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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Blob jumped down from his spot. Seems they've left. I'll have a talk with that man now. Maybe he'll be able to help me.
He continued to stride over to where the old man had gone to, the local bar. Figures. Blob waltzed in and plopped down in the seat beside the old man, who seemed to still be sober for the most part. "So, I take it you're not a fan of the Order of Togolopians?"
The man sat there wide-eyed at Blob. He made an attempt to speak, but nothing came out. Ahh... a silencing spell. Abusing your power as always Durwin, eh?
Blob fetched spell scroll from his pack. It's description on the tag read "Cancels all magical effects." This better be worth it. Aghul only gave one of these to me. He read the words from the scroll, causing it to disintegrate.
Instantly, words poured out of the man's mouth, "You saw that? Please! I meant no actual harm to him! Just leave me be and don't hurt me." He thought that Blob was one of the Order as well.
"Actually, I was wondering if I could get your help. You see, I'm not a fan of them either. But I'm not exactly up-to-date on my spells and such. Now, this fellow, Durwin, seems pretty powerful, probably because he doesn't know how to restrict his magic use. Know anything that could tone him down a bit? Maybe long enough for me to remove him from the city, forever?"
The man sat speechless for a few moments, thinking of what to do. "Meet me back here in three hours."
"Will do," Blob said, and walked out. I guess I'll scout the city while I wait.


Oct 8, 2011
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Blob jumped down from his spot. Seems they've left. I'll have a talk with that man now. Maybe he'll be able to help me.
He continued to stride over to where the old man had gone to, the local bar. Figures. Blob waltzed in and plopped down in the seat beside the old man, who seemed to still be sober for the most part. "So, I take it you're not a fan of the Order of Togolopians?"
The man sat there wide-eyed at Blob. "You saw that? Please! I meant no actual harm to him! Just leave me be and don't hurt me." He thought that Blob was one of the Order as well.
"Actually, I was wondering if I could get your help. You see, I'm not a fan of them either. But I'm not exactly up-to-date on my spells and such. Now, this fellow, Durwin, seems pretty powerful, probably because he doesn't know how to restrict his magic use. Know anything that could tone him down a bit? Maybe long enough for me to remove him from the city, forever?"
The man sat speechless for a few moments, thinking of what to do. "Meet me back here in three hours."
"Will do," Blob said, and walked out. I guess I'll scout the city while I wait.
[Durwin kinda silenced him... he can't speak just saying]


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin walked with the group. He suddenly got an urge and said,

"If you all will excuse, me I need to use the restroom. I believe I saw one thata way. I'll catch up real quick." Durwin patted Duffie on the back and moved off in the direction he had pointed.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin wandered around for a little while until he found what he was looking for. He walked into a little shop, and there was a chiming as the door opened.

"Yes, yes, be right there!" A gruff voice came from the back. A heavier set, balding man walked into the front room. The man took off his glasses, and squinted while rubbing the lenses.

"My lord... Durwin?" He asked putting them back on.

"You aven't aged a day! Ow ya been?"

"Good enough. And you Mickie? Time seems to have treated you kindly."

"Bah you were always too kind fer yer own good. This shoppe has been keeping me going fer quite some time now. M'boy is itching to take over."

"How's the wife?"

"Ahh, she passed away las month. Terrible shame. Food poisoning, here, of all places! I miss her so much." Durwin patted him on the shoulder,

"I'm sorry for bringing it up." Durwin and Mickie went back and forth talking about what's new, what's old, and what's coming up. Finally Mickie sighed,

"Now I know you Durwin, you don't show up to a place without a proper reason. So what is it this time? You need a place to stay? Again? You'd think that the le-" Durwin laughed suddenly, cutting him off,

"No no, nothing like that. I assume you still have the contacts correct? You haven't lost them have you?" Mickie looked horrified,

"Ave I ever los anything important before? No. I take great pride in that! Of course I still have em. It's somethin to do with the sun asn't it."

"You've still got a nice head on your shoulders. And yes, it does. I'll need them by... let's say tomorrow morning?" Mickie let out a low whistle,

"I'll take some string pullin, but I think you'll be hooked up just fine." Durwin clapped him on the back,

"That's my man! Tell the boy I said 'Hi' alright?"

"You're not staying?"

"No I got people waiting for me. I'll catch ya around. Oh." Durwin grabbed a loaf of bread off a shelf.

"I'll be taking this with me?"

"Sure go ahead ya mooching pup." Durwin laughed and left the store.


Mar 26, 2012
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me. atm the Mysterious angel
A dark figure from the sky with glittering purple wings comes out of the sky, flew down and sliced a man through like butter, then the costume went off and a creeper fell half sliced, he turned back to Blob, staring at him in shock, then sayed, "You after herobrine too? Im traking one of his nasty little generals, Hades, do you mind me walking with you?


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"Hah, Herobrine? Tracking a myth, eh? Oh, I see you are a jester! Of course! The queen is that way! I'm sure she'd love your jokes!" Blob pointed the man with girly wings towards the entrance of the palace. What a silly costume, Blob thought. I must say, I love his props. Who would have that thought the man standing on the street was actually an enchanted puppet!


Mar 26, 2012
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"Oh, I see, YOURE WORLD IS IN WAR AND YOU ARE IGNORANT TO SEE THE GODESS OF LIGHT IS TRYING TO HELP YOU?!" "Well then, I will be watching you blob, and no one will dare try to stop me." And with that, he flew off into the clouds, "Girly wings, if he only knew..." Then he flew into skyworlds main temple.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
"Oh, I see, YOURE WORLD IS IN WAR AND YOU ARE IGNORANT TO SEE THE GODESS OF LIGHT IS TRYING TO HELP YOU?!" "Well then, I will be watching you blob, and no one will dare try to stop me." And with that, he flew off into the clouds, "Girly wings, if he only knew..." Then he flew into skyworlds main temple.
[1. Your character has no idea who my character is nor his intentions.
2. Herobrine believes I am working for him.
3. I'm trying to kill off all the characters so far.
4. Everyone besides the main characters in the story believe Herobrine is myth. Herobrine has not unleashed an army or any of that sort. The only place we know he has attacked is Shizuka. The only reason main characters know is because they saw Herobrine/an incarnation of Herobrine theirselves :I You are creating plot holes >.<]


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
[1. Your character has no idea who my character is nor his intentions.
2. Herobrine believes I am working for him.
3. I'm trying to kill off all the characters so far.
4. Everyone besides the main characters in the story believe Herobrine is myth. Herobrine has not unleashed an army or any of that sort. The only place we know he has attacked is Shizuka. The only reason main characters know is because they saw Herobrine/an incarnation of Herobrine theirselves :I You are creating plot holes >.<]
[THANK GOD, I was gonna do that, but I felt lazy.]


Travis raises his ear to hear the echoes bounce around the city.​
"Well, for a city as large as this, it has to have it's fair share of lunatics. Let's carry on."​


Mar 26, 2012
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The man was in a large dark temple looking into a scribing bowl with a scene in it, he saw a huge huminoid creature burst out of the ground in a desert, a small village was destroid by the biengs presence, the door behind him glowed red, he rushed and took his disguise off, believe it or not he wasnt a he, she jumped outside and yelled "HAAADEEESS!!!" Then an aura of a man in aurmor stood infont of where she was flying, he said "Goodbye, pitty pat." then her wings caught on fire, she was sent circling torwards the surface