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Lord of the Rage
Aug 2, 2011
Reaction score
Hello People. As you all know, I am Deadlock.

I run this community. Well, together with some 80+ other staff members, but I'm one of the head guys.

Most of the rules we have are because at one point or another, I decided to implement them in my career in this community (And it's parent community) from player to banned, player, op, Lava head controller, Head admin, banned, player, trusted, op, controller, head admin. (It's a long story, not for here) There has been a point were I was willing to risk my income and finacial security to help this community survive, while the owner of the community at the time decided not to do fuck all about that situation. I've had screaming matches with people, full on rage, I've also had some emotional moments as well.

There are a number of people here that don't care much for me. A number that I know that quite dislike me. Maybe even a few that hate me. To them I say, It is your call you can hate if you want, All I wanted (well most of the time) is to have this community be the best it can be, to the best of my vision, morality, and capability. (That roman harem pit was just a sideproject, I swear.)

Then, there are a lot of people these days I don't know. I don't see them a lot, don't talk to them a lot, and don't really interact with them a lot.One of the drawbacks of overseeing a huge community is that you're not able to keep in touch with everyone. Back when we were just two servers, I knew every regular by (nick)name, had reportoire with all of them, and generally was a lot more approachable.

Of course, because of my HA status, and not being seen a lot, I have some sort of honeyed ass now, so a lot of folk want to kiss it. Please don't. It's annoying, it makes you look like a yes man, and we'd actually respect you more if you were able to have your own opinion. As long as you keep it civil, respectful, and agree that in the end this is our place so we'll do with it what we want anyway.

Then there's my acquaintances and friends. I have a lot of you in this community, ranging from people I like and say hi to, but don't really know, to people I would almost anything for. Pretty much all head staff fall in this catagory, (You wouldn't be head staff if you weren't) and a lot of the senior staff / senior members, and controllers fall in this as well.

I could start naming names, but I won't, because I'd be here for a while. We've shared the laughter, we shared the pain. We've had so many good moments... but there's also been bad moments, where I was upset, angry, and deeply hurt by some of you.

So... because of those moments, and with Malcovent joining the HA team, I have to sadly admit that I have resigned...

To the fact there will be some horrible april's fool jokes by all of us today.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I hope at least you stay with us. There are many people that loves you even if you don't know them. Look at all the birthday posts in your status, in the meeting recap and in the off-topic thread. That makes a lot of recognition for a single member of the community.

I don't mind not being well known by higher staff because I'm only here to have fun in Minecraft and the community allows me to have that. I'm just sad to see them resign and then say that some people didn't like them. That might be true but there must be a lot more with the opposite point of view on you.

So for that, I wish you good luck in your future, be it in real life or in Blocktopia as a regular member.

And if this ends up being an april fool, i won't be mad at you.


Imperator Romanus Sacer
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
See you dead :( I talked to you a couple of times and you seem like an awesome guy. Those who hate you are wrong and don't know what you are like. You have done many things for this community over the years and we will always remember you.

If this is an April Fools, I have been tricked.


Sep 10, 2011
Reaction score
I literally shat bricks when I saw this in the announcements. I really hope this is some April Fool's joke :( you were the one who convinced me to become staff when I first came here and you've been here for so long, it'd be a shame to see you go.
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