Capital Plans- Brought to you by French Toast


Aug 6, 2011
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Like i said many times, my terraforming could be fixed, and don't always wait that someone do it completely before doing critics (you know, It could have been said 3 days ago when I started) . Maybe make the corners and some small parts smoother/rounder. It's just that with squares, It's easier to build roads and houses so that it doesn't look like old town.

I started thinking about houses ideas. I think we are at this part in the project.

I'll post pics and sizes when I'm done with my ideas. This could give inspirations to others, we never know.


Aug 6, 2011
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Ok so here is a design idea for a house I made in single. It's just to show a template I think could be used for building the whole capital.

House 1 : Simple design. 14x10. Height 6. Mainly to show the exterior design for The Garden's houses. The interior can be to the owner's liking.

House 2 : Same design with many modifications. 14x14. Height 10. Allow farms in the backyard and on the roofs (so height can be higher) with the exception of trees. Having all the house looking the same can be boring. So I wanted to show that builders could rethink the design.

Note : I put torches to make them appealing but the lights can be different too.

So what you guys think about this?


Aug 6, 2011
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Well if you plan to build it yourself, then yes.
But I'd be making houses for everyone too if we decide to have a template. I just hope there will be other people like me to volunteer.
I'll be glad to help, if I'm available at the time and there's a template... Because my creativity is on the downside, especially with house design.


Aug 6, 2011
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Number, I'd suggest you consult the PRE built house template before building anything. I believe the size for them was 7x7, and 11x11.

As much as I like dark wood, the first house is kinda meh to me, and the second ones chimney thing sticks out a lot.
-This was all done in a singleplayer map, no trees were harmed while building them.
-The sizes aren't even official. And anything under 10x10 is incredibly small. Making something that looks good is even more out of question. Also, even though i sais 14x10 and 14x14, I included the roofs. The actual box for these houses are smaller.

For my suggestion, I see many people dislike it :( but it's ok, I just tried to find something good and easy to build.


Aug 6, 2011
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Ok so here is a design idea for a house I made in single. It's just to show a template I think could be used for building the whole capital.

House 1 : Simple design. 14x10. Height 6. Mainly to show the exterior design for The Garden's houses. The interior can be to the owner's liking.

House 2 : Same design with many modifications. 14x14. Height 10. Allow farms in the backyard and on the roofs (so height can be higher) with the exception of trees. Having all the house looking the same can be boring. So I wanted to show that builders could rethink the design.

Note : I put torches to make them appealing but the lights can be different too.

So what you guys think about this?
I don't really like these, sorry :c

There will be pre-built houses, but people can build their own, too. Diversity is nice, they shouldn't all be the same, but we have regulations and restrictions in place to control it a bit, so they're similar :3

-This was all done in a singleplayer map, no trees were harmed while building them.
-The sizes aren't even official. And anything under 10x10 is incredibly small. Making something that looks good is even more out of question. Also, even though i sais 14x10 and 14x14, I included the roofs. The actual box for these houses are smaller.

For my suggestion, I see many people dislike it :( but it's ok, I just tried to find something good and easy to build.
The thread is official, therefore so is the content. It is, however, subject to change.

Also I really hate having even numbers for length and width of houses, especially since the roads and everything will be 3 wide.


Dec 9, 2011
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Your house look was okay numberplay but I think it was not completly there with that sandstone roof

I have a few quick simple suggestions that you can take to use in anyway you want. They may help save space when building the lower class ad upper class area of the city.

What we could do is have most of the houses either attached or semi-attached to each other in the same street to help save in building cost and speed up the construction process.

We could also have a quick suggestion posting set up for this topic, so some creative people can suggest a few styles for the houses that can be used for some upper class houses and some streets for the lower class area of the city.

I also do agree a 10 spare area is quite small but if it is used right by making it a two story house with a ladder and a basement when its prebuilt I think itmay be big enough for a lower class house to rent.

We could also half the amount of lower class homes and make some bigger attached, semi-attached or stand alone houses for people to rent that dont earn enough money in a week to rent a big house in the capitol but do not want one of the smaller lower class houses. We could call them middle class houses. (this seems a bit like the system of the the teir class there has been in medival europe and during the industrial revolution by what I am suggesting here :oops:)

The fourth thing I am suggesting is that if you dont like what I suggest is to ignore it and carry on like I didn't mention this at all because I am not sure if I even like some of these suggestions.


Aug 6, 2011
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Your house look was okay numberplay but I think it was not completly there with that sandstone roof

I have a few quick simple suggestions that you can take to use in anyway you want. They may help save space when building the lower class ad upper class area of the city.

What we could do is have most of the houses either attached or semi-attached to each other in the same street to help save in building cost and speed up the construction process.

We could also have a quick suggestion posting set up for this topic, so some creative people can suggest a few styles for the houses that can be used for some upper class houses and some streets for the lower class area of the city.

I also do agree a 10 spare area is quite small but if it is used right by making it a two story house with a ladder and a basement when its prebuilt I think itmay be big enough for a lower class house to rent.

