are we evil? our role does say that if we ever become majority we can just kill everyone off and win but it also says we can just kill off the mafia and win the way i see it this works much like a town's vigilante role in which the vigilante could try to act as a serial killer and win for the town that way but they'd probably have better luck working with the town and trying to target only the mafia.
right now, and maybe i'm missing something because i've been up all night but I only see us losing in one of two ways:
1) if we get killed off either through being lynched/killed or
2) if a mafia or 3rd party faction takes majority and wins by extension
there's nothing we can do to prevent being killed other than trying to keep our heads down a bit but I think if we contribute to the town they will be much less likely to lynch us. As for the second one if we only target mafia it will be more difficult for them to attain majority than if we kill randomly.
we're in this for ourselves but our goal is also to take out the mafia. Because of this I'm going to suggest we we play this balanced somewhere inbetween the two so we can play it a little bit randomly and have fun actually using it, but at the same time have a strong preference to take out mafia
GmK are we forced to kill at night or can we choose not to kill if we wish?