poor trusteds plusesBlocktopia History in nutshell:
Its shame, that we lost our forums twice. Probably there was parabolic increase of Trusteds+ before TheOne namechange.
Then Trusteds+ were disappearing... wasn't that inspiration for BioLio creepy pasta, that I heard long ago on lava?
Also after forum second shutdown and before Xenforo there was wipe of Trusteds on Classic Lava - there would be sudden fall by 5 - 10 people somewhere in June/July 2011.
Shortly after it rose again, and stabilized shortly after... all 2012 and later stuff you guys know.
Here is clear decline since TheOne name change.
It looks like Blocktopia were making harder and harder to apply for Trusted to get accepted, and Trusted trials to be finished.
It jumps wildly on server launches/shutdowns.
Yea.. they were resigning because other were resigning and because of ever falling Classic popularity...poor trusteds pluses
rough life in koreaaperson155 jesus the character lag between what I see and what you see is worse than I thought lmao
I'm not saying I don't want Blocktopia to prosper for another 5 years but to be honest if it continues with anything like the mentality it has now I honestly don't think it will live that long, and if it does, it would probably be one gloomy-ish community. I mean, for god's sake, Everyone would be well out of their teen years at that point, and some people might even cross over into their 30's and 40's. So yeah, that's a big big wall we have to get past son. xDHappy Birthday Blocktopia!
May you life another 5 years!
If you have problems with the community, it would be more beneficial to PM the head staff with your suggestions to fix them rather than just complaining about it without having stated anything, achieving nothing,I'm not saying I don't want Blocktopia to prosper for another 5 years but to be honest if it continues with anything like the mentality it has now I honestly don't think it will live that long, and if it does, it would probably be one gloomy-ish community. I mean, for god's sake, Everyone would be well out of their teen years at that point, and some people might even cross over into their 30's and 40's. So yeah, that's a big big wall we have to get past son. xD
You do know that there were babies born after us who'll eventually discover Minecraft and then feel motivated to find others who have the same interest.I'm not saying I don't want Blocktopia to prosper for another 5 years but to be honest if it continues with anything like the mentality it has now I honestly don't think it will live that long, and if it does, it would probably be one gloomy-ish community. I mean, for god's sake, Everyone would be well out of their teen years at that point, and some people might even cross over into their 30's and 40's. So yeah, that's a big big wall we have to get past son. xD
Ummm... its very dynamic... Users Who Have Read This Thread joined in 2012? or 2011? or 2009?I'm not saying I don't want Blocktopia to prosper for another 5 years but to be honest if it continues with anything like the mentality it has now I honestly don't think it will live that long, and if it does, it would probably be one gloomy-ish community. I mean, for god's sake, Everyone would be well out of their teen years at that point, and some people might even cross over into their 30's and 40's. So yeah, that's a big big wall we have to get past son. xD
(Also you're going to have to handle me being a smartass because that's how I am when I'm ticked off. Mk? Onwards.)If you have problems with the community, it would be more beneficial to PM the head staff with your suggestions to fix them rather than just complaining about it without having stated anything, achieving nothing,
This, (to me anyway,) is half true and half not true. Here's what I mean.You do know that there were babies born before us who'll eventually discover Minecraft and then feel motivated to find others who have the same interest.
This may be, but I have one question for you. How many are constantly active, always posting stuff everywhere, or chatting on IRC/TeamSpeak, or even playing on the servers? Surely, the number must decrease somewhat with that parameter, and even though that's A) ironic, since I myself haven't posted many things lately myself and B) defying the amount of users that have read this thread you're looking at, you must look at these facts. Am I Right? Also, FYI Raxo, spellcheck, y'know~Ummm... its very dynamic... Users Who Have Read This Thread joined in 2012? or 2011? or 2009?
We have constant flow of users.
holy molyWow, my previous post garnered so much negativity that now I have to respond to it. For God's sake...
(Also you're going to have to handle me being a smartass because that's how I am when I'm ticked off. Mk? Onwards.)
I don't have problems with anyone or anything anymore, smart one, I'm glad to say I'm past all that and it's for the better. I was looking at this from a neutral standpoint of view. So before blurting out about "messaging head staff" try to ask me in a forum post/pm about diversifying this topic to get a better picture. That's right, Priz, I basically turned your question back to you. Respond to it if you want, and to quote Dr. Seuss, Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. Does that clear things up for you? If not, then just tell me in some way, and I'll respond, and if it does, then joyous day, am I right? :)
This, (to me anyway,) is half true and half not true. Here's what I mean.
Minecraft was a huge fad with a lot of fun things, and although it still is, let's be honest, some people have grown out of it. Some people have gone to other games. And, although people don't entirely want to admit it, at some point it may fade into obscurity. Even Notch himself has said that it would be interesting if the game faded away and then he would be more quote en quote "indie" (indie meaning more....independent) and he was left to work to/for himself again.
Basically, what I'm saying is that it's kind of harder to find something in the internet of today if it is uncommon/faded away, you know? Not that much harder, mind you, but somewhere on the 1-10 scale there sits a pointer, so to speak.
This may be, but I have one question for you. How many are constantly active, always posting stuff everywhere, or chatting on IRC/TeamSpeak, or even playing on the servers? Surely, the number must decrease somewhat with that parameter, and even though that's A) ironic, since I myself haven't posted many things lately myself and B) defying the amount of users that have read this thread you're looking at, you must look at these facts. Am I Right? Also, FYI Raxo, spellcheck, y'know~
I hope you all at least understand the answers I have given you all.
SnapFlash, out~
Hey man you're gonna have to deal with my bad mood because i'm mad thanks homie(Also you're going to have to handle me being a smartass because that's how I am when I'm ticked off. Mk? Onwards.)
Yo instead of me PM'ing you why don't you PM me. That's right Prizyms get wrecked and to quote my personal friend Kanye West, "Suck my dick."So before blurting out about "messaging head staff" try to ask me in a forum post/pm about diversifying this topic to get a better picture. That's right, Priz, I basically turned your question back to you.