I love it but 1. You know me dont you? :c and 2. Me and Kylie aren't on 'Dane' we're on 'Rio' which is a female dragon, Fali is the one on DaneI felt like writing right now :3
I opened my eyes. It was the day. The day that I had been waiting for the past month. It was the day that I was gonna leave for Blocktopia Academy.
I was still quite sleepy as I walked to the little table I had made in my house. I had built my own house. It didn't look that good, actually it was quite horrible, but it didn't matter. I wasn't poor. I just didn't spend all I had on some fancy house that I didn't actually need. There was some bread on the table. I grabbed the bread and started eating it, while taking a bite out of a nice porkchop at the same time.
I had already packed all my things earlier. I didn't bring much, and I sold most of what I didn't bring. I did pack my clothes in my backpack, however, and some other stuff. Like a map of the world, a lot of books (you see, I enjoy reading a lot), a book with blank pages to write in and a quill, and some of my more priced possessions, such as my Rituals of Fire Apprentice badge and my diamond sword that I had already used quite a lot. I also packed all my money into a nice little bag that I kept near me at all times.
When I had finished my little breakfast, I checked if I had packed all I needed in my new school. I hadn't forgotten a single thing. So I just laid down on my bed and started waiting for the enderdragon to arrive.
I have some kind of a connection with endercreatures (dragons and endermen). I think I'm special in some way, like some people who are half wolves (!!!) or something like that. I guess I'm half enderman then.
Nah, that's unlikely, but I do have a friendlier relationship with endermen and enderdragons than other people. For example, endermen get really pissed if someone dares to look at them. But it's perfectly ok if I look at them. Sometimes it even feels like they understand what I say. Quite weird if you ask me, but I'm still trying to figure out what it is about me that makes me so special when it comes to endermen.
I felt the wind blow right through my old wooden door. The dragon that was going to take me, and possibly many more to the Blocktopia Academy, was here. I gave the dragon a quick pat on the head before climbing on him. Apparently, his name was Dave. Funny name for a dragon. Oh well.
I think I was one of the first people to come on the dragon. A dragon caretaker from the Academy was controlling the dragon, and she was pleasantly surprised when she saw that I had such a good contact with the enderdragon. We flew quite low for a bit, then suddenly flew very high, above the clouds. I felt a bit dizzy when I looked down. I've never been comfortable around great heights, although I don't start panicking like some people.
Then we finally got to the Academy, after picking up about 10-15 more people. I noticed that each enderdragon that landed here had it's own designated landing spot, marked by the dragon's name. Our dragon obviously landed on the spot that was labeled "Dave". About ten seconds later, a dragon landed right next to us on a spot marked as "Dane". I think I saw some people I already knew on that dragon, but I hadn't really been good friends with any of them before. I did recognize Kylieanna though. And I think she had brought her sister along as well? Not too sure about that.
Then I got a good look at the Academy's building complex. It was HUGE. Like this:
I'm not too sure how to describe it, because simple words cannot possibly describe it, but I can try.
It had a lot of towers. A lot of towers. It was like a castle, or more like a palace. It had a very romantic feel to it, like some of these castles in this other reality some call Earth, and then there are these little castles there in the mountains they call the Alps or something. Like this, only fifty times bigger and more magical:
And then, everyone started moving inside, towards what I assume was the grand hall or something.
To be continued... maybe.
No, I don't think I've ever seen you in-game. Or it could just be my derpy memory when it comes to people related to Minecraft. And wat. Right, I saw that "Rio" part now. ._. Sorry, I'll edit my story a bitI love it but 1. You know me dont you? :c and 2. Me and Kylie aren't on 'Dane' we're on 'Rio' which is a female dragon, Fali is the one on DaneI felt like writing right now :3
I opened my eyes. It was the day. The day that I had been waiting for the past month. It was the day that I was gonna leave for Blocktopia Academy.
I was still quite sleepy as I walked to the little table I had made in my house. I had built my own house. It didn't look that good, actually it was quite horrible, but it didn't matter. I wasn't poor. I just didn't spend all I had on some fancy house that I didn't actually need. There was some bread on the table. I grabbed the bread and started eating it, while taking a bite out of a nice porkchop at the same time.
I had already packed all my things earlier. I didn't bring much, and I sold most of what I didn't bring. I did pack my clothes in my backpack, however, and some other stuff. Like a map of the world, a lot of books (you see, I enjoy reading a lot), a book with blank pages to write in and a quill, and some of my more priced possessions, such as my Rituals of Fire Apprentice badge and my diamond sword that I had already used quite a lot. I also packed all my money into a nice little bag that I kept near me at all times.
