Father's Ransom

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  • Total voters
Aug 6, 2011
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Map Name:
Father's Ransom (Father on the server)


1 player

Adventure Map

Game Instructions/Rules:

  • Do not destroy any blocks!
  • Play on Peaceful difficulty!
  • Use the texture pack provided in the archive!
  • Play on short distance, maybe normal, never far.
  • Do NOT drop any of these items onto the pressure plates: Map, Diamond, Cooked porkchop.
  • Keep your secret maps in your inventory at all times! They might get useful at some point!
  • It is recommended to play on Fancy with Particles set to All. If you just can't, no big deal!
Extra Information:

Your parents died in a horrible explosion last year. You, being their only son, got everything they had. Except for one thing. There was told to be a very precious treasure, hidden by hem during their expeditions. And it is told to be so secret, that no one has ever been able to find it to date. You wake up in a morning, get a pair of clothes and mindlessly decide to search for their reward.

  However, someone decides to help you and be with you the whole journey. And that is Joe. Joe is the jack your parents used to have when they lived. He was, somehow, in some of those trips of your father. And he always says that "all of their expeditions lead to the same direction". So he decided to help you as much as he could with your journey. You'll find Joe's advice in chests along the way. Make sure you keep an eye out for them!
And more here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/935942-11adv-▒▓fathers-ransom▓▒-an-unique-adventure-must-check-it-out-over-3000-downloads/
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