Anyway my 'master' plan!
Day 0 is rather irrelevant but in my plan tonight Coolio will kill Hypeburst and I will visit Nitasu, Myuser track anybody really. Why Hypeburst? Well, as I just said in my post in the main thread I bet that I would die for my 2 win streak, but Hype won alongside me last game. This means that tonight we kill Hype and then in Day 1 I'm like "OH GOD THEY'RE GONNA COME FOR ME NEXT" or something along the lines of that and then (although this is risky) on Night 2 we don't kill anyone so we could all use our night actions and then on Day 2 I say something along the lines of "Oh gosh, only x amount of kills compared to the other 1 last night. Maybe a doctor protected me

WHOEVER YOU ARE DOC, DON'T REVEAL WHO YOU ARE" and then on Night 3 a cop might investigate me but since I show up as innocent everything will go to plan! Then I can slowly go along with your ideas (we need to lynch both innocent and scum during the days but mainly scum) which will then make yous look innocent which is good.
Although saying Day 0 is rather irrelevant, let's try to push away from a no-lynch for now so we can get more discussion and possibly push suspicion onto an innocent/mafia! If it doesn't work in our favour 1 or 2 of us vote no-lynch but not all of us or else we'd look like we're bandwagoning together (like in Intrusion where I was accused of bandwagoning with like 3 mafia which I was but I didn't even know it since I was a Serial Killer o.e)
OH YEAH, SCUM 3 TIMES IN A ROW. Serial killer to Terrorist to Assasin, my evil roles are endless!