Community News - 06 Sept 2015
[fieldset=Resignations]Baker93 has resigned from his Community Admin position. We thank him for all of the work that he has done throughout the years in this Community![/fieldset][fieldset=Terraria Event!]Come join EscapeRestart's Terraria server @ lobby.escaperestart.com, port 7777!It will close on Monday so join and have fun!
Details: http://escaperestart.com/forum/threads/escaperestart-presents-terraria.18878/[/fieldset][fieldset=Voting]We finally have our info posted on PMC's server section!
Other avenues for futher Advertising will be looked into.
Details regarding perks for voting will be released when the time comes!
Vote here! http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/escaperestart/
[/fieldset][fieldset=Regarding News]We're currently testing out this way of providing Community News as a bi-weekly (every other week) type of deal instead of going through the previous Teamspeak Meetings that we had. So, hopefully you guys like this![/fieldset][fieldset=New Admin Roles]We are looking for two new members to our admin team. See this thread for information: http://escaperestart.com/forum/threads/open-community-admin-positions-asshat-and-advertiser.18885/[/fieldset][fieldset=Happy Birthday to Nillbugwtw!]Please give a big Happy Birthday to Nillbugwtw and bug the hell out of him if possible![/fieldset]
[fieldset=Specialist Rank]We've added a new player rank to Create called Specialist!
This new rank is between Builder and AdvBuilder.
Rank Requirements:
- At least 1 plot filled with sufficient builds that show building skill and aesthetics on top of the normal building requirements.
- Specialists get an extra Builder plot along with new commands.
- This rank doesn't require a Forum App- so just ask a Create Staff member to review your work if you want a promotion![/fieldset][fieldset=Updates]New Mail plugin. Use /mail help in the server for more info!
ArmourStandTools plugin - This is a Specialist+ perk that enables players to mess around with ArmourStands and create neat stuff with them! Use /astools get started.
CompMeme plugin added and made by SirComputer. This is currently a Specialist+ perk.
[/fieldset][fieldset=Future]Don't worry! I haven't forgotten about the suggestion thread![/fieldset]
Rituals of Fire
[fieldset=Lava God Is Hungry]Please don't be alarmed if you randomly find yourself on fire.[/fieldset]
Army of Darkness
[fieldset=Staff Promotions]Staff applications are now closed. Please welcome our new staff:
- AikaQQ
- SmokinHot
- Eragon_
- katbiscuit46
- Naoh
Event Server
[fieldset=Promotions]Major_Bryan has been promoted to Admin![/fieldset]
[fieldset=Promotions & Resignations]Infected_Alien8 will be heading up TTT
Ronaldo has resigned from his Admin position.[/fieldset]
[fieldset=Resignations]Iguana has resigned from his Admin postion so bug Ronaldo if you have any issues with TS![/fieldset]