Community News - 10 June 2016
Vote Here!
We still rely on donations to help run the forum and servers. If you wish to help us out then that would be awesome!
***A HUGE THANKS to RaizzanX for fufilling our monthly donations for TWO months!***
Prizyms has resigned from Admin. We thank him for staffing for EscapeRestart!
Minecraft 1.10
1.10 has been released and we plan to update as soon as our servers are ready!
We're looking for people to help update our wiki. Can you help? http://escaperestart.com/forum/threads/bring-the-wiki-up-to-date.19680
PromotionsVote Here!
We still rely on donations to help run the forum and servers. If you wish to help us out then that would be awesome!
***A HUGE THANKS to RaizzanX for fufilling our monthly donations for TWO months!***
Prizyms has resigned from Admin. We thank him for staffing for EscapeRestart!
Minecraft 1.10
1.10 has been released and we plan to update as soon as our servers are ready!
We're looking for people to help update our wiki. Can you help? http://escaperestart.com/forum/threads/bring-the-wiki-up-to-date.19680
Bhyldir has been promoted to Architect!
Rituals of Fire
New Stuff!
Keep looking at the RoF Changelog as new stuff slowly comes through.
Staff Voting
There's a new one if anyone wants to do it. It's going to be up for a longer period of time than the last one. http://bit.ly/RoFSV
Map Competition
Our May Map Competition has ended and with the low turnout we decided to give Miyaks and Mulbery the first prize reward! Thanks for submitting your maps!
Voting Rewards
Monthly Voting Reward winners for May are posted here:
We will continue with Voting Rewards for June, so /vote if you're in the RoF server!
Mulbery has been promoted to Trial Mod!
tyukmn has resigned from Trial Mod - please thank him for his dedication. One in, one out, I suppose.
Army of Darkness
We're looking to improve the map quality on AoD, if you spare 5-10 minutes please take some time to fill out the form so that we know which maps are liked!
There are 3 options to vote for the next map now.
tommy has resigned.
ShadeSlayer98 (Eragon_) removed from staff due to inactivity.tommy has resigned.
Friendy has been promoted to Moderator!
ttt_mcvillage_v6 has been replaced with ttt_minecraft_haven.
KJelles The Camel is now moderator, congratulations to him!
Legendary Lycanthrope is now on trial, congratulations to him too!
Vino is no longer moderator, please thank him for his contribution.
We now have an Escape Restart TTT Twitter page with the Twitter feed on the !motd. Tweet us with any funny screenshots from the server for a chance of them being featured on the feed!
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