[Accepted] Map Submission: Labyrinth


Pure Pro
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
Map Creator: properu

Originally, the map was 64x64x64, but, i had to make some adminium walls, and a water roof for effect, so the dimensions are:
61x61x34(if you include the water roof) or 61x61x33(if you do not include the water roof.)
The map should be no-build (or else that would defeat the purpose of the maze :p )
I was thinking that the spawns should be random, in the maze, about at the height of 14 blocks, so that the players cannot jump on top of a block, and parkour their way to the cannons, if you chose to include them.
Unfortunately, I could not get the iron to be op_blocks ( again, if it wasn't, it would defeat the purpose of the maze), so, if you can, please make them so, and if you can't...wait for my alternative.

Here are some screenshots:
and here is the .dat(Hopefully, i am a derp when it comes to messing with computer files):

I hope you enjoy my map, as i enjoyed making it for the Blocktopia,

PS, here are some alternatives:
Here is something if you don't like the main cannons:
and here is more stuff if you don't like the cannons at all:
More screenshots:
Another .dat:


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'd like to warn you about having 1 or 2 block thick walls:

Even with operator blocks [iron_op, operator blocked iron, same thing], people can still glitch through. People can also respawn whilst glitched through and be thrown to the top of the maze.

So, a word of advise would be to change the walls to something similar to CTF-Corridors: You can fit adminium between each wall whilst retaining the design, or you can change your iron to adminium.

In terms of gameplay, people don't like being lost and isolated from combat. They want to jump straight back into the fight or they get bored... It's a nice endeavour but I don't think it'd work out by isolating people from the centre field which is obviously going to be the combat hotspot.
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
I think it would be cool to keep the maze, but have it only one block high. That way, people can shoot each other with pistols and stuff, and people won't get lost or feel isolated. Maybe it could be a good KOTH or CTF map. Maybe near the middle, though, it could be as tall as you want it, so players don't feel isolated, since it's in the middle. I think this would make an excellent KOTH map actually, with the edges a 1-block high maze and the inside a tall maze.


Pure Pro
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
I think it would be cool to keep the maze, but have it only one block high. That way, people can shoot each other with pistols and stuff, and people won't get lost or feel isolated.
But, wouldn't that make it easy for the players to jump over the maze, or is that intended?

with the edges a 1-block high maze and the inside a tall maze.
Can you explain this in further detail, but i love the idea of making it KOTH:D
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
But, wouldn't that make it easy for the players to jump over the maze, or is that intended?

Can you explain this in further detail, but i love the idea of making it KOTH:D
Yes, it is intended. I don't think you should have an actual maze around the edges, because players will feel isolated. Just a 1-block high maze could act as a sort of trench system around the edges. More towards the center (the circle in the middle with the cannons, which you should delete if you want KOTH I think) is where you should put the tall maze that you currently have around the edges. That way, when players are in the maze, they won't feel isolated from the action, because most of the players will be near the center. Plus, the players are incentivized to complete the maze, because they know the control point is at the center. Basically, not a true maze around the edges, more of a trench system that you can jump over. In the center: more legit maze that players can complete to get to the control point.

EDIT: Images to help you out in what I mean

near the edges of the map
in the center of the map

And I think you can make the edges of the map pretty, with leaf blocks for the small mazes and trees and stuff, but the center should be bedrock, so players can't glitch through to the center.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
As Raz said, having thin OPblock walls is just encouraging glitching through.
The idea of a maze/labyrinth is pretty cool, but as others have said I'm a tad worried that as the actual maze part is quite hard to navigate, people will not spend much time actually fighting, particularly the more inexperienced players. The pictures in the above most could be some good changes, and properu if you're willing to try some of those changes we could give the map a try.


Pure Pro
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
Here we go!
Fixed the map, made it KOTH.
A BIG thanks to everyone for the feedback, especially minecrafter1414 for the idea of making the map King of the Hill.

Map Creator: properu

Dimensions: 64 x 64 x 32 (l x w x h)



Map should be nobuild. The spawns should be a random of two. Spawns should already be op_air'd, but if it isn't, please op_air or "zone" them (I have absolutely no idea if op_airing and zoning are the same :I).

Spawns aren't the best design, so you can change them however you want.

Can you...

-make the pillars of op_water in the spawns portals, so that the players can step in them and teleport to the other spawn.

-op_block everything except the regular water on the roof and the air that is not already op blocked.

-make the orb-like-thingy-ma-bobber (ITS NOT A MOON D:<) above the control point change colors along with the "timer" on the control point

And that's it!
I might edit something in later if I forgot something, but, yeah!
Hope you all enjoy the map!


[I already need to edit something in XD]
Can someone please change the title of the thread to Map Submission: KOTH-Daedalus?
[Second edit in 5 minutes of posting the thread] Here is the same map with leaves instead of iron:

Speeding things up...sorry...