EscRestart is like a time capsule.

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Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Hello, fancy seeing this place around.
So long time no see, I see much hasn't changed really at all.
Well I mean less bodies then before but still the same content and content structure.

In essence I buried this place long ago due to a presentation and radical changes I was promised would be brought to the higher staff never reaching their place. The returning attitude I received during that time spoke to me.
It was a structured change for the entire community and the very fabric of MC in general to the community. I was proud of two weeks worth of research and work. Having that I only needed the support of the community and it's staff.
It called for the dedication of the developers skill-sets being pushed to the limits, the support of the head-admin and the collective consciousness of every admin and their respective staff.

I had given the presentation to a colleague and was told to leave the handling of said presentation to them and another. "lets get your foot in the door and we will share this and build upon it. Don't start your plans for SMP just yet though without hearing back. They might not like what you are doing. EscRestart is going to explode with this"
Seemingly supportive.

To which I was responded with days later from the data transfer after I eagerly inquired about it having laid the brickwork to start roughly a 20-30 hour work week of actually something into the server let alone continuing research for the other servers:
"Lee, just leave, don't say anything don't do anything, we will casually hand off everything. You said you would go public with the presentation to the community and the head-admin won't support it.Don't. This would cause problems in the EscRestart community. It's too much work for a game that frankly no-one here actually cares about. So leave and we won't publicly humiliate you to get you to stop."

This is para-phrasing the exact contents of the missive I received. However, the exact intentions and words in the contact are much more harsh and foreboding.

After that point, I simply went poof. Two weeks of preparations gone to a reply of "We want you out of the loop" basically

So with thatI have to say its fun and nostalgic to feel like I've only been gone a few days to a week at best from the community life and activity standpoint.
I'll just pretend the user-base is in school or something when I happen to dip my eyes this direction.
Nothing bitter or trash talky about my statements. The statements are just sadly overdue, so I'm actually saying my peace now that I feel I can without some shadow.

The real trash talk would be scoffing and saying how long will my post persist before I'm gagged and 8balled like I was told I would be.
The names have changed so much so its hard to even tell.
I'll hang around up until I feel the rope around my shoulders and someones hands on the other end again.


this sounds messed up drop some names tbh

im not an admin but this presentation sounds interesting and i want to see why the admins were so upset over it


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
this sounds messed up drop some names tbh

im not an admin but this presentation sounds interesting and i want to see why the admins were so upset over it
At this point it would not be prudent nor have any need to drop names. I have a strong belief it was simple subterfuge and the information never left the second parties. Leaving me fooled into thinking the response and actions were an executive decision when in fact they were not.
This is EscapeRestart and I intend to live to that name for once.
Given that I now have regular access to even play the servers unlike formerly I feel no need to not progress towards the future.
In today's time I am content with that when I happen to be in the minecrafty mood.

As far as the interest goes it would need to be exhumed from my archives then given some time and polish given the 2 starter points below:

1. I have outdated knowledge of the intimate workings of each respective server and the community as a whole. Despite the outward appearance having a deep similarity I can surmise the plugin structure, hosting, scripts, as well as the secret structure either vaguely match my former knowledge or simply have considerably shifted.
I used my position to scour each details which led me to surmise a structure for each of them which was open to interpretation and flexiblity.
This was essentially overstepping my bounds of information perhaps if one existed or was labeled for the position. However I made a point of never revealing to third parties the information I collected.

2. With my outdated knowledge of the server structure too does it pertain to the knowledge and talents of Developers and Staff existing. During the time I had charted this ideal I was even then only able to partially assemble details about individuals. Considering the staff at the time were mostly a fraternity, a tight knit group of people that specifically play together.
Let alone the size of the Staff being unknown; because simply before I could research solid numbers of activity for every party with the staff rank.With this, the former plan involved stretching the capacity of the Staff list. Calling for even more Staff to be slowly implemented and quested for.

