Probably not the words that I would use, but something around there.It also fixes the problems that some players go and whine at another Op's doorstep because the other one didn't like his build.
What I find is that when an Op critiques a player's work and says that they can't rank up cause they need to work on it a bit more -- That player will then find another Op and ask them for a Builder rank -- and probably get the same feedback. It's kinda hard to know what player has been previously critiqued by staff and what they were told to work on unless you explicitly ask that player questions about it.
So that's why I was suggesting that Builder ranks should be application based so that Players/Staff can see who has been critiqued and what they have been critqued on. Plus, it'll keep us in the loop on who's Builder instead of being surprised and thinking "That person got Builder with that?!". <3