Assassins Guild Talk

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A username.
Dec 17, 2012
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are we evil? our role does say that if we ever become majority we can just kill everyone off and win but it also says we can just kill off the mafia and win the way i see it this works much like a town's vigilante role in which the vigilante could try to act as a serial killer and win for the town that way but they'd probably have better luck working with the town and trying to target only the mafia.

right now, and maybe i'm missing something because i've been up all night but I only see us losing in one of two ways:
1) if we get killed off either through being lynched/killed or
2) if a mafia or 3rd party faction takes majority and wins by extension

there's nothing we can do to prevent being killed other than trying to keep our heads down a bit but I think if we contribute to the town they will be much less likely to lynch us. As for the second one if we only target mafia it will be more difficult for them to attain majority than if we kill randomly.

we're in this for ourselves but our goal is also to take out the mafia. Because of this I'm going to suggest we we play this balanced somewhere inbetween the two so we can play it a little bit randomly and have fun actually using it, but at the same time have a strong preference to take out mafia

@GmK are we forced to kill at night or can we choose not to kill if we wish?


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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I guess I'll start then! My name is Romeo del Tradattore and I guess I have 3 'abilities'.

The first and simple one is that if I am investigated by a police officer I'll show up as innocent \o/ That will be quite useful if I get myself into trouble and am investigated, plus this proves the existant of a town-sided investigating role which we should probably take down as soon as possible unless you guys have the same ability in which it would be useful since our goal is to either kill or mafia or have majority of people!

The second one is that I can I guess decide who we kill and which one of us kills them. If I kill them then I won't be able to use my third and final action...

For my final action if I can visit my old love during the night I can recruit her (not sure if her means it's a female player or just for the sake of roleplay) however there is apparently someone else looking for her and if they find her first then they get her. From this I can presume that either the Mafia can recruit her OR there's another third party group like us, like a Cult or something. I doubt there will be a town-sided one.

What are your guys actions? c:


A username.
Dec 17, 2012
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for my night action I can either carry out the kill like you said or use my night action (i'm going to assume that's probably true for all of us?)

my night action: I can pick a player and receive any messages the player receives that night without them being aware ( this will be really useful if we find a cop but i imagine there are some pretty special roles in this game as well)

If i am lynched during the day I can send a pm to the host with a players name and you will both be informed of that players role

I'm also staying in a hotel room chat with alpha and prizyms this could be useful but it scares me that they might catch onto me


A username.
Dec 17, 2012
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alright I'd very much like to hear @coolioruless action as it will definitely aid us in our planning but as it stands i think we need to decide who's going to execute the night kill. we've got most of the weekend to decide so we don't need to rush but I'd rather not delay strategic planning.

if i use my night action right now I think I'll use it on alpha, since he's all I have to go on right now and something he said makes me think he has a plan to confirm roles, I doubt he'd be foolish to hint at something like that at this point but like i said It's all i have to go on.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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#timezones xD

Okay, so it's still early so I'll probably make no sense so bare with me.

So just like you two, I can either use my night action or perform the kill.

I have a light build and am fast so I can't be tracked for my night actions so no one can see if I visited someone. I can also watch someone and see if they visited anyone during the night.

I'm rolling over and going to sleep again :p
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