You cannot even blueprint a plan to build a structure without the knowledge of the ground it will be built upon, what materials you have at your disposal and need to obtain. With that knowledge you can even start to evaluate the workers you have under your hire as well as the ones you must recruit.


Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
At this point it would not be prudent nor have any need to drop names. I have a strong belief it was simple subterfuge and the information never left the second parties. Leaving me fooled into thinking the response and actions were an executive decision when in fact they were not.
This is EscapeRestart and I intend to live to that name for once.
Given that I now have regular access to even play the servers unlike formerly I feel no need to not progress towards the future.
In today's time I am content with that when I happen to be in the minecrafty mood.

As far as the interest goes it would need to be exhumed from my archives then given some time and polish given the 2 starter points below:

1. I have outdated knowledge of the intimate workings of each respective server and the community as a whole. Despite the outward appearance having a deep similarity I can surmise the plugin structure, hosting, scripts, as well as the secret structure either vaguely match my former knowledge or simply have considerably shifted.
I used my position to scour each details which led me to surmise a structure for each of them which was open to interpretation and flexiblity.
This was essentially overstepping my bounds of information perhaps if one existed or was labeled for the position. However I made a point of never revealing to third parties the information I collected.

2. With my outdated knowledge of the server structure too does it pertain to the knowledge and talents of Developers and Staff existing. During the time I had charted this ideal I was even then only able to partially assemble details about individuals. Considering the staff at the time were mostly a fraternity, a tight knit group of people that specifically play together.
Let alone the size of the Staff being unknown; because simply before I could research solid numbers of activity for every party with the staff rank.With this, the former plan involved stretching the capacity of the Staff list. Calling for even more Staff to be slowly implemented and quested for.

You cannot even blueprint a plan to build a structure without the knowledge of the ground it will be built upon, what materials you have at your disposal and need to obtain. With that knowledge you can even start to evaluate the workers you have under your hire as well as the ones you must recruit.
Welcome back!

The staff team has changed a lot since then. Would you be willing to resubmit your ideas for the newer staff to discuss?


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
huh coincidentally this ties into a rumor I heard about LOP problems behind the scenes interesting
I'm half tempted to turn this into an AMA

All SMP problems:
They are always rushed out the door with 90% of the plugins used being 'download and insert' plugins.
You literally 'cannot' an SMP with basic arse plugins. Maybe a monthly re-set could step the tide of boredom, but that does nothing to diverge from the core problem for long.
Well, if you want your SMP to have POPULATION you at least need a dedicated dev or a team of co-operating ones. Even some kind of rotation of who can do what and who cannot.
I was about to have gone as far as hiring one for 6 months(redacted cost amount) for that purpose. Hiring someone into a rank here was a big no-no then and I'm sure its the same now.

LOP Issues:
1. Play-testing; everyone was fresh to the plugin and the values for xp earned on things had to be re-worked three times. Completely reset once[effectively nulling a huge populations levels and game-play] As well as late introductions of higher tiered classes.

2. Effective structure for the four families.
You couldn't wrangle people and tell them that they couldn't join their best buddies family despite one being bloated at any given time.
There was no effective bonus or detriment for being in any said family[this issue persisted into Kami's realm]
Basically it boiled down to alright here's your land now I guess you do whatever with it?
Yeah the government is up to you, uhm yeah make your own story!
Oh wait uh your loot has to be raid-able at all times and uhm don't pvp too much and oh right there are dungeons for like stuff I guess?

3. Stressed out admin whom were basically doing the entire content for the server while desperately needing builders, writers and content to fill in the gaps.
This causing a roll down to controllers, which led to stressed out and revolving door controller rank.

4. Many other things I cannot recall but were small pot holes in the road leading up to the unconnected bridge ahead.

Now I don't intend to sound bashing, cynical or just harsh.
I am well aware I could have done a much better job for my role in many ways. Having a rank did not matter when you were seen as the social black sheep and as a way too serious hard ass.


