Declined [CTF] Ruins

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Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
Map Name: Ruins
Map Author: Okx
Game Type: CTF
Map Worldborder: The whole plot
Download: Create, /warp okxmap2
Game Time: Day, locked
Round Time: Maybe about 7 minutes? I'm not really sure.

Colours of the teams: Red and blue.
Prep time: 5 seconds
Spawn Locations: Red: 771, 66, 791, blue: 720 66, 842
Flag Locations: Red, 751, 78, 804, blue: 740, 78, 829
Last edited:


Hi Okx, thanks for the map submission!

I had a chance to look at the map today and overall it looked nice, but I do have several concerns:

1. Blue spawn
In the spoiler below, I've illustrated how one could get on top of spawn's walls and the walls nearby. This is problematic since the player could easily fall back into spawn as protection. I suggest changing the layout or adding barrier blocks. (This doesn't seem to be a problem in the other spawn.)

2. The map is a bit too open
The paths are wide and pretty flat, meaning that it'll be hard for players to hide or sneak around. This may cause an issue for flag carriers. I see that you've tried to prevent this issue by placing wool and stone around for players to hide around, but they don't seem enough. I've put some examples in the spoiler below.

3. Confusing layout
The map can be a bit confusing, for two different reasons: the maze-like structure and the wool around the map. The structure of the map can be misleading since there are multiple layers that are very similar. Until the players get used to the map, it'll be hard for them to find the way to the flag, as there are no indicators of where the flag is, but only indicators for which side the player is on. The wool around the map threw me off when I first saw the map. I know that the flag is the wool above obsidian (Check the spoiler below) and that it will have the flag particle effects, but it is easy to confuse newer players with all the wool around the map. I suggest changing the other wool blocks into other blocks that can still indicate the different sides of the map.


Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hi Okx, thanks for the map submission!

I had a chance to look at the map today and overall it looked nice, but I do have several concerns:

1. Blue spawn
In the spoiler below, I've illustrated how one could get on top of spawn's walls and the walls nearby. This is problematic since the player could easily fall back into spawn as protection. I suggest changing the layout or adding barrier blocks. (This doesn't seem to be a problem in the other spawn.)

2. The map is a bit too open
The paths are wide and pretty flat, meaning that it'll be hard for players to hide or sneak around. This may cause an issue for flag carriers. I see that you've tried to prevent this issue by placing wool and stone around for players to hide around, but they don't seem enough. I've put some examples in the spoiler below.

3. Confusing layout
The map can be a bit confusing, for two different reasons: the maze-like structure and the wool around the map. The structure of the map can be misleading since there are multiple layers that are very similar. Until the players get used to the map, it'll be hard for them to find the way to the flag, as there are no indicators of where the flag is, but only indicators for which side the player is on. The wool around the map threw me off when I first saw the map. I know that the flag is the wool above obsidian (Check the spoiler below) and that it will have the flag particle effects, but it is easy to confuse newer players with all the wool around the map. I suggest changing the other wool blocks into other blocks that can still indicate the different sides of the map.
I've changed the wool to hardened clay, it looks a little nicer too.
I've also added a few more hiding spots, and prevented people getting on the walls.


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Okx, I want to thank you for submitting another map.

After reading Arelic's concerns, and your reply, I do see you have corrected some flaws of the map. However, I see some aspects of the map, which still concern me, and are closely related to (or just are) the same concerns Arelic expressed. Let's have a look at Arelic's points and see what can (and in my opinion needs to) be done.

1. Blue spawn

2. The map is a bit too open
You mentioned that you have added more hiding spots, which is great, but I still feel like the map is too open. You have provided cover around the walls of the map, which I think will not provide cover at all.
There are a lot of these in the map, probably put in to provide cover from getting shot. However, I do not think you will be save behind these at all, since they can easily be shot around/over. Making these taller and/or wider will make the hallways less open, and provide better shelter.

While there are spots with enough provided terrain/structures, there are also very open spots, like this one:
When standing in an open spot like this one, will make you very vulnerable. Adding more terrain/structures to these parts will provide for better gameplay (and in my opinion appearance).

3. Confusing layout
I am happy you have changed the wool to clay, this doesnt only look better (like you said), but also makes it clearer what the flag is and what the structures are.

Now for the remainder:
1. First of all, I want to say I agree with what Arelic said, and do still think this could be an issue (for players, new to the map):
Until the players get used to the map, it'll be hard for them to find the way to the flag, as there are no indicators of where the flag is, but only indicators for which side the player is on.
2. I have been running around your map quite a bit and I struggled with one thing most of all, not ending up running in circles. I will try to point out what I mean, but the message I want to bring across can get lost along the way (so ask me ingame what I mean, if you do not understand).

When you leave spawn there are two ways to go; up the stairs, and straight ahead. These are the two places you will end up:
Unrelated to which of these paths you take (one of 3) you will eventually end up at your own flag, at the spot the first of these 2 images was taken, or at this dead end (on the right):

While there are more ways to leave spawn (6 in total: staircase at spawn (only leads to flag or back to start), 2 other paths to flag or start, 3 paths to other team's side), because of this 'circle' in the map it is hard to navigate to the other team's flag. If you could find a way to break through the 'circle', combined with making it clearer where the flag is, the map would improve a lot.

ps if the last part was in any way unclear (which I can imagine), tell me ingame and I'll help you out


Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Hello Okx, thanks for submitting!

I overall like it, but as the others I have a few concerns.

Like the others have mentioned, I believe the map is a bit too open in the middle area. However, I also believe the map is too cramped in some of the tunnels, like the ones going to spawn. I think you can fix this concern by adding some obstacles in middle area, and open up some of the walls a little bit, kinda like windows. I added a few walls I believe you could do so on, in this spoiler.

I also believe the layout is confusing. It is quite hard to navigate, especially for unexperienced players. I believe you can fix this by using different blocks at floors and walls. For example you could use put oak wood at floor inside, or some grass blocks outside. I also believe you should change the flags at each spawn, making them look more like flags, since they can make people confused.
Maybe you could put it on this wall?

I also found a minor problem here, where you can get out of the map

(by jumping to the block behind me)

I do believe the map will work out decent, but with these changes I believe it could be much better!
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