Paste what you have copied :D

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Mafia Host
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
[2011-06-01 21:46:54] + [Ohai] Gamemakergm joined the game.
[2011-06-01 21:46:56] [Ohai] Gamemakergm: Klove
[2011-06-01 21:46:58] Hunter27a1: and give ops speak
[2011-06-01 21:46:59] - kyanwan disconnected.
[2011-06-01 21:47:02] [Puddi ] malachix7: puddi '
[2011-06-01 21:47:05] [Ohai] Gamemakergm: You are being very innapropiate
[2011-06-01 21:47:10] Hunter27a1: '
[2011-06-01 21:47:17] klove11's actions for the past 500000 seconds were undone.
[2011-06-01 21:47:18] *pdo_stw went to course
[2011-06-01 21:47:18] Hunter27a1: ikr
[2011-06-01 21:47:19] BibbyThePimp: can any1 tp to me i want promo
[2011-06-01 21:47:25] - bladeass disconnected.
[2011-06-01 21:47:25] klove11's rank was set to guest
[2011-06-01 21:47:25] Congratulations!
[2011-06-01 21:47:28] klove11 has been un-muted
[2011-06-01 21:47:29] KnowlegeBot: Build For ranks and have fun '


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
From different estimates, the new wind will be moving
supersonically with respect to the preceding gas. Two shock waves are generated, one at the
outer boundary of the shell and another at the point where the fast wind from the central star
meets the slower moving gas. When this happens, the temperature of the shocked gas can be
raised to a very high value and this hot bubble will push the shell outwards, causing the
expansion of the planetary nebula.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

Hoe gevormd..

Wanneer gebruikt


Vragende/ontkennende zin

Present Continuous

Am-is-are + ing-vorm

-Iets is nu aan de gang
-toekomst/van plan zijn

Now, at the moment, look!!

Am-is-are + ing vorm

Present simple
(onvoltooid Tegenw. Tijd)

Bij He-she-it komt er een S achter het werkwoord.
(soms: ES bij sisklank)

-algemene waarheid

Usually, often, sometimes, every, always.

Do/does + hele werkwoord.

Past simple
(onvoltooid Verleden tijd)

-ED achter werkwoord
-tweede kolom onregelmatige werkwoorden

-handelingen die geheel in het verleden zijn.

Yesterday, ago, last, 1991, when I was a baby etc.

Did + hele werkwoord

Past Continuous

Was/were + ing-vorm

-iets was in het verleden aan de gang

Vaak samen met de past simple

Was/were + ing-vorm

Present Perfect
(Volt. tegenwoordige tijd)

Have (has) + volt.deelwoord (3)

-Handeling begon in het verleden en gaat nu nog door.
-Het resultaat is nu nog belangrijk

already, ever, never, yet, since, for, so far, up till now, recently

Have (has) + voltooid deelwoord

Past Perfect
(Voltooid Verleden tijd)

Had + voltooid deelwoord

-Handeling gebeurde voor een bepaald tijdstip in het verleden

Vaak samen met de Past Simple en woorden als: when, after, before.

Had + voltooid deelwoord

Future (toekomende tijd)

-Will (shall) + hele werkwoord.
-am-is-are + going to + hele werkwoord

-Handelingen in de toekomst.
-Wat je van plant bent in de nabije toekomst

next, 2005, when I’m 65, tomorrow etc.

-Will/Shall + hele werkwoord.
-am-is-are + going to + hele werkwoord.


