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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie looks in the general direction described to be where to get her own ID card, noticing a registration desk. She walks up to the desk, and asks, "Hello... How do I go about getting my own Identification Card?"

(( StoryMaster ))

Meanwhile, everyone else stands behind Duffie, waiting their turn. She also notices several cat-like creatures, with one who looks quite similar to Blinx.


Aug 6, 2011
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"I'm sure none of that shall be necessary." a mysterious man spoke, as he emerged from the crowd of citizens ahead. "The fact alone, that they require a meeting with the queen, regardless of reason, most certainly cannot stand to be delayed for such pointless matters. You know that. Besides, we must spend our time on more pressing matters. Our sun is dying out, and we have no idea why. How would you like to explain to the queen yourself, that half of our citizens are dead because you thought it would be more important to attend to these people, forcing them to register for valid identification, instead of preparing for whatever may happen?" He gave the guard an impatient stare, waiting for his response.​
(( StoryMaster ))​


The guard stares at this mysterious man, types a few things into his computer and hands the ones lacking IDs.
"I apologize sir, I was just following protocol."
The guard hands each of the newcomers "Special Guest" passes and let's them through without requiring them to take the usual x rays and rectal examinations.
"Welcome to Sky Base, enjoy your stay."


Oct 8, 2011
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"John Smith? Naw Blondie is much better." The group walked over to a guard who had asked for Identification. Durwin slipped a hand into the inside of his robe. He took out an ID and hid it in his hand. Durwin furtively showed the guard who nodded slightly. He moved on along with the group to the registration office and stood in line with the rest of them.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
"John Smith? Naw Blondie is much better." The group walked over to a guard who had asked for Identification. Durwin slipped a hand into the inside of his robe. He took out an ID and hid it in his hand. Durwin furtively showed the guard who nodded slightly. He moved on along with the group to the registration office and stood in line with the rest of them.
"I'm sure none of that shall be necessary." a mysterious man spoke, as he emerged from the crowd of citizens ahead. "The fact alone, that they require a meeting with the queen, regardless of reason, most certainly cannot stand to be delayed for such pointless matters. You know that. Besides, we must spend our time on more pressing matters. Our sun is dying out, and we have no idea why. How would you like to explain to the queen yourself, that half of our citizens are dead because you thought it would be more important to attend to these people, forcing them to register for valid identification, instead of preparing for whatever may happen?" He gave the guard an impatient stare, waiting for his response.​
(( StoryMaster ))​
The guard stares at this mysterious man, types a few things into his computer and hands the ones lacking IDs.
"I apologize sir, I was just following protocol."
The guard hands each of the newcomers "Special Guest" passes and let's them through without requiring them to take the usual x rays and rectal examinations.
"Welcome to Sky Base, enjoy your stay."


Aug 6, 2011
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"It most certainly isn't a problem, ma'am. Though I can understand the tight security at this time, for whatever reason you have to meet the queen, it wont have time to wait. And I have enough pressure on my hands, having to calm the citizens and keep everything else organized and under control..." He passes into a deep state of thinking for a minute. "Oh! Pardon me. I've been losing myself into my thoughts a lot recently. In any event, we must hurry to the Queen. Follow me, and I will lead you to the entrance. I have much more work I must take care of, so I wont be joining you inside." He gives a disdainful expression, and awaits for the rest of the group to catch up.


