EscRestart is like a time capsule.

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Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
The above though would need a 'staff restructure' Honestly.

The details in this post is but one part of my formerly, but not proposed ideal to structure the community into a positive, content generating powerhouse.
This is at best me working my memory and should not be taken as a literal proposal nor as all the facts and structure!
It is in fact me rambling out what I recall in vague detail, but don't quote me on this since its been a while and I need to kick start my brain.

While I understand that everyone is a volunteer in this respect but the division of Operator,superOp/vetOp/controller amongst the servers creates a disconnect of the experience of what a 'community' should be.

Admin do not count because they receive controller on the other servers, but right there is a hint in the direction that the staffing of the community should turn to. Opinion based.

One staff.

Operator should entail to mean you are an EscRestart Operator, not a BuildBox,AOD,ROF,SMP one.
Just an Operator among them all.

This does not however mean you have to be completely familiar with the literal backbone of the server like the former Operator status.
Leave that to the Super/Vet rank. It just means you are involved with the community not a segregated part.

Staff rank should be merited not upon the time you have played into a given server but the content and experience you wish to provide for that server and the community as a whole.
It's a promise to provide, not the predisposition of a promise for an arbitrary weekly minimum amount of time you will play and that's it.

Trusted becomes server wide, it means you have the appeal that you want to become involved and start generating content somehow, someplace.
This separates the community focused from the 'I can haz rank here because i play X the most'.

Want to be just involved with a singular server?
If you've shown the appeal while being a trusted then you can move into becoming a 'specialist' on that server and retain trusted status on the others.
Because this is EscRestart, not Rituals of Fire or Army of Darkness.
Those are just experiences under the same umbrella.

Operators would then be community wide and have an idea of each or a singular servers workings in the case of a Specialist.
Operators arethen expected to have a voice in them, while a specialist would be expected to have a stronger voice in their given game mode.
Being an operator/specialist means you would be given inside information about proposed and upcoming events including the ability to propose them.

Want to be a part of the higher end backbone of a specific server?
Vet/superOp would have this right, but expected to become a full operator involved with the other servers.

Happen to be a vet/super on all the servers?
You can then become a community Controller.

Doing well as a community Controller?
In time you could work to step up into an Admin position.

You've been exceptional as an Admin?
Maybe you could be one to climb into the ranks of Head Admin.

Details on ranks lower down.

This also means that Bans too would be server wide, can't just slip up on the fire server and expect access to the others now can you?
While we would still provide the hub world for people banned you would then be brought to the 'Ban World' if you attempted to connect to any given server. We aren't closing the door in your face, we just need to know why we should re-open it for you.

For information and tl;dr (you wont get a tl:dr) aspects here is a proportionate breakdown of the staffing structure under a 'one community one staff' precipice. Bear in mind that this structure is an incredibly long read.
It goes hand in hand with other structures(undisclosed at this point) as well and should not be considered a stand alone change for the current or former EscRestart community:

First and foremost some footnotes:
No LAZY bums!
The higher the rank, the more responsible you become, the more content you can provide and are expected to generate and organize.
Staff are required to provide timezone and the expected times they see themselves playing the game, contributing, or rather even to be able to be contacted to better organize.
The times aren't law and forced to be on, but an expected 'zone of contact'

Forum account required for all staff ranks.
All staff ranks are required to contribute to content generation; in-game, opinions, blueprints and constructive criticism are the founding point of being involved with staff.

Lack of communication or presence will first have the corresponding rights according to the rank stripped, but not the rank removed.
Notifications of leave will preserve your rank for no more then one month.
Further lack of above will result in a weekly step down the ladder from the rank they have until they become the Trusted rank.

Trusted rank is permanent until proven dis-trustworthy regardless of activity.
Trusted rank is the only game-rank determined through application, all other ranks are decided on higher staff consciousness, availability and determination shown by the individual.
All ranked individuals can step down a rank, refuse a promotion, or return to trusted rank at any given time.

The basis of this rank organization is that the more enthusiasm and regular content an individual contributes the higher they will rise and more organization they can provide.
The higher your rank the larger the project you can be approved for as well as the amount of staff you will be permitted to request. More on this at the end.

Regardless of rank you may participate in any of the open projects that still request help, however it is requested that you only take the work you can complete timely.

Trusted are the lifeblood as they will always see the approved projects that need assistance.

Part of the core concepts of this restructure is that the staff bring about a 'living' community where players can easily move into the Trusted rank(Everyone loves a staff rank)
Players might even only participate only once or not at all in contributing once they get said Trusted rank, but may remain simply because they have the rank(We can weed out the undesirables that try to power play this powerless rank) More foot traffic.
Knowing that you can actively have something you worked on or contributed 'become' a part of the community you enjoy is all the more appealing.

The basis is all about teamwork.
While there are many things that can be done alone building a rapport with your team shows the communication and skills that show with your involvement you can lead a project to its completion.