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'm half tempted to turn this into an AMA

All SMP problems:
They are always rushed out the door with 90% of the plugins used being 'download and insert' plugins.
You literally 'cannot' an SMP with basic arse plugins. Maybe a monthly re-set could step the tide of boredom, but that does nothing to diverge from the core problem for long.
Well, if you want your SMP to have POPULATION you at least need a dedicated dev or a team of co-operating ones. Even some kind of rotation of who can do what and who cannot.
I was about to have gone as far as hiring one for 6 months(redacted cost amount) for that purpose. Hiring someone into a rank here was a big no-no then and I'm sure its the same now.

LOP Issues:
1. Play-testing; everyone was fresh to the plugin and the values for xp earned on things had to be re-worked three times. Completely reset once[effectively nulling a huge populations levels and game-play] As well as late introductions of higher tiered classes.

2. Effective structure for the four families.
You couldn't wrangle people and tell them that they couldn't join their best buddies family despite one being bloated at any given time.
There was no effective bonus or detriment for being in any said family[this issue persisted into Kami's realm]
Basically it boiled down to alright here's your land now I guess you do whatever with it?
Yeah the government is up to you, uhm yeah make your own story!
Oh wait uh your loot has to be raid-able at all times and uhm don't pvp too much and oh right there are dungeons for like stuff I guess?

3. Stressed out admin whom were basically doing the entire content for the server while desperately needing builders, writers and content to fill in the gaps.
This causing a roll down to controllers, which led to stressed out and revolving door controller rank.

4. Many other things I cannot recall but were small pot holes in the road leading up to the unconnected bridge ahead.

Now I don't intend to sound bashing, cynical or just harsh.
I am well aware I could have done a much better job for my role in many ways. Having a rank did not matter when you were seen as the social black sheep and as a way too serious hard ass.
Lol Primordia was shutdown after 4 months because Heroes plugin was broken - Ogarci got scammed lmao.
Jokes aside he didn't test plugin if it worked after update.

Current SMP was launched in December 2018, but Danni122112 is missing since January and rest of staff like Infected_alien8_ or Jolterino stopped working on SMP.
That is no new content, that was promised to be done.
Infected was meant to make main quest line, he made only first main quest set.

This SMP was meant to correct issues of earlier SMPs.

There were multiple clans with 15+ people in them and few with 20+ people.


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Lol Primordia was shutdown after 4 months because Heroes plugin was broken - Ogarci got scammed lmao.
Jokes aside he didn't test plugin if it worked after update.

Current SMP was launched in December 2018, but Danni122112 is missing since January and rest of staff like Infected_alien8_ or Jolterino stopped working on SMP.
That is no new content, that was promised to be done.
Infected was meant to make main quest line, he made only first main quest set.

This SMP was meant to correct issues of earlier SMPs.

There were multiple clans with 15+ people in them and few with 20+ people.
Yeah I'm aware, we had to re-do the heroes plugin and the result was comical.
Hoping people remember the huge xp buff at the start from mining clay, that was my bread and butter.
I actually didnt look into the current staff affairs of the SMP right now because trying to involve myself again in most ways I know would be a huge turn off.
"You disappeared for years why even bother returning for any given reason" is the expected response.
With that, yeah I've played the current servers, not super long but long enough to see what needs be seen for the basic player perspective.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Current SMP was launched in December 2018, but Danni122112 is missing since January and rest of staff like Infected_alien8_ or Jolterino stopped working on SMP.
That is no new content, that was promised to be done.
Infected was meant to make main quest line, he made only first main quest set.
Just to clarify, I'm not SMP staff, and I wasn't "meant" to make the main quest line. I was told nobody had done the main quest line about a week before release so I agreed to do it and used up most of my Christmas break on it, which left me feeling pretty exhausted (not blaming anyone for that btw, nobody pressured me to do that, I volunteered to do that myself). Don't get me wrong, it was really fun making them. But right now I don't have the motivation to write up more, and I can't promise to you that I ever will do.


