can do 2 actions a night then i can assume that!!!!!!!!!)
also your thing regarding twg was strange yesterday and even tho i also wasnt completely sold on lynching twg your sudden turn around (i know you explained it) still seems weird and could just be you pretending to be a town whos having to think and make a change of heart (since from your reasoning for stranger being scum, thats something you think scum wouldnt do)
plus i mean, this is a terrible argument but ill throw in everything i got - stranger's opinions have been unwavering this game, if you look over their posts theres no second-guessing themselves or changing directions mid-way through, plus theyve still yet to even address or mention or acknowledge your claim at all despite all the times ive brought it up for discussion!!
ill have to check this for myself!
im a simple guy
evidently :)
plus when oogs maf he tries to do what he thinks he'd do as town so that he leaves no trail
i highly regret ever sharing my mafia secret since since then alisha seems to think im scum 100% of games most times + you bring it up occasionally so its truly just a lose lose since as town im stuck being called mafia and as mafia ill never truly be seen as town

good thing this is a one time encore performance
if i was mafia i would just have let you get lynched. getting you lynched instead of notty would be a lot easier than getting stranger lynched. so youre in a unique perspective where you know that i am avoiding pushing on you (a townie who is easier to lynch) and am instead pushing on someone else (harder to lynch), so out of everyone in this game you should know im likely to be town!
its not like it matters whether you or sessy gets lynched though, he can just sit and wait


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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-Mooglie: Vibes (tm)
-Aqua: Vibes (tm)
-Alisha: After HK's claim I'm beginning to read her more as townie simply b/c the requirement for her to get coins will naturally draw attention to her, which could easily lead to her being put in a claim or die scenario even if there hadn't been a massclaim.
-Inffy: I'm hesitantly townreading Inffy simply b/c I can actually follow his logic now and he doesn't seem as panicky as he did earlier. There's a few things that I'm still questioning though, namely him splitting hairs over the "Notty and Alisha jumped to the conclusion that all townies have zero coins" thing.

-sessybessy: I really don't know what to make of her alignment based on her roleclaim, and she hasn't said enough for me to get a good read on her.
-Good Skele: Blank slate as well, though if someone could remind me/link me to his claim I'd appreciate it.
-HKCaper: He's been a blank slate so far - even his role I don't know what to make of it. My best guess would be that if one of the three people I named below isn't scum, then he's mafia's avenue of gaining coins.

-Unu: His only reads list thus far seemed pretty lazily put together, and when called out on it he quickly changed his reasoning without digging any further into reasoning, which to me reads to me as a scum looking for brownie points.
-Notty: Notty's been off the wall all day, and the various inconsistencies/backtracking about her role claim really isn't helping her case. Even with the black market being confirmed as a thing, the lack of clarity on exactly how it works leaves me thinking she's trying to make a cohesive fakeclaim with little/no information.
-TWG: In addition to the difficulty I have believing that a poisoner type role is town-sided, his role being able to specifically buy one item really strikes me as off, especially given what we know about auction mechanics so far.
heres a read list from stranger day 1 to compare
If I had to pick now I'd lynch sessy over moog. At the very least moog has been pretty forthcoming with information thus far. Sessy we had to pull teeth to get her to claim a rolename that really wasn't anything surprising.
theres one instance of stranger favouring me like i think youre suggesting so here have a freebie
This is a good point - if we all go along with Moog's plan, then maf are almost certainly going to get the items. In addition to the fact that some people are bidding way above what they have, this is serving more to consolidate money in Inffy/Mooglie's wallets. Which isn't inherently a bad thing, but I'm a bit hesitant about. Granted I feel like this is largely b/c Inffy isn't my preferred player to get all the money, but also I think Mooglie's plan is a bad idea. I'd be down with forcing Unu/anyone else who claims to have zero coins with proving it through the donation box, but not everyone giving all their money to one player + Mooglie
theres stranger slightly saying my role can be scummy but i guess its not said in plain words so i can see what youre saying, even tho i think you may have meant sessy instead of me since stranger talks about the coin plan semi frequently meaning she acknowledged my claim as a thing rather than ignoring it
Anyway, b/c he's really not being helpful this game and my reads haven't really shifted that much from yesterday guess I'll just go with this
Vote Good Skele
i guess thats an instance of not having their reads change
I'd be open to lynching Notty if we can't get enough votes on Skele. I still think Skele is the better choice though, both b/c his role seems sketchy as hell and b/c he's being useless. At least Notty is contributing to the game, even though I think she's scum.
same here on 2 accounts
Also Skele's likely not getting lynched so might as well put my vote where I want it
Vote Notty
Yes, I do believe they can do that. I believe that they brought up the black market during their d0 roleclaim so they didn't have to BS something that would seem way too out there. When they came under scrutiny because of that, they shifted to add that they also receive some of the proceeds from the black market. Furthermore, during d0 I noted that they also shifted from saying that the black market was an auction to the black market was just a market, implying you could purchase things there for a fixed price. These inconsistencies lead me to believe that they got pushed to claim well before they were prepared to and are trying to patch things up and say things that they think will sound townie.
here is reasoning for voting notty that is something i essentially said quite a few times on day 0 so idk if its possible they just STOLE it from me so theres some ammunition for you again

