How Did you find Blocktopia?

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Dec 1, 2011
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I wanted to check out a TNT wars server and when I checked the server list, Blocktopia was the only one up. I logged on, checked it out, got pwned by Mystelain (or however you spell that name :p) and discovered the joy of nukes :bounce:. Then one day, I visited the wiki and saw Primordia. It looked (reeeeeeally) cool, and I joined.


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
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17 years ago, I was born.
The things that happened in between weren't important.
Then, a year ago I discovered minecraft through an article in Game Informer.
Then I found a bunch of crappy freebuilds, hated them all (hint, I can't build) and promptly stuck to beta.
Fast forward to July 2011: Bored in a minecraft skype chat, someone linked me to TNT. I played for a bit, got into the beta just a little (at that time it wasn't primordia) and then forgot about it until October.
Dissatisfied with the state of Beta, I started playing classic more. And then I remembered TNT.
And then I played.


Aug 6, 2011
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My cousin, Noobar, showed me it a month or so after I got Minecraft. I was on his Alpha server, blahdy blah, and he kept bugging me, being himself, saying things like 'you rly shud come on TheOnes Lava ya know.' After a few more days of him referring it, I gave in and went on to the Classic Server list. Instead of going on Lava, though, I went on Zombie. And I survived my first round :) since then, which was about 14 months ago, I've ben at least a semi-active member of the community and servers (mainly Zombie). :D that's my story.
Nov 17, 2011
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May 2011, My friend and i were scrolling down to find some new servers and eventually found Blocktopia's zombie survival. Played about 2 days of it and eventually got boring, for me that is. Then finding TnT wars which got me so addicted to it. Abit more days i joined the community, made some friends, etc.


Aug 6, 2011
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October 2010 (hah, thanks for the correction). I had a lot of fun in the evenings playing on a close friend's classic build server, though he only ran it during the evenings so I kind of had the craving for more.

One day at work when looking up random articles on a Minecraft wiki, one of them mentioned something about a past version of the game having a lava/water survival mode on it. I thought that seemed pretty cool and might challenge my reflexes, so I had a look at that night to see if there were any such servers online.

And down the list, I saw something labelled "TheOnes New Lava Survival TEST". I clicked on it, and the next thing I knew was that I ended up in a round with the lava coming in 2 minutes, so I scrambled up to the top of the map and made a glass cocoon around myself. But in the process that triggered the first thing someone ever said to me:

"wooffus gtfo"

At that moment, I knew I was going to like it here. ;)


Aug 7, 2011
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In the fall of 2010 I saw the Blocktopia servers in the list, but never joined any of them because I always joined the freebuild servers. Then, in January of 2011, Marnixxie told me about Zombie Survival and showed me a video about it. I joined it as soon as I got home. The end.


Aug 7, 2011
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February22,2011 was scrolling down the minecraft servers, and I found Blocktopia TNT Wars, didn't like it, and on March 3rd, I found lava survival, played it for 3 days, got bored of it, AND EVENTUALLY I FOUND THE GREATEST SERVER EVER, blocktopia zombie survival, eventually stayed there, got auto-banned on July 5th, unbanned on july 19, got trusted August 26th, then got operator October 28, 2011. That is, my blocktopia story. :)


Aug 6, 2011
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October 2011. I had a lot of fun in the evenings playing on a close friend's classic build server, though he only ran it during the evenings so I kind of had the craving for more.

One day at work when looking up random articles on a Minecraft wiki, one of them mentioned something about a past version of the game having a lava/water survival mode on it. I thought that seemed pretty cool and might challenge my reflexes, so I had a look at that night to see if there were any such servers online.

And down the list, I saw something labelled "TheOnes New Lava Survival TEST". I clicked on it, and the next thing I knew was that I ended up in a round with the lava coming in 2 minutes, so I scrambled up to the top of the map and made a glass cocoon around myself. But in the process that triggered the first thing someone ever said to me:

"wooffus gtfo"

At that moment, I knew I was going to like it here. ;)
I belive you mean 2010?


Resident Asha'man
Aug 6, 2011
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Let's see. I originally joined TheOne's Lava Survival (or cranberry sauce or buffalo sauce) in late 2009 - early 2010 once. I floated around in the lava for a minute or so and said "well this is boring". So I left the community for 6 months or so.

After staying on (the now dead and forgotten) Chariot's Realistic Landscape freebuild server until it's close I stumbled upon a server called TheOne's Zombie Survival. "What the heck is zombie survival?" So I joined it and played my first round as a zombie. Pillaring with my sand and having the server scream at me for building too fast. (in those days every block a zombie placed turned to physics enabled sand and the server restricted zombies to half build speed) I've always been pretty single minded when it comes to games, I tend to get really focused on one at a time. So after deciding that this was a pretty great game I've stuck with it ever since. (and I had made friends here that I don't see anywhere else so I couldn't just leave)


Ugh, this is a tough one...
I think some guy on a random server showed me TNT, then soon afer I discovered Lava, then I started screwing about on the IRC.
Then, one day, the IRC said that "the forums are back up", so I registered on the forum.
This was during late 2010.
This might be incorrect in some ways, but it's mostly correct.


Aug 14, 2011
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In July 2011. one of my friends from another community showed me and some others the zombie survival server. From there, I went and tried to register on the forums, but this was when it was still down. I checked in constantly to see when it would come back up, so I could become a member of them. I signed in, and found out about the other servers. Now, I pretty much show the servers to my friends as much as possible.

tl;dr I join, try to go on forums, they're down, now I tell friends IRL about all servers

Roobarb Pie

Aug 6, 2011
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Browsing servers, got into a creative server. Decided to make a giant skyblock, because i'm a montgomery burns at heart. Got banned for said skyblocker by none other than @KingSam
Found Lava, played it, got kicked, thought i was banned, started playing indev.
Found lava again, played on zombie in the first week of opening, tried and failed for trusted on it.
Discovered the SMP when it was owned by JabJabJab. Got trusted on it two days before the server shut down.
Eventually became the co-creator of the first town in SMP-Rome, alongside gonkus. Moved from there to work on an outpost called Hollowbastion. Became mayor there. Became OP. OP'd like a boss. Retired from OP after a troll on the old forums harrassed me constantly, until the head staff stepped in, to which he "apologized", which was the main reason i gave up OP role, as he hinted that i was worthless in my SMP job and so on.
Currently living the easy life as a citizen of Primus and part-time advisor to Listings when my internet works.
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