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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Kill them. Kill them all. A voice was commanding Blob from with-in his head. No. No. No. I have to get out. Out! But where? Blob frantically glanced around the the corridor he was in. The window! Yes the window! It shall be my savior! He smashed the window and threw himself out, not realizing this could very well kill him. Behind him, the window set off an alarm before automatically repairing itself. Moments later, Blob mysteriously found himself back in the ruins of Shizuka.
Defiant Blob. It seems you live true to your nick-name. How unfortunate, I truly believed you wielded the power to destroy them.
"Get out of my head!" Blob demanded with great volume.
Very well.
A man began to slowly appear infront of Blob. He had tan skin, dark hair, and pupil-less eyes. Blob smirked.
"So, I take it that you finally surrender to your death?" Blob taunted.
Herobrine chuckled, "Hardly. However, I wish to make use of you. You seem to wield substantial physical power, as well as a substantially powerful sword."
"What, you think that you can just jump into my mind again? Take control of me like you did my friend?"
"I'd like to see you try," Blob challenged Herobrine, beginning to draw his sword. He sprinted up to him and plunged the sword into Herobrines throat, slowly taking it out. Herobrine stood still, then grabbed Blob's throat in a blink of an eye.
"You can not harm me with physical weapons, fool! Now, become a new!" Herobrine shouts, Blob being surrounded with a dark aura.
[no interaction]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Instead of going right to sleep, Darth decided to ponder a few things.

"Why does that Stranger seem to be hiding something?" he mused.

"Also, why am I here? I was helping to plan an invasion of Primordia before this. Now I'm on a flying ship heading to who knows where."

"Durwin and Duffie seem to be attracted to each other. Just look at how she calmed him down. Either my social skills are severely lacking, or she's got the 'magic touch'."

"And Refresh. How does he fit in? He saved my life back when those apparitions were attacking us in the form of bandits. Why is HE here..."

"And that Amek...something decidedly fishy with him."

Darth nods his head, and drifts off to sleep.



Aug 6, 2011
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Looking around the room, it's quite small and quaint, but lively and comfortable.

Duffie closes the door behind her, locking it for the night. She removes her backpack, changing into her night clothes, then walks over to the bed, pulling up the blankets and laying down within them, feeling quite more comfortable than the forest floor back in Primordia.

"Who knows... Maybe I'll have a good night's rest." she thinks to herself, as she dozes off into the night's slumber.


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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Meh I will stay up here with Darth not really tired anyway. Balloon walks over to a nice spot and starts tom sit there.

I wonder what we will do know. With Duffie seeing her mom would she still help us? Would her mom even let her? Does she rule an army of some sorts to help us? So many questions and that wasn't even half of them.


Aug 14, 2011
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Blinx woke up, noticing everyone had dispersed into actual rooms.
Whoa... did I really fall asleep while all of that went on? They seem to have forgotten about me. I guess I'll just get some reinforcements, seeing as no one will believe me. Let me get out my warp gate. But first...
Blinx searched around for some paper to write on. In the one vacant room, he found the paper and pen he was looking for and began writing.
Dear comrades...
Once he finished writing the note, he left it in his bed, laid out five neutralizers, and used his warp gate to go back to the time factory.
We need all the help we can get with this, Blinx thought. He jumped into the warp gate, and it closed and vanished after he jumped in.
[AKA I'm gonna come back to the story later. For now, I'm not in this.]


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin floated back up on the deck and sat on the railing,

"Yeah Defiant jumped through a window screaming, and then he just disappeared in a dark shroud. I guess his encounter left him with more than just memories. We'll be headed back in the morning, if there is one, and we can look for him then. Not much we can do from here. Let's get some sleep so we can actually accomplish something tomorrow."
((No, and I guess the nightmare will have to wait till DK and you guys figure out what the sound was))
[already ahead of you my friend]