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Just to clarify, I'm not SMP staff, and I wasn't "meant" to make the main quest line. I was told nobody had done the main quest line about a week before release so I agreed to do it and used up most of my Christmas break on it, which left me feeling pretty exhausted (not blaming anyone for that btw, nobody pressured me to do that, I volunteered to do that myself). Don't get me wrong, it was really fun making them. But right now I don't have the motivation to write up more, and I can't promise to you that I ever will do.
Ah, still I thought main quest line would see updates every two or so weeks.

I guess biggest weakness of any SMPs was unpredictability of staff and plugins ;)

This quest was fun to play.

Escaperestart cant escape long term disappointment - that is servers are fun to play for few months but then then devs/staff can't keep up with players, so players stop playing.

I think Aelonia squeezed most from server and went back to hyperspace after finishing business here.
Other players probably just grind classes or just play from time to time to not run out of juice lol.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Ah, still I thought main quest line would see updates every two or so weeks.
That'd be nice, if someone actually had motivation to do that

I guess biggest weakness of any SMPs was unpredictability of staff and plugins ;)
Well, yeah. Any staff in ER is just a volunteer. They have no obligation to do work for anybody here, they have other things going on in their lives. They don't have much incentive to actually pick something up and do something. The only difference between a staff member and someone such as yourself is that they decided they could help out, so they did. Nobody can expect them to keep helping, because their motivation might change, or they might have other commitments come up that take priority, or they might just not want to anymore, and that's fine. The very fact they even raised their hand and offered to help in the first place should earn them some respect, to my mind. Which is why it annoys me when people treat the staff badly if they don't get what they want from them, as though they're being paid to be there but not doing their job properly. If someone kindly baked me a cake out of the goodness of their heart and I wasn't satisfied with it, I wouldn't shout at them for doing it wrong. I'd appreciate the fact they even tried to begin with.

And that's not me saying nobody has the right to be upset when staff don't do what they said they will. Being upset or disappointed or angry is completely understandable. And I get why it's so frustrating to see someone sign up for something, tell you they're going to do something, and then not deliver. I just wish people would step into staff's shoes once in a while and change the way they voice those frustrations.

Anyway that wasn't aimed at you by the way, I've not seen you be disrespectful to anyone. You just kinda prompted me to say it.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
That'd be nice, if someone actually had motivation to do that

Well, yeah. Any staff in ER is just a volunteer. They have no obligation to do work for anybody here, they have other things going on in their lives. They don't have much incentive to actually pick something up and do something. The only difference between a staff member and someone such as yourself is that they decided they could help out, so they did. Nobody can expect them to keep helping, because their motivation might change, or they might have other commitments come up that take priority, or they might just not want to anymore, and that's fine. The very fact they even raised their hand and offered to help in the first place should earn them some respect, to my mind. Which is why it annoys me when people treat the staff badly if they don't get what they want from them, as though they're being paid to be there but not doing their job properly. If someone kindly baked me a cake out of the goodness of their heart and I wasn't satisfied with it, I wouldn't shout at them for doing it wrong. I'd appreciate the fact they even tried to begin with.

And that's not me saying nobody has the right to be upset when staff don't do what they said they will. Being upset or disappointed or angry is completely understandable. And I get why it's so frustrating to see someone sign up for something, tell you they're going to do something, and then not deliver. I just wish people would step into staff's shoes once in a while and change the way they voice those frustrations.

Anyway that wasn't aimed at you by the way, I've not seen you be disrespectful to anyone. You just kinda prompted me to say it.
(and to be clear, by this I'm not insinuating that you're treating staff badly by making this thread or something either Lee_scar, if I were in the position you're describing I'd want to be honest about it too and the idea of you being treated like that sucks, my post here wasn't relevant to your thread at all really, sorry)


Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
Just to clarify, I'm not SMP staff, and I wasn't "meant" to make the main quest line. I was told nobody had done the main quest line about a week before release so I agreed to do it and used up most of my Christmas break on it, which left me feeling pretty exhausted (not blaming anyone for that btw, nobody pressured me to do that, I volunteered to do that myself). Don't get me wrong, it was really fun making them. But right now I don't have the motivation to write up more, and I can't promise to you that I ever will do.
I only made some sidequests but can confirm. Inffy worked really hard on the main quests. The quests you need to make dialogue for npcs and config how the quest is going to go. It is very time consuming to make them.


