Anime: Discuss!


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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~A faint clap of thunder Even if the rain comes not, I will stay here, together with you~

I just finished watching Kotonoha no Niwa (a.k.a, The Garden of Words).
Though nothing epic or surreal or anything radically different or innovative, the story itself holds a particular and simple charm to it told in the short span of 45 minutes.
The charm, and what the film excels in, is its focus on a short and simple tale of love that could never be, and the struggles and lives surrounding the two lovers, rather than a lengthy tale of epic proportions. Though it could have expanded more in some regard, the story it tells is short and sweet, and the ending, though not always one that can truly end in happiness, felt satisfying, and brings about a hope for the future.

The film (and I guess a lot of stuff Shinkai does) looks absolutely gorgeous; every scene feels specially handcrafted with care, and though each tends to be quite short, they are all filled with incredible detail (right down to the patter of rain on the landscape).
Coupled by the soft, melodic, and slight melancholy of the piano pieces helps form a great experience...
...A charming, sad, experience.​
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Nov 5, 2012
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started reading the manga of tokyo ghouls, I am unable to wait a week for the last episode. I need to know what happens now omg :C
If you want to skip directly to the scene after episode 11, you should start reading from chapter 61. Other than that the arc is probably around 8+ chapters, namely one volume, but I'm really curious how they are going to fit all that load of stuff in a 22 minutes long episode. So far the series has a lot of potential but they left out a shit load of details.
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Resident Roadman
Community Admin
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
May 17, 2014
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I am currently watching are:

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Zankyou no Terror
One Piece
Nobunaga Concerto

One Piece is really only a filler for the rest of the 3 anime I watch. Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei is my main anime, followed up by Zankyou no Terror then Nobunaga Concerto. Nobunaga Concerto has a really slow wait time for each episode (8 days on average).

I am still waiting for the new series of Psycho-Pass which is gonna start being aired at October 2014. I highly recommend that you watch Psycho-Pass because it is a AMAZING anime to watch.

I have finished watching Coppelion which I found to be mediocre but still enjoyable. Guess I gotta polish my Hero of Chernobyl medal now...

(Yes I do have a Hero of Chernobyl badge, and it is bloody beautiful.)

See ya soon Anime buddies!!!

CEO of Aperture Science Incorporated


Orange Juice Spiller
Discord Staff
Jul 8, 2013
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Currently watching:
No Game No Life
Sgt. Frog

I'm only on episode 8 for both of them since I haven't been watching them lately.

I loved watching WataMote. Even though the feels got me at times.
I haven't really been watching a lot of anime since I moved, so does anyone have any nice suggestions for me?


Aug 6, 2011
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Yeh, same here bud.
You people and your kiddy shows. :p

Avatar was amazing, but still felt like a Saturday Morning Cartoon to me, on most episodes.

Legend of Korra I'm getting into, but after the long wait into Season 3, I need to get back into it again.

Pokemon... I stopped watching after a couple shows after the first one. I dunno what it is about it, but it is definitely a cartoon to me, and doesn't hold out to be an anime. Unless it was made in Japan, but it looks Western to me. :p

Aaaand Beyblade... Cartoon. Plot wise, at least. And how the episodes pan out. Still feels Western.

And whenever I say something's a cartoon, I mean it feels like it's a show made specifically for kids, mainly in the Western areas of the world, mostly North America. Anime is either more serious, or aimed toward Japanese viewers.