so ya i guess i can see what youre saying about stranger
but i still dont like you!
or the fact that i showed in my timeline its very possible for game to be lost by putting blind faith in you and what you claim the donation total to be


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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soz i got caught up irl

as well as i really dont believe you would base your entire suspicion on me around a claim, especially when i was like a strong #teamtown to you day 0 and then suddenly when i call out that youve been vibing me as mafia the entire day 1 but have failed to mention it (even if it is claim bias) especially when i feel like i have asked before today if you find me suspicious purely based on claim and you said yes
you vibed strong town to me day 0 but your claim just doesnt fit the setup at all in my opinion, so then i reevaluate you and i come to the conclusion that youre maf and fooled me with your townie vibes, which isnt even unlikely since you do it all the time!

and i didnt say youd vibed mafia to me entire day 1, i just said id stopped vibing you as town ever since i thought your claim was sus

you did ask me at the end of day 0 whether my sus on you was about your behavoiur or claim and i said claim cuz at that point it was, but then as day 1 went on i lost the town vibe i had on you, maybe because i was biased by the claim like i said

+ also i still feel good about stranger and UNU donating pretty much instantly and even tho you ultimately donated it doesnt really mean much other than if youre mafia you cant bid whereas it means more for stranger/UNU to do it (this obviously assumes 1 of the distributors is scum but whatever if youre assuming mafia can do 2 actions a night then i can assume that!!!!!!!!!)
i mean i can understand feeling a tiny bit good about it but its seems strange you feel good enough about it to find me sus based on it when an easy answer to that is that they just genuinely didnt do the kill

plus as maf if they resisted itd be sus as well, they mightve thought itd be better to donate instantly then kill me tonight (since at that point nobody had mentioned how skele could be used)

but i personally think stranger was so open to doing it cuz they saw you suggest it (their maf buddy) but thats not relevant to why youd think that if youre town i guess

also your thing regarding twg was strange yesterday and even tho i also wasnt completely sold on lynching twg your sudden turn around (i know you explained it) still seems weird and could just be you pretending to be a town whos having to think and make a change of heart (since from your reasoning for stranger being scum, thats something you think scum wouldnt do)
i know this isnt gonna refute what you said but just to clarify what i meant, its not that i dont think its something scum would do, more that i think town would do it, and scum would either do it or dont. stranger hasnt done it and to me thats a tiny red flag in favour of them being scum

i highly regret ever sharing my mafia secret since since then alisha seems to think im scum 100% of games most times + you bring it up occasionally so its truly just a lose lose since as town im stuck being called mafia and as mafia ill never truly be seen as town
i mean not really, if it werent for your roleclaim i prob wouldve still townread you, even tho i knew you always seem townie when youre scum

its like purely your claim which got me to reconsider you

sure i dont vibe you town anymore but i think that could be because of your claim making me think i was wrong about you

and being seen as 'always townie' doesnt mean that when youre town youll always be scumread on it, it means you could be town or scum and theres not really much way of knowing. and when youre scum its the same.

for that last bit, the reason i brought that up was cuz sessy thinks notty is scum, so then i would have a reason to let sessy be lynched instead of pushing on stranger

or the fact that i showed in my timeline its very possible for game to be lost by putting blind faith in you and what you claim the donation total to be
then dont lynch based off that, ignore the plan completely!


