Class Balance


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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I dont like Nomad it seems MUCH worse then crafter in most aspects especially getting skill since in Nomad you can only earn skill by crafting

Also later I am gonna post a new class I want for archer and am debating to call it scopesman or bowman
Ah, the wiki isnt correct - @UltimateBudgie didnt yet add that the Nomad gets XP for Killing stuff and for using his skills (!) as well, and has a 5x XP multiplier as well ;)

Also, you can post a fresh class, but make it in the correct thread, and there is ofc no guarantee we will consider it ;)


lmao i have a title
Aug 6, 2011
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Ah, the wiki isnt correct - @UltimateBudgie didnt yet add that the Nomad gets XP for Killing stuff and for using his skills (!) as well, and has a 5x XP multiplier as well ;)

Also, you can post a fresh class, but make it in the correct thread, and there is ofc no guarantee we will consider it ;)


Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I do not know if it's an issue, but i find it very annoying..
I'm a crafter, wich means that i mine alot. The problem is, when i mine fast, the blocks start to re-appear so you have to mine them again and again, since I love to mine quarries, this is a big problem for me, and all the other crafters...

Is there any way to fix this?


¡Juego de las Pulgas!
Aug 7, 2011
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I do not know if it's an issue, but i find it very annoying..
I'm a crafter, wich means that i mine alot. The problem is, when i mine fast, the blocks start to re-appear so you have to mine them again and again, since I love to mine quarries, this is a big problem for me, and all the other crafters...

Is there any way to fix this?
It is a case of lag my friend. Usually client side, this makes the blocks disappear without dropping anything, and then magically come back. It happens to the best of us at times


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Mage| Health too low, especially when you think just "Mage"
I'm a level 23 mage, and i have 36 health. that sorta makes sense, but a Third Tier mage has 50. Only 50 health, for a "Mage". im starting to think we should call them "Wimp Wizards" :p
There has been a 20billion page discussion on mages already. It was decided that they are perfect.


God of Orcs & Destruction
Oct 30, 2011
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Warrior : Blackjack.
The chance on blackjack stunning an opponent is small. VERY small. People use it on me and I used it on them. Nothing happened, pretty useless skill if you can't see the effect. Maybe you can increase the chance.

And my other problem, I'm a smith and when I type /skills smith I see 2 skills. People tell me there are more, but I can't see any other than the first 2. Might be me? I don't know. Yes, I know it's a profession but I might as well throw it on the table.


Jan 20, 2012
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As a mason, when I create ladders I earn nothing. When I place a ladder, I earn 0.05 xp. I don't think 1/20th of an xp point is a reasonable reward for anything except collecting cobblestone, and more to the point is that I should earn the xp from making the ladders rather than placing them, I think. It also seemed strange that crafting blocks into stairs or half blocks, or cooking cobblestone into stone, didn't award anything.

(Skip this paragraph, read the edit) Overall, it feels like I'm not earning enough experience for making things. Granted, I haven't yet gotten around to making things like rails or book cases, so I may just be missing the good stuff, but I don't feel like 3 xp per bucket is going to get me to the goal.

Also, I understand that there are still bugs to hammer out, so this feedback may be the result of something that needs to be fixed rather than an actual class imbalance. Either way, I'll add more feedback as I go, and hopefully everything gets worked out.

[edit] Ok, so after some time mining and making, I've found that rails give a fairly good amount of xp. I also found that making iron bars (the gate, not smelting iron) give nothing. Feels like I should to get xp for making those.

[edit2] 1 xp for making a painting. Very sad, considering it's twice the materials of a fishing rod, and someone was getting 6 xp per fishing rod (guess he was a farmer?). :(
Aug 6, 2011
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@cheatyface -

These are all valid suggestions, and they're really helping with the advancement/fixing of profession! It's all been taken into account; and here's a few notes:
- Placing things should have a very low EXP... that's because they can technically be farmed.
- Crafting anything that is restricted to your class should now give you EXP :)
- I've gone around and messed around with all the EXP sources and shiz... should be more balanced now!

So thankyou for letting us hammer out all these 'bugs' :D

@Everyone else -

We'll come to your suggestions eventually (Maybe even secretly). Just the one I replied to was quite urgent!