Oct 28, 2018
Reaction score
Right I'm going to go through three rumors I've heard from the past three SMP The first rumor was back in kami days after oak and just quit and it went something like this that Lee tried to get backend access which he succeeded in for about a Day or two I can personally verify this part because he saw a command I typo and commented on it in team speak and that a certain new head admin who was PSYCHOtic cut him off from it

the next rumor is that after ogar quit LOP Danni and jolt let LOP quietly wilt while they started on ROA

The next rumor after that is that Danni has been gone since at least Nov or Oct and that he never really gave a clear idea as to what needed to be done which would explain the quest and the dungeon situation evidence for this is this link

also, I would like to ask a question to the SMP staff both present and past why wait on the essential things like dungeons and quest to the last min to do also why are yall seemingly scared to give weekly progress reports on the status of SMP
Last edited:


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Right I'm going to go through three rumors I've heard from the past three SMP The first rumor was back in kami days after oak and just quit and it went something like this that Lee tried to get backend access which he succeeded in for about a Day or two I can personally verify this part because he saw a command I typo and commented on it in team speak and that a certain new head admin who was PSYCHOtic cut him off from it the next rumor is that after ogar quit LOP Danni and jolt let LOP quietly wilt while they started on ROA The next rumor after that is that Danni has been gone since at least Nov or Oct and that he never really gave a clear idea as to what needed to be done which would explain the quest and the dungeon situation evidence for this is this link
GODDANNIT Danni122112 thats why server should be released on vacations, if you don't have time for it /sarcasm


Oct 28, 2018
Reaction score
That'd be nice, if someone actually had motivation to do that

Well, yeah. Any staff in ER is just a volunteer. They have no obligation to do work for anybody here, they have other things going on in their lives. They don't have much incentive to actually pick something up and do something. The only difference between a staff member and someone such as yourself is that they decided they could help out, so they did. Nobody can expect them to keep helping, because their motivation might change, or they might have other commitments come up that take priority, or they might just not want to anymore, and that's fine. The very fact they even raised their hand and offered to help in the first place should earn them some respect, to my mind. Which is why it annoys me when people treat the staff badly if they don't get what they want from them, as though they're being paid to be there but not doing their job properly. If someone kindly baked me a cake out of the goodness of their heart and I wasn't satisfied with it, I wouldn't shout at them for doing it wrong. I'd appreciate the fact they even tried to begin with.

And that's not me saying nobody has the right to be upset when staff don't do what they said they will. Being upset or disappointed or angry is completely understandable. And I get why it's so frustrating to see someone sign up for something, tell you they're going to do something, and then not deliver. I just wish people would step into staff's shoes once in a while and change the way they voice those frustrations.

Anyway that wasn't aimed at you by the way, I've not seen you be disrespectful to anyone. You just kinda prompted me to say it.
I figured I will respond to this since I feel like it was directed at me I will be all willing to help if you would give me/the community a modicum of what is happening behind the scenes and where to start but yall aren't instead I get take a nap or go to therapy also, when yall post stuff like this and and and then not deliver on hardly any of it don't be surprised when we are mad at you I mean that basic shit don't make promises you can't keep
GODDANNIT Danni122112 thats why server should be released on vacations, if you don't have time for it /sarcasm
I think you are missing the point here which was that there was ample time to find a replacement for him
Last edited:


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Right I'm going to go through three rumors I've heard from the past three SMP The first rumor was back in kami days after oak and just quit and it went something like this that Lee tried to get backend access which he succeeded in for about a Day or two I can personally verify this part because he saw a command I typo and commented on it in team speak and that a certain new head admin who was PSYCHOtic cut him off from it

the next rumor is that after ogar quit LOP Danni and jolt let LOP quietly wilt while they started on ROA

