Beta Testing: Blocktopia A&T Server

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SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
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Angel is right, lets move away 90% of PvP from Primordia to A&T
I think there is a lil' to much PvP here recently.
Obviously not that much or that'll just make users moan and piss the staff off if they did make said changes, I think the Bounties system should be re-introduced, for lets say, a No-PvP week that introduced Bounties generated by the server (Much like the Lottery) that would target lets say.. 3 users, Get an executive kill by killing in a row, which doubles your winnings for killing the first person, I.E I kill Raxo2222 for 150 shillings, I then kill Super_Koray for 300, then I kill GmK for 600. But each 1 kill is 150 each, or lower or higher. Players could add to said bounty and make it ridiculous like 5,000 shillings on a user.

As I know staff are hesitant to do anything like this due to all the moaning about no PvP and PvP issues, I'm only suggesting this as a test to see what the server would be like with this implemented. Infact, we don't even need PvP disabled for this as this would make a fun PvP-type scheme, It'd be fun to hunt for users. :)


Aug 8, 2011
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I think people should just be glad with what they have been given and atleast respect how long it has taken people to build/create the server. Whether they play it is really up to them, you cannot MAKE people play A&T, but it seems that these new servers have a "1 day quality" to them. The first day/days of both A&T and the new zombie (hell even solitude now) had a large amount of players because it was new and exciting, people have lost interest which is a real shame considering that these servers are pretty damn amazing, even after the first few days.

Whatever may be suggested could run out of interest soon, shifting pvp from primordia will only make primordia the same as the current situation. If an equilibrium is put in place, perhaps all the servers can have equal players, and stuff like this won't happen. I really enjoyed A&T, and still do, but the player problem can't be forced into working again, and making new maps will take a long while with lots of effort. And remember, it's only beta.


SMP Vetop
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
It is a sad cycle that i have noticed for a long time for Smp New map comes out people rush in and then about month or two later all the new people leave and we get stuck with hardcore old guys with a couple new ones. A&T is a great map idea it truly feels like i am playing a singleplayer map because there is almost no lag on it. Would be cool if for the friday game of the week that we play together after meeting was just all of us going onto one of those 20 player maps.
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