This staff chart does NOT solely translate to the the Minecraft game.
Minecraft is merely the basis that I am using to iterate a point.

Common sense dictates that each progressive rank merits the abilities and information of the lower ranks.

Rank structure Player base- [Application] [ Merit Based ] [ Need Based ]
Basic long route -Player-> Trusted-> Specialist->Operator->Vetop-> Controller->Admin
Advanced talent route -Player-> Trusted-> Operator->VetOp-> Controller->Admin

Stand alone ranks :
[These ranks are to be considered stand alone and may or may not involve in-game interaction. I may not detail these positions in this post but may in subsequent posts at a later date. These are crucial to content generation as much as the standard server ranking.]
Promotions Management
Social Media Directors
Graphic Artists

Project allotment sizes to be detailed after ranking details.


How to get:
Show real interest in content generation, no playtime needed. You don't have to be a trusted to contribute, but this rank shows you have the ambition to bring even greater things to the community! An application is required. This rank starts to get you behind the scenes access.
No discord or teamspeak needed but suggested.

Responsibilities and information:
Server wide rank, welcome to the EscRetstart community staff team! This is your first step.
You've shown an interest in producing content for the community in some way, shape or form. No in-game commands are given, your rank shows that you are here with prosperity in mind. You are beginning to show that you may have what it takes to generate content while ensuring a fun lively game play experience for all.

With this rank you are given access to the 'Trusted Repository' Forum:
This is the go-to place where you can see projects that have been decided upon and will be implemented soon to a server/game-mode!
You are among the first that get to experience the new content and help finalize it before release, the insiders look.

These projects need a helping hand in all sorts of positions. It could need a builder, a storywriter, even a playtester! There are any number of ways you can contribute and we are happy to offer these positions to those that would enjoy and strive to contribute. Discuss the positions you feel you could best help out.

Keep in mind that you will be following the guidelines that the organizing staff on the project provide for the position. Your opinion is valued but the projects in this forum are not up for interpretation as they are considered finalized before production. These projects are for those wanting to take action to actively bring out new content. Its entirely up to the organizing staff to accept your talents or not.

Show you have the right stuff and you can move up to Specialist or even Operator where you can propose and organize your own content additions!

How to get:
Requires the trusted rank.
You've shown that you have a real knack in helping the content for a certain game mode and you wish to step into the idea of producing.
You've gone above the ordinary to give a helping hand for that game mode.
At this point we would strongly suggest that you have a discord/teamspeak so that you can be readily contacted.

Responsibilities and information:
As Specialist rank is awarded to you you are given rights to commands in game along side being tutored in their usage within that respective game mode you are specializing in.
You share the same level of rights as an Operator, however being focused on a single game mode.
This does not mean you have become the strong arm of the law.
It means we are trusting you with helping the player-base now in game given someone disrespects the rules. Someone that can be called upon to assist in these instances within that game mode is a specialist.

You are now given rights to access the respective game modes "Events and Content" Forum:
Here your voice can be heard.
Not only are you starting on your trail to becoming a core figure in the community here you can propose and discuss ideas for upcoming content before they become finalized and released to the 'Trusted Repository'

Discuss with other staff the goals and content you feel would best embody and promote game play for the mode you are specializing in. Not all propositions are approved right away.
This means you could be a production leader working together with those of the trusted rank on smaller projects. Responsible for the timely completion of an approved content idea you submit!

How to get:
Requires the trusted rank.
This position is given to those that show that they generate content and game play for the entire server, not just a singular game mode. You seem to have an eye for whats appealing and great team work with all staff across the board. Its time to produce as a leader.
This shows that you have talents that benefit then entire server and you have no singular focus on a specific game mode.
Requires discord/teamspeak.

Responsibilities and information:
Much like a specialist you would be given access to commands for in game, however unlike a specialist you would be tutored in the commands for each given game mode.
Again you are not the strong arm of the law, merely an assistant that wishes to help provide relief in-game to the players that need it when another is disrespecting the rules.

You would be given access to all game modes 'Events and Content' Forums:
Your voice has become even louder! This doesn't mean you would need to create content on every game mode,no. This just means that your efforts and work provided are valued enough to be a voice that should be heard for all game modes. All details pertaining to a specialist apply to you.

How to get:
Requires Operator. You've shown that you have what it takes to lead projects to a successful completion and your content creates a buzz. You've generated enough content that its time for you to start even bigger projects. Your insight into the content provided is creating population and player base.

Responsibilities and information:
To introduce you into the rank you will choose a game mode to which you will become a Vet/SuperOp for, unless you are specifically invited and accept the position for a given game mode. Allowing you to enter this rank for a specified game mode one at a time is to decrease any concept of burden an individual may experience despite having the talent for all game-modes. The individual would retain Operator rank on other game modes until the subsequent promotions are merited within those game modes.