The next rumor after that is that Danni has been gone since at least Nov or Oct and that he never really gave a clear idea as to what needed to be done which would explain the quest and the dungeon situation evidence for this is this link

also, I would like to ask a question to the SMP staff both present and past why wait on the essential things like dungeons and quest to the last min to do also why are yall seemingly scared to give weekly progress reports on the status of SMP
I guess I'll give a little insight on this as I ran what I think people consider to be the worst SMP. When it comes to progress reports I can tell you that no one wants to come to this community and admit things aren't going well, every SMP has a lot of pressure to try and do something bigger and better than the last and we always end up overhyping things, promising too much, we've unintentionally created a problem for ourselves where each server needs to not be a disappointment, but we've long since lack the people capable of properly making servers. I don't talk about my experiencing Directing servers here often, but aside from DoD that was a lot of the issueswith Kami and the Premium Zombie server, I promised things I genuinely thought we could deliver on, found out far too long after the fact that these things couldn't be done, and felt like all these things fell on me.


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Just to clarify, I'm not SMP staff, and I wasn't "meant" to make the main quest line. I was told nobody had done the main quest line about a week before release so I agreed to do it and used up most of my Christmas break on it, which left me feeling pretty exhausted (not blaming anyone for that btw, nobody pressured me to do that, I volunteered to do that myself). Don't get me wrong, it was really fun making them. But right now I don't have the motivation to write up more, and I can't promise to you that I ever will do.
That'd be nice, if someone actually had motivation to do that

Well, yeah. Any staff in ER is just a volunteer. They have no obligation to do work for anybody here, they have other things going on in their lives. They don't have much incentive to actually pick something up and do something. The only difference between a staff member and someone such as yourself is that they decided they could help out, so they did. Nobody can expect them to keep helping, because their motivation might change, or they might have other commitments come up that take priority, or they might just not want to anymore, and that's fine. The very fact they even raised their hand and offered to help in the first place should earn them some respect, to my mind. Which is why it annoys me when people treat the staff badly if they don't get what they want from them, as though they're being paid to be there but not doing their job properly. If someone kindly baked me a cake out of the goodness of their heart and I wasn't satisfied with it, I wouldn't shout at them for doing it wrong. I'd appreciate the fact they even tried to begin with.

And that's not me saying nobody has the right to be upset when staff don't do what they said they will. Being upset or disappointed or angry is completely understandable. And I get why it's so frustrating to see someone sign up for something, tell you they're going to do something, and then not deliver. I just wish people would step into staff's shoes once in a while and change the way they voice those frustrations.

Anyway that wasn't aimed at you by the way, I've not seen you be disrespectful to anyone. You just kinda prompted me to say it.
(and to be clear, by this I'm not insinuating that you're treating staff badly by making this thread or something either Lee_scar, if I were in the position you're describing I'd want to be honest about it too and the idea of you being treated like that sucks, my post here wasn't relevant to your thread at all really, sorry)
Nope, I feel as though this is a great stepping point into an open and clear discussion of what Minecraft and the games that are offered means to us(That is if I even have the right to say us) In this community.
I have no intention of letting this spiral out of control into an argument or baseless finger pointing, name calling 'who should have dunit' kind of thread.
Ah, still I thought main quest line would see updates every two or so weeks.

I guess biggest weakness of any SMPs was unpredictability of staff and plugins ;)

This quest was fun to play.

Escaperestart cant escape long term disappointment - that is servers are fun to play for few months but then then devs/staff can't keep up with players, so players stop playing.

