Well, let me build on my previous post. Added notes are in
"My list is abit smaller, but I guess I'll elaborate abit more about why I follow them. This isn't exactly a LPer list, moreso a list of channels which deliver video game content.
TotalBiscuit- Yeah, I'm a sucker for the Cynical Brit. Though he's not a "LPer", he knows what the bloody hell he's talking about with his first impressions videos(most of the time). He gets a bad reputation for being overly critical, but if he sat there and praised every crappy video game he sees, I wouldn't care to follow him as regularly.
*I've been enjoying in content with Hearthstone, especially his "Lord of the Arena" series. His "WTF is" series is always good for an informative opinion of the first impressions of a game.
Jesse Cox (OMFGcata) - Yeah, TB's American Sidekick is probably my most followed youtuber. He doesn't take things too seriously(which I like) and I've enjoyed quite a few of playthroughs of his like Saints Row, Deus Ex, Terraria, Skyrim(though I've fallen off that for the time being). His Amnesia playthrough was great fun x)
-On a related note, I enjoy watching the TGS podcasts with TotalBiscuit, Jesse, and Dodger. Wish college left me with more time to watch them again X/
*Have not been too thrilled with some of the content, while Saints Row series with Crendor is good, I just became too tired of them and have not kept up with them. I'm not a big fan of watching consistent slash fests, so Ryse has not been watched by me either.
RoosterTeeth- Yeah, I'm a sucker for a Texas-based gaming youtube channel

I'm enjoying their XBOX Minecraft LP, because they have no idea what they're doing.
*RoosterTeeth a while ago started up their own separate gaming channel called the "LetsPlay" channel. It is a really good channel if your something looking for something less serious. They have a nice cast of characters that appeal to a variety of audiences and they release a video every weekday. Mondays: GTA V, typically with a silly made-up objective they set for themselves. Tuesdays: Let's Build, building in Minecraft(XBox) of their Friday Let's plays, which typically involve about two or three of the group constructing some sort of arena or building for their game. Also on Tuesdays, they have their "Go!" series, where their boss, Geoff, will give the other 4 guys an objective to complete in ANY video game, and the first one receives a point toward getting a pizza party. The most recent objective was "Get an XBox achievement without using a standard XBox controller." It became a mad scramble for guitar hero guitars. Wednesdays: More group Let's plays, but not restricted to GTA V, past games have included Starwhal, Worms, and most recently Angry Birds Star Wars. Thursdays: Their "VS" series, which is a contest which involves duels between all of the guys. To explain, one person has a belt and is the "champion" of the group. According to their spot in the room, that champion is challenged by the person on their right to complete ANY challenge of the challengers choosing. These can be PC games, XBox games, and at one time the "Claw game" that is the popular toy retrieving game device in arcades. Fridays: Minecraft Let's Plays, and this is the staple for their channel. These typically involve made up games withing mindcraft, like PVP battles or "I Spy"-esque challenges.
I'm also just starting to get into some of the Mindcrack channels, namely VintageBeef's and Guude's.
While continuing to watch them, I've expanded into some of the others such as Sethbling, PauseUnpause, and the occasional Bruce Willikers Dwarves Vs Zombies Video.
And concerning the Yogscast, I'm rather off and on about them. I just have to be in the mood, and when I am, I tend to run through a whole series of their videos. I'm quite liking Hannah's playthrough of
The Walking Deadthough."
Besides these, not much else has changed. Markiplier is a fun occassional watch. I think it may be because I want to steal his voice.