City applications

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Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

Towns add a more family and co-operation feeling into the Journey to Elysium server. For the outstanding and advanced towns we give them the possibility to strive for a city. Members of an official city earn themselves the benefits provided by a city. It will provide you an own chat, chest-protection (if wished for), a tag, highest priority for the "town meeting" channels on teamspeak, only members can modify the city and are given the chance to buy the following benefits: Shopkeeper(s) (non-profitable), Portal and either a healing or feeding zone.

Official city requests - OPEN

[panel]City applications[/panel][panel]Requirements:[/panel][panel]
- 20 members (or more), included yourself and leaders

- At least 16 members need the Settler rank, and at least 4 the Citizen rank

- A built city

- An official town

[/panel][panel]City application format[/panel][panel]
Copy the following format and fill in the questions in an own-made thread.

City name:
City theme:
Introduction of your city:

The approximate coordinates of the citycenter:

Members(included yourself and leaders):

Shopkeeper(s): One (200 Emeralds), Two (500 Emeralds), Three (1000 Emeralds). (Propose prices/items)
Portal: Portal to Carthage (1000 Emeralds), Portal to City (1500 Emeralds)
Region-benefit (max 1): Feeding area (4000 Emeralds), Healing area (5000 Emeralds)
Prefered tag: [XXXXXX]

Screenshots of the city:

Why should your city be official:
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