Host City For New Sky Tower

Would you want this tower built in your families capital city?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 23 67.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 4 11.8%

  • Total voters


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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This is one expensive tower... xD

EDIT: Also, chucking in more, making 6,000 from me total.

Hells bells.. Uhh okay so, this (I think) is the current stands:

New Arcem current bid = 20k Shillings.

SkyLand City current bid = 19.5k Shillings

Therefore, as you can see, Aeres leads the auction with their bid of 20000 Shillings!
Mac is going to be rich after this


Your local Macintosh XXVII
Aug 6, 2011
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Forgive me if I get the numbers wrong here, it's getting hard to keep track.

Cheers Defiant.

New Arcem current bid = 21000 Shillings​


SkyLand City current bid = 23500 Shillings​

Mac is going to be rich after this​
I will be for around 5 minutes. Before I deposit all the money into the fund for the community project ;)

Alright gents, I've been doing some planning and I have a scale floor plan, and a few teasers coming up. Should be up in 5 minutes or so.​

Here we go, the 1:1 scale of the floor of the main rooms.​

Some facts about the building​
  • It will be appropriately 100 blocks tall.
  • There will be 24 main rooms within the building (To the above floor plan) Plus one Penthouse room that will be double the size of the current floor plan.
  • It will have a lovely lobby, about 6 or 7 blocks high
  • Floor to ceiling windows expressing great views.
  • The basic room (Above) will have a floor space of 109 metres (blocks) squared
So, the final teaser. This building, from Melbourne is close to what the tower will look like, only more boxy as this is Minecraft after all.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
So, the final teaser. This building, from Melbourne is close to what the tower will look like, only more boxy as this is Minecraft after all.
It's the Eureka tower <3

I will be for around 5 minutes. Before I deposit all the money into the fund for the community project ;)
I wonder what the community project is, derp ;)


SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
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I don't see the point in bidding for the building, I mean, Ofc their should be some set payment for Mac27's work etc, But you shouldn't have to 'bid' as this could go on for a couple more days and put it over 30,000 and end up cleaning everyone out of their shillings.

I suggest Mac27 should decide what Capital the building would suit best, And the capital willing to donate most of the resources.
If you think about it, Wortho27 has 21,000 cobble, Turn that Into smooth stone/stone brick and I'd say that's enough for Half or whole of the building's stone supply.


Aug 6, 2011
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I don't see the point in bidding for the building, I mean, Ofc their should be some set payment for Mac27's work etc, But you shouldn't have to 'bid' as this could go on for a couple more days and put it over 30,000 and end up cleaning everyone out of their shillings.

I suggest Mac27 should decide what Capital the building would suit best, And the capital willing to donate most of the resources.
If you think about it, Wortho27 has 21,000 cobble, Turn that Into smooth stone/stone brick and I'd say that's enough for Half or whole of the building's stone supply.
I actually agree with this. Sure, whoever gets the tower will have to pay like, 8000 or something, but it should go to the capital Mac think's it would be best for. It should be judged on the application, materials, and it's surroundings, not by whoever has the biggest wallet.
Infact, it could even be unfair, as one family could be significantly richer than the other, and by "bidding" the most, they would get it. I suggest that we end this bid war and let mac decide it.
Aug 6, 2011
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I don't see the point in bidding for the building, I mean, Ofc their should be some set payment for Mac27's work etc, But you shouldn't have to 'bid' as this could go on for a couple more days and put it over 30,000 and end up cleaning everyone out of their shillings.

I suggest Mac27 should decide what Capital the building would suit best, And the capital willing to donate most of the resources.
If you think about it, Wortho27 has 21,000 cobble, Turn that Into smooth stone/stone brick and I'd say that's enough for Half or whole of the building's stone supply.
I see your point, however Mac27 can't just 'choose' a city to put it in... as that would mean favoring one city over the other. The bidding is to find out who 'wants' the tower more and thus will get it. It's people's choice to empty out their pockets for it (A damn good choice too :p )

And believe me, the money will go back into the market quite quickly once it starts getting utilised!


Your local Macintosh XXVII
Aug 6, 2011
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I understand and respect your very valid points, but as Budgie said I have to decide one way or another, and after some thinking and a lot of evaluation of ideas; bidding is the best way to go. In terms of money, every single shilling gained from this auction will go back into the economy as the proceeds will be spend on materials for the secret project.

What also needs to be remembered is that the family will gain profit from the building, renting out rooms etc. Cobblestone, while I understand your point, the fact remains that both families would have more cobblestone than you could throw a stick at. Again as Budgie mentioned, it's completely up to the families how much they want to spend. They might want the building for housing, tourism, attraction, simple city-factor, the list is endless.

Another factor in play here, is family members. New members are inclined to join the more powerful and wealthy family, therefore if I was to just choose a family, I would be giving that family a significant advantage over the other 3.