I'm working on a long-term plan here. I am now going to spoil everything that is going to happen =3.
Next day(8):
77 dies, 8 people left. Jeercrul confirmed non-killer by JK. Fiesta innocent by Tim.
Duffie and Mmarz only two left not investigated. Day will end in No Lynch because we want to use the night.
The following night(8):
JK roleblocks Mmarz, tim investigates Duffie, and I want to use my last investigation to make sure it's not actually JK. I won't be able to kill, so instead I will actually investigate storm or something. I might even wear my vest ^-^
The day after tomorrow(8):
Duffie innocent. JK confirmed-innocent. No Kill, Mmarz gets lynched.
The night after the day after tomorrow(7):
Everyone is suspicious, Mmarz was innocent and things get heated up. I will convince JK it's best to BlockProtect Tim tonight and that I will wear my vest. As everyone has been investigated, Tim is not usefull anymore. No voltarikill. I will Assassin kill JK.
2 days from now(6):
Duffie, Storm, Jeercrul, Fiesta, Tim and Notty left. I say we shouldn't No Lynch anymore. I will throw suspicion onto Storm and Fiesta. Saying I trust Tim and Duffie and there was a night-kill when Jeer got blocked so I say I don't think its him. After lots of talking, one of them gets lynched.
2 nights from now(5):
Me and Tim will shoot the other one.
3 days from now(4):
Duffie, Jeercrul, Tim, Me left. I start going on about how we are very close to winning/losing, and I will say that I think it's Jeer with a Third Party win condition. Jeer gets lynched as I will say to Tim that it is almost impossible that it's Duffie. And I make some cheering sounds about how we won.
3 nights from now(3):
Tim gets nervous about it actually being me. I will calm him down and give a story about how he is the innocent cop and I am Third Party, and that JK was the town-doctor and Duffie is probabily the Third-Party variant. I will tell him Duffie we need to shoot Duffie. And since Duffie will shoot one of us, the other one wins. And if he wears his vest he can't shoot at one of us so we basicly won. Amazed by this plan Tim forgets about his suspicions on me and we agree that it is best if he does the kill on Duffie.
I will Assassinkill Tim.
Game over(2):
Me and Duffie are left, and I win \o/. [Unless Duffie gave away his last Armour in which case I won't have to convince Tim about Duffie's guilt since I can just assassinkill Duffie and vote for no Voltarikill. Me and Tim left then.]
Inb4 something fails during tomorrow and everything goes wrong.