EscapeRemastered Mafia: Economy of Madness [Day 3]

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Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Day 0 Votecount 2: Robbery Is Just Spicy Burglary
Vote Target(Current/Needed)

Deadline in 2 days.
Excuse me sir, I believe my vote is on Skele

My name is X (not my real role name). I gain 3 coins if a town player is lynched and 5 if a non-town player is lynched. I also have the ability to purchase an item called "poison", which requires 15 coins. The item will activate immediately and a target player will die at the end of the next night.
Wow thanks for telling us you're scum

It's less 'winning an auction' and more obtaining an item from it
LOL, nice backtracking!

I'm the Profiteer. At the end of each cycle I get a coin for every item that is bought. This goes for items bought from anywhere like the auction or the Black Market. The Black Market is something secret that I have knowledge of. Because I do not gain coins on day 0 I start with 3 coins.

I'm Town btw.
Are you sure that you're town?

(im assuming us item people arent really designed to be bidding)
Given that we don't get any of the proceeds of the auctions (or at least, I don't) I think that's a fair assumption to make.

whether thats actually what happened idk, either way, the assumptions you said you made before about 'no town have night actions' and 'most town have zero coins' are kinda difficult to believe vs you just trying to pry info out of me
I think assuming people with zero coins = VT is a fair assumption to make, looking back on things. So I can see where Notty's coming from. I still don't trust her but that's a point in her favor.

also im being murdered tonight
Lynch Weak I am known to not bus people
Something something timeline of dichotomous flowers i know why you did it and i fully understand but you have bussed people before.

I am a lawyer IRL and the answer is yes
Can you spare some legal advice for a poor peasant?

Anyway, updated reads list:

-Good Skele


Vote TWG


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
Btw altho I do actually think inf is scum and is sweating bullets right now I do have to admit I do actually have 3 coins but it plays into my role and from the explanation given it seems as tho I am an exception to the rule as I have no way to gain money until later in the game.
Well like I say, from my role I know I start with coins because I have no way of gaining coins day 0+
...didnt you say you cant earn money in the future? what?
(inf being a dumbo)
No I never said that what?

I said I got 3 coins day 0 because I had no way of making money today.

Implying people who have 0 coins today have a means of making money - which is why I thought you were lying.
(Notty being a charlatan and a fraud)
Also idk how into pm mechanics this goes but you mentioned something about starting with coins because of not being able to gain money. Is this only day 0 like me?
Nottykitten FeelsOkayMan Clap
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