We could also half the amount of lower class homes and make some bigger attached, semi-attached or stand alone houses for people to rent that dont earn enough money in a week to rent a big house in the capitol but do not want one of the smaller lower class houses. We could call them middle class houses. (this seems a bit like the system of the the teir class there has been in medival europe and during the industrial revolution by what I am suggesting here :oops:)

The fourth thing I am suggesting is that if you dont like what I suggest is to ignore it and carry on like I didn't mention this at all because I am not sure if I even like some of these suggestions.

I refuse to settle for one design for every. single. freaking. house. guys. please.

It makes it way too boring seeing the same thing over and over and over again with only slight variations. Anyone who doesn't want to rent can buy a plot and build their own. Well, yes, we need a design for all the rentables, but they'll still be varied at least in material as well.

Uppclass is only for High Gaian+. If they're at that rank, then we can trust them to make something that looks nice, so they have no material restrictions. The Lowerclass Area, however, does need some material restrictions.

Also, there shouldn't be any excuse for not being able to make enough money each week. Voting gets you 150 shillings, so if you vote every day for a week, that gets you 1050 shillings. Do that for 3 weeks (around a month) and you've got 3150 shillings in your pocket.


Aug 6, 2011
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You can pay off the highest priced taxes by voting a measly 4 times a month, and this nets you 100 shillings too.

Is asking you to vote 4 times a month too much to ask?

Seriously, 500 shillings is NOTHING. It's not going to go into our pockets. It will be used to pay people working on the capital(as in those who have contributed supplies), and to buy materials from other sources, to work on the capital.


Aug 6, 2011
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He left because he didn't like living in a plot- Angel just assumed he left because of pricing.
Guin, Lee, Number, Noms, Jalleo (maybe), and I would say that the last thing we want is a high price. We also object to the high price even though it seems easy to get. Do not forget that we buy things from WebAuction. And yet, you and Cerpah would say "Well stop buying things". We need to for other reasons.

Onto a lighter side of Capital "progress", what kind of materials would you like? How large are these plots? And lastly, what kind of theme do you want these buildings?


Aug 6, 2011
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Onto a lighter side of Capital "progress", what kind of materials would you like? How large are these plots? And lastly, what kind of theme do you want these buildings?
Everything is here :
but basically, the most common material is wood, making the theme "natural buildings".


Here're the areas of the capital.

thanks lolpierandom for explaining them to me ingame.

From this plan, I'll make roads and plots in the upper and lower class areas so that we can start building houses before next week hopefully.


Dec 9, 2011
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Not so Quick half on topic stuff here:
I suggested that some of the houses in a street or some whole streets (I forgot to put short in my first post) could be the same style for prebuilt.
anyway if we have some prebuilt houses set up it will push people to go buy a plot to make their house themselves. Who said that all capitol was going to be prebuilt?
we could actually have a certain area of the capitol in each section to not be built for people to rent and build what they want in a designated manner that everyone would be fine on seeing.

Even though people do say about the rent stuff I actually forget to do it most days and sometimes i dont go on the computer for a few days so what would happen if I dont go on for a week before the end of the month i haven't got enough money for the rent at the end of the month?

about the setup of the city:
why is it that the city is completly set up to be completly seperate cant it be that the upper class area is a bit close to the trees interconnecting with the political area?
Then could both the areas connect to the lower class district of the city that has a market sprawlled accross the cityy by having a few streets going round the city that is just or almost competly shops and stalls and stuff like that?

we could also build a few inns around the city for people to have a log out during somehow and have their stuff safely secured while they are in their room by sometype of sticky piston system to lock each bedroom and going into the inn you go through (one of those things that you pay that was mentioned to of been reintroduced for nobles, I cant remember the damn name sorry :()?

I do know that using the system that is shown in the picture does make things easier for building but I am not quite sure it will actually work in the long run and if it dosent its going to be more annoying in the long run especially after the city actually gets finished with the road system you are building numberplay.

Sorry if I am sounding critical but my college course gets me to think more with commonsense which really annoys me when I decide I got to change something in my house 5 times in two hours just to make it easier for me later on. (it was all to do with my melon farm aswell and its tiny that made it all the worse :()

Sorry for the big posts I have made this time and the last time when I have posted on this page. I am really bad when it comes to thinking about this stuff.

@Numberplay I am not very good when it comes to designing small houses I have never been. Also I am not quite sure why more of us in gaia comes and chat about this stuff on the forums should we get more awareness out there to the rest of our family to post more things in this area so we can plan faster and better than we are at the moment?


Aug 6, 2011
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Honestly, should we have prebuilt homes, but then we can allow them to add to it, possibly for a cost?

Also, I don't think there should be anything interior wise, as they can decorate it anyway they with. :p

But, if we don't go with prebuilt homes, I say we set up a theme for them to build by. As well as specific building regulations, such as how their roofs should be, the style of the roof, materials used (Possibly indoors and outdoors), and plot size, of course.


Aug 6, 2011
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Style 1. Normal plot for lower class living members. Design bound to change. Bedrock not included for numerous reasons.
Also, I know I accidentally took a picture twice of the same corner.

For larger plots, would you mind if there is a balcony or something similar?
Meh, in the end, it's just a square house with random materials added in.

In Shizuka, most of the houses were pretty nice, and they were still only 8x7 at the most. I was hoping we could get the same effect. Simple, homey, but also elegant.