I think Aelonia squeezed most from server and went back to hyperspace after finishing business here.
Other players probably just grind classes or just play from time to time to not run out of juice lol.
I figured I will respond to this since I feel like it was directed at me I will be all willing to help if you would give me/the community a modicum of what is happening behind the scenes and where to start but yall aren't instead I get take a nap or go to therapy also, when yall post stuff like this and and and then not deliver on hardly any of it don't be surprised when we are mad at you I mean that basic shit don't make promises you can't keep

I think you are missing the point here which was that there was ample time to find a replacement for him
Right I'm going to go through three rumors I've heard from the past three SMP The first rumor was back in kami days after oak and just quit and it went something like this that Lee tried to get backend access which he succeeded in for about a Day or two I can personally verify this part because he saw a command I typo and commented on it in team speak and that a certain new head admin who was PSYCHOtic cut him off from it

the next rumor is that after ogar quit LOP Danni and jolt let LOP quietly wilt while they started on ROA

The next rumor after that is that Danni has been gone since at least Nov or Oct and that he never really gave a clear idea as to what needed to be done which would explain the quest and the dungeon situation evidence for this is this link

also, I would like to ask a question to the SMP staff both present and past why wait on the essential things like dungeons and quest to the last min to do also why are yall seemingly scared to give weekly progress reports on the status of SMP
While I can say nothing without any knowledge of the said rumors:

The staff here are always treated very how would I put it, as though they have some kind of god-like ability to resolve each and every issue.
So basically it becomes 'guess what folks it always rolls to the bottom of the hill'
Which inexplicably for some reason the BOTTOM of the hill happens to be where the Admin is standing.
For the given server I have experience with the Admin were placed this way so it becomes that the what-to-do and what-need-to-be-done is not structured to roll down to the staff and become organized, no.

It becomes a literal checklist for the Admin of 'holyshit I have several projects that I need to incorporate but where the hell is my staff?'
It takes up to a week to train a member in a specific area you want them to be. Only if they just so happen to be enthusiastic and interested in the area you are needing. As well you seemingly cannot keep them lumbered in the single aspect because they they get bored and unenthusiastic fast, like surprisingly fast.

Try to set hard dead-lines and if they are not reached then the project gets delayed a week?
Then you get labeled a hard ass while it then becomes the Operators and other staff neatly dictating what they want and when they want it released with the Admin somehow having to squeeze it in.
If you don't do so and wait?
Welp that Op just started getting bored because they don't feel productive or 'heard'.
After all they spent X days on a project with which you neatly told them its not up to par and has to be released next week. So then now you have to re-direct them back to the old project again as such stealing time from the next project thats already days behind.
Because you need 4 high-tier staff in direct communication with one another about the status of each project they are organizing or the project that the operators/volunteers in their appropriate time-zone are working on.

Not to mention that it happens the only staff that were producing content were in a team working on that content so guess what you've got no content this week! You cannot just rip the team apart and say ok no1 you are working on x no2 you are working on y, sorry!
Hurray! Now your playerbase thinks you aren't building content and this next week is spent re-working the content that should have already been out!

Why is it that the Admin did not help said project while only giving supervision?
Well shit trying to organize five other projects in secret kind of does that since the information leaks were appalling and spoiled the hype for upcoming content in general. Not to mention some Admin kind of like to be working on their own mega content to release alongside the other staff releases.
One cannot make promises when they are literally making this weeks content this week while flying by the seat of their pants. The servers are always pushed out post haste and given content is rushed a literal week before the actual release. No real play testing, no real discussion in depth, just bam!
"It needs to be released and we will work on it as we go"

I only made some sidequests but can confirm. Inffy worked really hard on the main quests. The quests you need to make dialogue for npcs and config how the quest is going to go. It is very time consuming to make them.
Don't forget that you also have to:
Name the NPC
Figure out any relationships they have in regards to other npcs for 'lore'
Find the correct skin for the npc in regards to what situation and 'lore' they are to have.
Program any movement if you want them to seem alive
Set-up a placement, home or location.
Set-up world guard zone for said home or location if its not in a previously set one.
Plan out rewards and balance them with economy
Decide if its progression or repeatable.
Decide if progression or repeatable will include stages.
Figure out the end objective
Plan on the player type/level you expect can at minimum to achieve or desire to achieve said goal.
Plan out if they will unlock any other quests and relations to them.
Plan out if its a one-off npc or an event npc that will be leaving.