Aug 6, 2011
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"Sheesh, do you guys always bring trouble like this wherever you go?" Travis said with a laugh. "Anyways, let's move over towards the checkpoint so we can log ourselves in." As they walked in the SkyBase, Darth seemed to noticed a group of Arimatheans. Seeming to want to intimidate them Travis motioned Darth to stop and led them further. As Refresh passed by them, he gave a slight, almost unnoticeable nod towards them as they stared back. Not paying attention to where he was walking, Refresh bumped into Darth and turned to face the group
. He heard Balloon say "Do we really have to go get registered? With the amount of people we have, my god it will take half an hour! Why can't we just go in I mean we are returning the Queen's daughter it seems that it would have been a big deal." "Believe me, if I had a choice in the matter I'd gladly let you guys in. But Sky Base security is tight due to all the traffic that passes through their place, and they like to keep a tight ship. Me and Blondie will head through here. You guys get your IDs and we'll wait for you on the other side. Good luck and don't do anything stupid."
Refresh looked toward the stand which said "Identification Registration" on the sign. Thank God they don't know me in this body. Refresh thought to himself. He followed the group where Duffie was asking for her registration when a man stepped out from the crowd above.
"I'm sure none of that shall be necessary." "The fact alone, that they require a meeting with the queen, regardless of reason, most certainly cannot stand to be delayed for such pointless matters. You know that. Besides, we must spend our time on more pressing matters. Our sun is dying out, and we have no idea why. How would you like to explain to the queen yourself, that half of our citizens are dead because you thought it would be more important to attend to these people, forcing them to register for valid identification, instead of preparing for whatever may happen?" The guard sat there for a seconds, shocked at what just happened, "I apologize sir, I was just following protocol." He then hands everyone lacking ID a "Special Guest" pass that let them through most of the security checks.
Wow, Refresh thought in amazement, Last time I was here, security was so tight that they gave me a rectal examination... He snapped out of his thought and heard the new man say "Oh! Pardon me. I've been losing myself into my thoughts a lot recently. In any event, we must hurry to the Queen. Follow me, and I will lead you to the entrance. I have much more work I must take care of, so I wont be joining you inside." He's just taking me there. Man, this will be the easiest mission I've ever been on! He follows the group, with the man leading the way.

[ Huge block of text, had to catch my character up to speed. To anyone who reads it all, I will give them a cookie. ]


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
"Sheesh, do you guys always bring trouble like this wherever you go?" Travis said with a laugh. "Anyways, let's move over towards the checkpoint so we can log ourselves in." As they walked in the SkyBase, Darth seemed to noticed a group of Arimatheans. Seeming to want to intimidate them Travis motioned Darth to stop and led them further. As Refresh passed by them, he gave a slight, almost unnoticeable nod towards them as they stared back. Not paying attention to where he was walking, Refresh bumped into Darth and turned to face the group
. He heard Balloon say "Do we really have to go get registered? With the amount of people we have, my god it will take half an hour! Why can't we just go in I mean we are returning the Queen's daughter it seems that it would have been a big deal." "Believe me, if I had a choice in the matter I'd gladly let you guys in. But Sky Base security is tight due to all the traffic that passes through their place, and they like to keep a tight ship. Me and Blondie will head through here. You guys get your IDs and we'll wait for you on the other side. Good luck and don't do anything stupid."
Refresh looked toward the stand which said "Identification Registration" on the sign. Thank God they don't know me in this body. Refresh thought to himself. He followed the group where Duffie was asking for her registration when a man stepped out from the crowd above.
"I'm sure none of that shall be necessary." "The fact alone, that they require a meeting with the queen, regardless of reason, most certainly cannot stand to be delayed for such pointless matters. You know that. Besides, we must spend our time on more pressing matters. Our sun is dying out, and we have no idea why. How would you like to explain to the queen yourself, that half of our citizens are dead because you thought it would be more important to attend to these people, forcing them to register for valid identification, instead of preparing for whatever may happen?" The guard sat there for a seconds, shocked at what just happened, "I apologize sir, I was just following protocol." He then hands everyone lacking ID a "Special Guest" pass that let them through most of the security checks.
Wow, Refresh thought in amazement, Last time I was here, security was so tight that they gave me a rectal examination... He snapped out of his thought and heard the new man say "Oh! Pardon me. I've been losing myself into my thoughts a lot recently. In any event, we must hurry to the Queen. Follow me, and I will lead you to the entrance. I have much more work I must take care of, so I wont be joining you inside." He's just taking me there. Man, this will be the easiest mission I've ever been on! He follows the group, with the man leading the way.

[ Huge block of text, had to catch my character up to speed. To anyone who reads it all, I will give them a cookie. ]
[Cookies please.]


"Well, it sounds like this guy knows his way around."​
Travis quickens his pace to catch up with the man.​
"Sir, I don't think we ever got your name?"​