Jan 6, 2012
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Some stuff i noticed with the help of my fellow villagers:
Crafting anything that is restricted to your class should now give you EXP :)
Neither Halfsteps nor ladders give exp for mason (at least they didnt this afternoon). Same goes for glistering melon and fermented spider eyes.

Poison arrow: Now starts to despawn enemies so they dont give loot or experience at all. (yesterday it just bugged with creepers giving no exp strange things here) edit: nevermind seems solved now every now and then i dont get exp for creeper but nothing that important

The miners mining skill shows 10% double drop chance for me at mining level 25 (which was 50% yesterday) Did you change that,does heroes go crazy and shows the wrong stuff or is that intended?

Thats it so far ill tell you if i find other stuff to report.


Jan 6, 2012
Reaction score
I just wanted to report my experiences with the new mobs. So here i go.
In my eyes you guys did a great job balancing stuff and I'm sure you will continue to add good stuff (professions <3) but i cant really get myself to accept the mob setback to MC standards due to the following reasons

  • Creepers - those blow up everyone thats not a warrior or in full iron armor. Especially mages seem to suffer under this one. Even a fully armored mage is a oneshot for 'em i think. On another point the creepers are a reason for people to not guide new people to the capitals. I recently died trying to lead someone to Fort Terragon and you can imagine that dampens the motivation to help quite alot (especially when you lose alot of money :'( ).
  • You said in the patch notes you changed the HP back to standard due to a change in damage in the 1.0/1.1 heroes update. I dont know if i missed something but the only thing that was different damage wise were the multiplier you gave the executioner and the reaper as of late. Those 2 classes are now leading in damageoutput (as in autohit damage) and i cant help but feel that you balanced the mobs to those 2 classes. Executioner now kills mobs in 3 shots with an iron axe which were the number of hits needed for mobs with a stone sword before. Keep in mind though that im not speaking of the classes in PVP aspects but only in PVE aspects at the moment. So to me it seems you have been balancing the game to those 2 classes instead of the 2 classes to the game.
  • One big point that has been bugging me although im not really concerned by it is the Mage. Now i read it was discussed very thoroughly and then has been stated as good how he is now but i think the mage as he is, does not shine in any way (other than thinking "when im done leveling im op like shit and burst mobs away like crazy"). I feel it doesnt need a big change to make the mage a desireable class. I mean if you compare the mage with an archer you cant fail to notice that the mage has his none existant hp (even less than the archer has) and 1 ranged spell with cooldown (its low but yea..) and the archer can shoot arrows like every second which do the same damage(4 damage each, with the fireball's chance to deal 4 extra damage for igniting if my values are still correct). The fireball spell to me feels like someone tossing around burning matches. When i think of a fireball its a huge burst of flame exploding where it hits. Now i know you cant implement it like that but i feel by just slighlty buffing the fireball damage the mage could get a class that someone actually wants to play not only for the benefits late tiers may bring (maybe its even possible to scale the fireball with level, I didnt read into heroes enough to see if thats possible or not though).
  • My last point here is the exp aspect. Now that the hp is higher and the exp is still the same, leveling up is even more tedious and exhausting as before. Iggy stated that all of this was meant to make leveling in parties more attractive and if thats the goal of all of it i respect that. But in my opinion it would need more than just making the monsters ridiciulous hard for a single person. You could for example higher the exp you get in parties. Even above the value you would get alone. This would at least be appropriate in my eyes for the mobs as they are now. Right now you get 2,26 exp added for a zombie 1,94 exp extra for creeper, 1,52 for spiders and 1,84 exp added for skelettons. But in reality each patymember only gains roughly half of what you would get if you hunt alone. This is the reason most people prefer to level alone (is my guess and for me the reason to go alone). The exp curve is way to steep for parties to be effective at level 25+ (and even before it feels like it takes ages to level).
I hope i didnt forget anything and this wall of text is readable (GRRRRR at ordered lists for not beeing able to be formated properly!) but im running out of time here and gtg have some Reallife (*GASP*).
Feel free to keep grammar and spelling mistakes if you find em ;)