Hello! On our Creative server, we have 5 different ranks that players can progress through. With each Rank you go up, you unlock new perks to assist you in building, more plots, and other things! This thread is here to help guide you on the aesthetic requirements for each rank, so let's get started!
Before we get started with the ranks, lets touch on some basic rules that generally apply to all builds when it comes to ranking up.
- The build MUST be completed by only the player.
- You are allowed to ask for pointers, but other players placing or destroying blocks can disqualify the build.
- Pixel Art / Redstone contraptions are not considered for Rank-Ups.
- Plots must be at-least 90% filled to Qualify. (See Examples Below)
- You cannot skip over a rank; you have to apply for the next rank up.
- Feel free to follow tutorials, but they cannot be a direct one to one copy. Inspiration, not Stealing.
Building Tutorial / Resources
There's a lot of resources online to help you get better at building, here's a list I've compiled of some things that have helped me. Please make sure to never directly copy builds, but rather use inspiration.
- /r/DetailCraft - Great Subreddit to find small detail inspirations.
- /r/MinecraftBuilds - Another Subreddit but more for general builds.
- Minecraft Building Guide by Pixel & Poly - Nice information to start builds, including arches, pathways, roofs & more.
- How to Improve Walls - Guide on making your walls more detailed.
- Minecraft Exteriors - Guide on building and detailing Exterior Walls.
- Negative Space - Guide on how to properly use Negative Space in building.
- Adding Life to Cities - A YouTube video on how to properly add "Life" to a city.
- Block Palettes - Images to help you find blocks for a build.
- Building Inspiration Compilation - Compiled list of areas to get inspiration for builds.
Builder is the second rank on our Creative server, and it comes with new larger plots, larger world-edit access, and much more - you can read all about what the rank perks are on our rank perks thread. The basic requirement for builder is One Novice Plot submission, or a build on the FlatWorld/Terrain in equivalent size. When it comes to the Builder rank, we aren't looking for something that is absolutely astounding. We just want you to show us that you have simple building comprehension skills and can also be trusted with larger permissions. The requirements for this rank aren't super rigorous, but in general we just look for some small detailing, a bit of terrain, and a general cohesion of the plot.
Below are some examples of different plots that are Passing, and Non-Passing
Notes: This build showcases good cohesion, small detailing capabilities, and fills the entire plot
Notes: This build while having blander exterior walls than the previous example, has a lot more detailing in terrain and objects.

Notes: This build showcases a bit of both examples and fills up all of the plot. Terrain is also nicely detailed.

Notes: This plot is a great start, but the bottom and right side feel empty and incomplete.

Notes: This plot is also a great start, but the water trough takes up most of the plot and has little details. The house is a bit bland as well.

Notes: This plot is another example of water taking up too much space with no details. It also doesn't have any interesting build(s).
- Don't be afraid to experiment, you have two plots and only need to submit one!
- You can use World-Edit in your plot, it helps with terrain and other things!
- Adding small details can go a long way, think mailboxes, rocks, lamps, streets, and more.
- Don't stress too much about your building at this point, we want you to have fun while building too!
- Try to avoid large blank swatches on your plot, using the above tip will help.
Specialist is the second rank you can rankup to on Creative, and comes with even more perks that you can always read about on our rank perk thread! The basic requirement for Specialist is One Builder Plot, build in the FlatWorld/Terrain in equivalent size, or a build in the SimCity world of equivalent size.Specialist is a bit more scrutinized when it comes to builds, but it's still easily attainable with some work and effort! We focus a bit more on detailing on builds, interiors, and the terrain. We also try to focus a bit more on the general theming and cohesion of builds, as the larger plots allow for more city-like builds.
Below are some examples of Passing and Non-Passing Plots.

Notes: This plot fills out the land nicely, has good natural terrain, and has various builds with nice details and theming.

Notes: Great plot with examples of everything, definitely above and beyond. Custom trees and paths make a lot of difference.

Notes: City build plot with nice consistent theming, nature, and while little terrain has good landscaping. It could use some cars.

Notes: The Ikea is an amazing build, but the surrounding area is 100% blank. The roof is also a bit bland and could be added to.

Notes: This build is really close to being there, but the structures the temples sit on feel bland, and the outer area could use details.

Notes: This build is a great start too but is just too empty. It could use more trees, lamps, and more. The terrain is also quite bleak on the right.
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