Your name:
Your current rank on the server:
Your Family:
Requested Family:
I wish to change to Gaia.
Reasons for not staying in your current family:
When I first joined the server, I'll admit it: I didn't read the blurb on the families closely. I saw several Primites on at the time, and I basically said "LOLDERP ILL JOIN PRIMUS". However, recently, I've come to realize that Primus is definitely not the right family for me. It is far too building oriented, and I simply never see any Primites on that I know and like. Admittedly, I don't play prim that often, but when I do, my experiences are not enjoyable.
Reasons for requesting to be in your chosen family:
I chose Gaia because most of my friends from other servers are located there (mostly tnt), and after learning about Gaia a bit, it seems like the right family for me.
Why this move is necessary:
Honestly, Primordia is supposed to be enjoyable. While I'm located in Primus, it feels to be that it cannot be that way.
Statement of Good Faith:
I've actually given this quite a lot of thought, but a few things Marn told me decided me. So, I promise that this isn't an ineffectual change that I'll recall in a week. (Translation: I really had no idea what to put here)