When I had finished my little breakfast, I checked if I had packed all I needed in my new school. I hadn't forgotten a single thing. So I just laid down on my bed and started waiting for the enderdragon to arrive.
I have some kind of a connection with endercreatures (dragons and endermen). I think I'm special in some way, like some people who are half wolves (!!!) or something like that. I guess I'm half enderman then.
Nah, that's unlikely, but I do have a friendlier relationship with endermen and enderdragons than other people. For example, endermen get really pissed if someone dares to look at them. But it's perfectly ok if I look at them. Sometimes it even feels like they understand what I say. Quite weird if you ask me, but I'm still trying to figure out what it is about me that makes me so special when it comes to endermen.
I felt the wind blow right through my old wooden door. The dragon that was going to take me, and possibly many more to the Blocktopia Academy, was here. I gave the dragon a quick pat on the head before climbing on him. Apparently, his name was Dave. Funny name for a dragon. Oh well.
I think I was one of the first people to come on the dragon. A dragon caretaker from the Academy was controlling the dragon, and she was pleasantly surprised when she saw that I had such a good contact with the enderdragon. We flew quite low for a bit, then suddenly flew very high, above the clouds. I felt a bit dizzy when I looked down. I've never been comfortable around great heights, although I don't start panicking like some people.
Then we finally got to the Academy, after picking up about 10-15 more people. I noticed that each enderdragon that landed here had it's own designated landing spot, marked by the dragon's name. Our dragon obviously landed on the spot that was labeled "Dave". About ten seconds later, a dragon landed right next to us on a spot marked as "Dane". I think I saw some people I already knew on that dragon, but I hadn't really been good friends with any of them before. I did recognize Kylieanna though. And I think she had brought her sister along as well? Not too sure about that.
Then I got a good look at the Academy's building complex. It was HUGE. Like this:
I'm not too sure how to describe it, because simple words cannot possibly describe it, but I can try.
It had a lot of towers. A lot of towers. It was like a castle, or more like a palace. It had a very romantic feel to it, like some of these castles in this other reality some call Earth, and then there are these little castles there in the mountains they call the Alps or something. Like this, only fifty times bigger and more magical:
And then, everyone started moving inside, towards what I assume was the grand hall or something.
To be continued... maybe.
I did, Kylieanna. Did you not check the edit? I already corrected it a little while ago, before you posted this.
I checked the original chapter 2, and it's still like that. I'm not sure if you reposted chapter 2 entirely, though.Faliara said:"Hey there! I'm Kylieanna Amethyst, nice to meet ya!"
"Nice to meet you, too," I said.
"So uh... Why do you have dog ears and dog tails? Just curious," I said quickly, before they took in any offence.
They simply laughed. "We're half-wolves," said Kylie.
"Hanyou," Toile corrected.
"Care to elaborate?" I said, still in confusion.
"It means that we're born between wolf demons and humans," said Kylie.
I was still confused, but I nodded anyway.
Oops... I'll go edit now.I did, Kylieanna. Did you not check the edit? I already corrected it a little while ago, before you posted this.I checked the original chapter 2, and it's still like that. I'm not sure if you reposted chapter 2 entirely, though.Faliara said:"Hey there! I'm Kylieanna Amethyst, nice to meet ya!"
"Nice to meet you, too," I said.
"So uh... Why do you have dog ears and dog tails? Just curious," I said quickly, before they took in any offence.
They simply laughed. "We're half-wolves," said Kylie.
"Hanyou," Toile corrected.
"Care to elaborate?" I said, still in confusion.
"It means that we're born between wolf demons and humans," said Kylie.
I was still confused, but I nodded anyway.
The Lord of Trolls has found this thread. :DName:Xfolo
Appearance:Has a virus that makes him look 20. Has a spark of jealousy on his eyes, because old_man_oak is older than him. May occaisionly turn into a banana or a troll.
Relatives: Lord banana.
Oh FUDGE. >_>The Lord of Trolls has found this thread. :DName:Xfolo
Appearance:Has a virus that makes him look 20. Has a spark of jealousy on his eyes, because old_man_oak is older than him. May occaisionly turn into a banana or a troll.
Relatives: Lord banana.
i found it ages ago... guess fali dosnt want me hereThe Lord of Trolls has found this thread. :DName:Xfolo
Appearance:Has a virus that makes him look 20. Has a spark of jealousy on his eyes, because old_man_oak is older than him. May occaisionly turn into a banana or a troll.
Relatives: Lord banana.