It's not an easy sytem to work with quests but its good that you have the appeal to do so.


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
I guess I'll give a little insight on this as I ran what I think people consider to be the worst SMP. When it comes to progress reports I can tell you that no one wants to come to this community and admit things aren't going well, every SMP has a lot of pressure to try and do something bigger and better than the last and we always end up overhyping things, promising too much, we've unintentionally created a problem for ourselves where each server needs to not be a disappointment, but we've long since lack the people capable of properly making servers. I don't talk about my experiencing Directing servers here often, but aside from DoD that was a lot of the issueswith Kami and the Premium Zombie server, I promised things I genuinely thought we could deliver on, found out far too long after the fact that these things couldn't be done, and felt like all these things fell on me.
You went and ninja'ed me while I was doing a filibuster post.

Do not forget that with smp we always literally get 2-3 months to prep and due to this its basically go go go!
I can respect a direct deadline like this due to server hosting costs involved for something that's being built and not generating playerbase yes.

Though a more collaborative staff approach, meaning involve the entire community staff. A collective self promotion festival!

Involve the Build staff in helping design and structure out lovely amazing things to catch they eyes. Staffing the build is literally building and protecting peoples builds. You saying they can't be assed to actually, build?
Thus you self generate content by showcasing the talented staff you bring into buildbox
"Want a dungeon or city to come to X smp server? Build and rank up on BuildBox for even larger builds! You could see your creations in the server along side our staffs!"

Involve the ROF staff for economy, they have a stable and dependable economy and seem to know how to properly time-gate people to keep them online while striving to accomplish something. Wait they don't have time to discuss lore? Isnt that server just about an afk timer?

Have the AOD staff help balance PVP, its a literal 'kit and pvp based on your kit' server, hell you could even use the class plugin to beta test class match-ups on there. Thus generating people getting an 'inside look' at new classes how they fair against others and feel 'included' in the servers more.

Without that other server involvement then; you go on with :
Ok folks the old SMP is shutting down in X months we are told we have to have a new one ready to go when it shuts down
Alright we have not had an smp in a long while lets do this we have X months to do this

So instead of:
Alright what biomes and seed do we want? discussion and idea building commence resulting in 1 week later

Alright we've got our seed time to decide on where we want what stuff to go and lore behind it! 2 weeks later

We've been building and all discussing ideas we want to put in, time to hype the forums with everything we have planned everyone's super enthusiastic! Another 3 weeks later

Oh lord we've been building beautiful wonderful amazing things for the past two months but we have no content! FUCK 1 month left

Time to scramble and make good on those promises....wait...plugins that can accomplish these feats don't exist? Well we have dev...oh wait...uhm alright lets decide on economy, lore,classes, dungeons, rewards, progression, etc etc etc all in this last month.

Release; wow all the staff are burnt out because everyone had to be running serveral projects all at the same time...I thought this community had like 100 staff all together but we 16+/- 10 managed to scrap together and barely pull out something of a server

Alright guys...we released...but we don't have any first week content lets work hard this week to provide this weeks contant.

All of that rather then one community one pride all together as staff:

Oh hey the Build server people picked out a beautiful unique terrain world and have some prospective builds to incorperate, they are even running a dungeon and metropolis competition to have things included in the SMP release.

The ROF server are discussing and making suggestions on the economy and items they think would create a fun excited experience. They have been proposing an X based economy since it would create long-term playablity. They've even set-up some sample starter shops!

The AOD server is up and running with the beta models of the starter classes for an event! They even have a hoard type mode against some of the upcoming mobs! Lets give the players a taste and balance out the classes so that everyone enjoys a fair fighting chance against each other and the monsters that wait!

Now the Smp staff can confer and set-up a time-table on weekly releases while helping out each servers respective staff, we got this each server has 10-20 staff that means 80 people busting out this new SMP community hype, community pride!
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