Community News - 08 July 2016
Vote Here!
We still rely on donations to help run the forum and servers. If you wish to help us out then that would be awesome!
We're looking for people to help update our wiki. Can you help? http://escaperestart.com/forum/threads/bring-the-wiki-up-to-date.19680
We've got a Cards Against Humanity event using Tabletop Simulator on July 16th at 8pm GMT - sign up now! http://escaperestart.com/forum/threads/19823/. We've also got a AoD Nostalgia Weekend happening on the weekend of Sat 9th July, so have a look in the AoD section about that.Vote Here!
We still rely on donations to help run the forum and servers. If you wish to help us out then that would be awesome!
We're looking for people to help update our wiki. Can you help? http://escaperestart.com/forum/threads/bring-the-wiki-up-to-date.19680
ChatWe are currently trialling some different chat formatting, including a different coloured name. Please note the word trialling, as we have not yet decided whether the change will be permanent!
Jackamel has been promoted to Trial Mod!
Rituals of Fire
Updates to the plugin are in the RoF changelog. http://polr.me/change
Map Renames
We've decided to rename some maps. http://polr.me/mapcl
Monthly Voting Rewards
We now have the results of the monthly voting results for June - go and have a look! http://escaperestart.com/forum/threads/rof-monthly-voting-rewards-june.19687
IQD has been promoted to Moderator.
Kevin_28 has handed in his two weeks notice.
Tamzies has been staffing RoF for two years straight now! Please thank her for her contributions!
Please note that SirComputer will be away from July 11th - July 15th without internet, and therefore will not be able to respond to any issues, urgent or not. This means something very bad's bound to happen. Please redirect any enquiries to the Controllers, Refrigerated and Wimali, or a RoF mod if they can help you.
Army of Darkness
AoD Nostalgia Weekend
We've added new models - decide on the final one to be added for now here!
KJelles The Camel is no longer moderator. Please thank him for his contribution.
We've revised our rules list. Expect the new list to appear on the forums and be enforced very soon!
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