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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you vibed strong town to me day 0 but your claim just doesnt fit the setup at all in my opinion, so then i reevaluate you and i come to the conclusion that youre maf and fooled me with your townie vibes, which isnt even unlikely since you do it all the time!

and i didnt say youd vibed mafia to me entire day 1, i just said id stopped vibing you as town ever since i thought your claim was sus

you did ask me at the end of day 0 whether my sus on you was about your behavoiur or claim and i said claim cuz at that point it was, but then as day 1 went on i lost the town vibe i had on you, maybe because i was biased by the claim like i said
i disagree that it doesnt fit the setup i just think that it has some very obvious scum uses as well
also that sounds like youre purely basing it off the claim to me
and i swear youve found my claim suspicious since day 0 (since i certainly didnt hold back in saying it was suspicious either)
and again, that sounds purely based on claim
i mean i can understand feeling a tiny bit good about it but its seems strange you feel good enough about it to find me sus based on it when an easy answer to that is that they just genuinely didnt do the kill

plus as maf if they resisted itd be sus as well, they mightve thought itd be better to donate instantly then kill me tonight (since at that point nobody had mentioned how skele could be used)

but i personally think stranger was so open to doing it cuz they saw you suggest it (their maf buddy) but thats not relevant to why youd think that if youre town i guess
i think it warrants feeling more than a tiny bit good
and i guess that 2nd part is valid
and 3rd i didnt consider since ya

you win this point infected alien 8 but the battle is far from over!!!!!!!!
i mean not really, if it werent for your roleclaim i prob wouldve still townread you, even tho i knew you always seem townie when youre scum

its like purely your claim which got me to reconsider you

sure i dont vibe you town anymore but i think that could be because of your claim making me think i was wrong about you

and being seen as 'always townie' doesnt mean that when youre town youll always be scumread on it, it means you could be town or scum and theres not really much way of knowing. and when youre scum its the same.
frankly you just confirmed that its purely based on claim and my mafia secret in this?
+ for the final bit ya thats what i meant
then dont lynch based off that, ignore the plan completely!
but i dont have faith that the rest of people wont blindly follow you (especially considering sessy and hk both rated that post like positive ratings i think but theyre still here lynching notty (admittedly sessy said she can see you as mafia)) + i dont have faith you didnt see this future (i mean i guess it could be a similar thing to your point about stranger donating without hesitation since im their mafia partner which i didnt see since im town so you didnt see this future since youre town) and knew you could get your sheeps to follow you!!!!!

on an unrelated note i no longer even know if i know what you were telling aqua to do anymore since the more i think about it the thing i think it was that i think you know seems kinda bad when i think theres someone already with a better claim to that thing so surely aqua is just wasting his stuff unless you think that somehow the other person with the better claim picked up on your super secret hidden suggestion when theyre probably not being that attentive and changed it to counter your new thing (which you intended) so aqua would be the one on top of the true thing


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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i disagree that it doesnt fit the setup i just think that it has some very obvious scum uses as well
its mostly how you werent given 3 coins day 0 that makes me think it doesnt fit

also that sounds like youre purely basing it off the claim to me

and again, that sounds purely based on claim

frankly you just confirmed that its purely based on claim and my mafia secret in this?
im not denying that i am

and i swear youve found my claim suspicious since day 0 (since i certainly didnt hold back in saying it was suspicious either)
near the end of day 0 yeah, thats when i said you were sus to me

by that point i still vibed you as town but i was reconsidering

then as day 1 went on, my townie vibe disappeared (this isnt me saying i scum vibed you, just that the townie one disappeared), possible since i slowly became more convinced you were scum cuz of your claim

it was actually when notty asked someone to write down all the people's coins amounts, and i did, and saw all 3 distributors and you with 0 that it really hit me that your role didnt fit the pattern of the setup, and i think it was from your posts after that that i lost the townie vibe on you, cuz suddenly i started seeing why you might be saying stuff as scum as well, cuz i had decent reason to think id been bamboozled and you were scum

+ for the final bit ya thats what i meant
yh but i mean thats the same for most people nowadays, everyones improved their scum game a lot!

on an unrelated note i no longer even know if i know what you were telling aqua to do anymore since the more i think about it the thing i think it was that i think you know seems kinda bad when i think theres someone already with a better claim to that thing so surely aqua is just wasting his stuff unless you think that somehow the other person with the better claim picked up on your super secret hidden suggestion when theyre probably not being that attentive and changed it to counter your new thing (which you intended) so aqua would be the one on top of the true thing
you think id tell you my secrets, scum??!?!!


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Why are you confident stranger + moog are the last mafia?
every other role who didnt have a way of getting coins before the auction were given 3 coins to start. i think that was to let them bid on the auction day 1 with everyone else. oog didnt however, and that doesnt make sense to me, and i think its because hes scum.

for stranger, its mostly a gut feeling, combined with process of elimination. i think everyone else is likely to be town, other than stranger (and moog).