Aug 12, 2011
Reaction score
1: Country name: Australia
2: Describe the Government Structure (Representation, Elections, etc) minimum of 500 words:

The government of Australia

The Australian government used to be known as a federal or commonwealth government and it passes laws that will affect the whole country. Australia's legislature (or otherwise known simply as a Parliament) votes and debates laws to be shown under the power of section 51. The legislature is split into two different parts just like ours. There is the senate, and also the house of representatives. The senate has 76 members and the house of representatives has 100 members. There is an executive branch of the government, and it is the administrative arm of the government and which is made up of government employees. Those employees work in many agencies and departments. Also with this there is a minister that has been chosen to work along with the executive branch and is usually chosen with responsibility. He also serves as Australia’s head of government. Besides the executive part of the government, there is the judicial part of it. The role of the judicial part of the government is to enforce the laws that the government makes. It also ensures that the other arms of the government (legislature and executive) don’t act beyond the powers that they have that were given to them by the Parliament or the constitution. The commonwealth of Australia consists of six different states and each state still has the power to be able to create laws but only if the law is about something that is not controlled by the commonwealth under section 51. The parts of Australia that are not claimed by the six states are considered and called territories. They can be granted there own right to their own government or be administered by the government of Australia. If they get there own government they can establish one in a similar manner to the state. There are also local governments and they have a legislature and a executive branch but no judicial branch. The local governments are formed by the state governments and territory government to take the responsibility for a number of community services. Examples of these community services are like helping out with the waste collection, planning the town, and public recreation facilities. In the territories and states there are many local governments. The states and territories that these local governments are in are the ones to determine the power of the local governments. The naming conventions for local governments will vary as you move across Australia. Examples of these names are: cities, shires, towns, and municipalities. But they are still being controlled either way by the state or territory governments. For the state governments, there are six different governments, which obviously means that there are six different states. Along with alternative governments, there are separate constitutions among the states. With the territories, there are 10 different ones outside the border of the states. Sometimes the laws that the states make will contradict the laws that were made by the Australian government and if this happens then the commonwealth (Australian) law is to be followed.
3: Describe the Economic Structure (form of currency, kind of economic policies, etc) minimum of 500 words:

The economic structure structure of Australia

Australia’s economy is considered to be one of the strongest and stable in the world. This is
because it has had about two decades of growth, and the unemployment rate has not been going up like most countries, it has actually been going down to reach the generation low. The economy is also doing pretty well because throughout the past three decades the economy has been going through policy and structural reforms with makes their economy flexible. Along with this the economy is resilient and increasing integrated with the global markets. The economy in Australia has recently been highlighted for its ability to withstand a number of events, including external and internal events. Along with these events there was a major flood and a giant housing boom. Plus there was an economic crises and a financial crises in the surrounding areas of Australia, and the economy was still doing well throughout this. Statistically the economy has been growing on a rate of 3.3% every year as of 1991. The peak of the unemployment falling in Australia was from 11% (which was about 15 years ago) to lower than 5% in 2008 and this is the lowest unemployment has been since the 1970’s. As a result of budget surpluses the economy of Australia is in a fiscal position. These surpluses help Australia pay off it’s debt. The debt was finally paid off in 1995. As of a survey in 2007 Australia’s economy was and has been considered impressive. Also along with this they said that the growth of the economy will sustain at 3.3% and that is above the above average percent, as the above average percent is 2.7. Along with having an above average growth rate, the living standard has risen a great amount and now it surpasses all the group of 8 countries except the United States of America. Australia has a great stable economy because of the reforms since 1970. Also with this they have a modern institutional economy and a regulatory structure that does very well with business. Since they had a giant reform agenda, it has cut some protectionist tariffs, introduced different laws, deregulated its market financially, and floated the exchange rate. With trading, Australia decided to lower some barriers to trade, and also for investment purposes. And there is also some major competition across the economy, including important areas, like the financial and other sectors. Since 1970, assistance to the manufacturing companies in Australia has gone down substantially. (From 35% to 5%). This has resulted in more people around the world using technology that came from Australia. Along with this they are using Australia manufactured things along with their expertise. With taxes, they have changed the system making it somewhat simple and has lead to reduced business costs, and even more so for exporters. The goods and services tax (GST) is levied at 10% and this affects a lot of the goods and services. The government also provides tax incentives with a maximum of 175% to get businesses to invest the money into development and research.

I am not even 1/4 done with this essay, the teacher is overworking us
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