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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its mostly how you werent given 3 coins day 0 that makes me think it doesnt fit
that doesnt sound like it doesnt fit in the setup to me atleast!!!!
but ya i agree its strange but i literally dont have an argument against it since this is my legitamate role
im not denying that i am
near the end of day 0 yeah, thats when i said you were sus to me

by that point i still vibed you as town but i was reconsidering

then as day 1 went on, my townie vibe disappeared (this isnt me saying i scum vibed you, just that the townie one disappeared), possible since i slowly became more convinced you were scum cuz of your claim

it was actually when notty asked someone to write down all the people's coins amounts, and i did, and saw all 3 distributors and you with 0 that it really hit me that your role didnt fit the pattern of the setup, and i think it was from your posts after that that i lost the townie vibe on you, cuz suddenly i started seeing why you might be saying stuff as scum as well, cuz i had decent reason to think id been bamboozled and you were scum
you just got bamboozled...
yh but i mean thats the same for most people nowadays, everyones improved their scum game a lot!
ya but people (specifically alisha and you!) bring it up a lot more than you would other people
you think id tell you my secrets, scum??!?!!
i mean if you really think me and stranger are the remaining mafia and you think that stranger didnt kill alisha (meaning i did) and i donated all 525600 of my coins then theres really nothing to worry about
+ this is very easily you being scum and getting aqua to screw up
? i am not sure what you are referring to
not sure if the eyes are meant to signal something but:
in fact in a world where inf is mafia (and the other mafia hk/aqua)

- day 1: lynch notty (town) today -> 2/8 mafia
- night 2: kill any town player tonight that isnt stranger/UNU/me -> 2/7 mafia
- day 2: 'so i got 5(? or 6 i cant remember whether skele rounds up/down) + 6 coins last night which means stranger/UNU/moog is lying' (it wont matter that im alive if inf donates to himself (and he did kill alisha) since i will see the 3 coins pop up and corroborate his story but for me it would be against stranger/UNU) + whatever donation madness im doing will be on one of the people killed next night probably? -> lynch one of us -> 2/6 mafia
- night 3: kill any town player that isnt the remaining 2 out of stranger/UNU/me -> 2/5 mafia
- day 3: 'so we got the 1/3 wrong and now its a 50/50 so what did the results of the PI contract show [whoever buys it] (assuming theyre not dead)' -> it clears one of the 50/50s (since theyre both town) -> 'so lets lynch the other one' -> 2/4 mafia -> game over

idk how long it takes the auction items to come to you/whether you can use the PI contract instantly but its the same story if its used night 2 than night 3 or day 2 than day 3

and this story involves inf donating to himself, even if he doesnt do this it just means all that has to happen is me being killed night 2 altho that does open up the floor to the PI contract revealing one of stranger/UNU as inno on day 2 so only 1 is mislynched, but this is assuming that the PI contract is bought by a town / that that town isnt killed (which would be slightly good since then im not dead on day 2 and can call out inf)

this is a mess


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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you know what mr scum inffy FINE im down to lynch stranger PURELY because i dont think notty is scum because they hold such great power over me + i genuinely am torn between 2 worlds with sessy (who still needs to sing today btw i think)

AND in the timeline i put out its 100% put off course if one of the claimed 0 coin people are lynched today wait i think im stupid and the timeline makes 0 sense since if stranger/UNU are scum with the 5/6/11 coins they wouldnt have even donated their full amount with their current things and i was just living in a world where they were town and so it would since its over 0 woops im an idiot and i also blame noone for correcting me so yall suck too!

WELL im not sure if i want to lynch stranger now but maybe you can convince me more GO


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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ya but people (specifically alisha and you!) bring it up a lot more than you would other people
i only brought it up cuz notty was townreading you based on you not lynching them and i had an argument to refute that

alisha just said 'oog always looks extremely townie as scum' cuz its the truth! even if your secret wasnt public people would still learn that you were really good at seeming town as scum and would still say that!

i mean if you really think me and stranger are the remaining mafia and you think that stranger didnt kill alisha (meaning i did) and i donated all 525600 of my coins then theres really nothing to worry about
+ this is very easily you being scum and getting aqua to screw up
i think stranger couldve killed alisha yeah

+ this is very easily you being scum and getting aqua to screw up
and id be caught red handed the next day!!
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