This entitles you to create and propose even larger projects then the Specialist/Operator. Completing successful content introductions may lead to you being invited into the Vet/Super position on other game modes or offered the opportunity to take the rank on the game mode of your choosing. Becoming a Vet/Super on all game modes will show that you have the capabilities to become a Controller should a position be available and offered to you.

You would be given access to the 'Event time-table and scheduling' Forum:
Within this forum Vet/Super and above ranks work together to properly schedule the releases and discuss the prospective projects of the Operator/Specialists. The deadlines and possibility to include a project would be discussed in detail here. From this forum you may be put in charge of supervising one or multiple projects that Operator/Specialists are organizing in order to assure they have the tools at their disposal and complete the project timely for the decided release date.

How to get:
Requires one to have obtained a Vet/Super standing rank on all games modes. Shows an exemplary ability to time manage and properly work with larger groups in order to get things done. Appointment would only come as an 'as needed' basis. This rank is the first true management position into the community and it given among all game modes simultaneously.

Responsibilities and information:
As the first true management position and an 'as needed' rank this rank is more of a paper pusher and statistics tracker then former ranks.
Individuals given this rank are presumed to be needed due to the large amount of staff that are active within the Controllers given 'Zone of Contact' Responsible for keeping track of the projects the staff within their 'zone' are pursuing.

Typically any given Controllers 'zone of contact' Should overlap with two other Controllers 'zone of contact' Once at the start and once at the end of said 'zone' to provide flexibility and comfort for all management staff. Bear in mind you may be managing upwards of 20-40 Operators/Specialists/VetOp collectively with other Controllers.

You would be given access to the 'Mega Projects' and the 'Administration' Forum:
Controllers are the first rank to be allowed to propose Mega projects. These are huge projects that task large amounts of staff and cannot be taken lightly. These projects are discussed among the Admin and themselves before being brought to the VetOp's for discussion.

The administration Forum is for table talk about numbers, advertisements and the implementation of promotions. As well as pertain to where to go with game play and what kind of content they are looking to approve. Developers are also granted access to this forum to try and bring life to some of these ideals. These talks may also include needed promotional art, photos,specialty steaming times, social media announcements and other content distribution.

This rank speaks for itself given the details formerly, but I may elaborate more another time.
They are essentially the biggest paper pusher there is responsible for keeping the controllers in check with their duties and receiving reports from them.
Typical back-end access
Can propose a 'server event' Where a huge huge amount of the staff would be involved.

How this works in a perfect system with player count and staff count in the higher double digits:
All staff are consistently generating content on a regular basis, conferring with colleagues and building a team like atmosphere.
When in a a pinch for participating individuals the Trusted user base comes in.

These numbers include the individual proposing the project, you cannot propose a project then be completely uninvolved.

Operators/Specialists are allowed to propose a project that can take no more then 5 individuals to complete.(5)
Vet are allowed to propose a project that can take no more then 10 individuals to complete.(10)
Controller can propose a project that can take no more then 25 individuals to complete.(25)
Mega projects may allow up to 40 individuals but are not to be taken lightly.(40)
Server projects are something that can make or break a server and should be considered like a festival!(??)

Lets say an Op/Spec rank proposes a project, Staff begin discussing the project in the Events forum.
A vet with confidence then brings the project up in the cont/admin/vet discussion, either offering to supervise or denoting the idea is a sound one.
Effectively adopting the project under their supervision and giving a higher form of support for said Op/Spec.
Otherwise the project is open to public discussion in said thread.

How its fits, if they are confident that the person can finish it, extenuating details so it doesn't overlap, all these things are covered.

If it is something feasable the vet+ discuss(in the higher forum) then provide a deadline to said proposer and they approve it or deny the project for the time being and provide a clear reason; the persons scale is too large, lack of confidence, not enough free staff this week, so-on and so-on.

Deadlines should only be known to the proposer and the approving staff.
It is strongly discouraged to be revealed!
Managing a project means you are confident you can meat the goals within the time given, not that you are slave driving those in your project to meet a date.
Time management and personnel control!

The proposer then decides if they can meet the deadline, if they cannot then the project is shelved and they can pick it up another time.
If they can meet said deadline then the project is open to recruitment for Spec+
At this point other staff are welcome to decide if they wish to contribute should the proposer choose to go through with it.
If Spec+ staff are not interested in contributing then the project is brought down into the trusted repository.

Should a project fail to meet its deadline no extensions are to be given, it must go through with being re-proposed.

Individuals are welcome to start a project before a proposal but risk not being confirmed for inclusion.


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
We have 20 Moderators+ or so :p
With 20 Mods that means you could house 80 Trusted effectively
So basically 20 teams of 5 all generating content.
that's 20 weeks worth of content. All around the board, not focused on any game mode specifically.

Hell thats even 4 teams of 5 for 4 weeks worth of content.
a single month of content that while smol
things like mini dungeons, a new AOD map or ROF map, a collaborative competition on BB anything.


Oct 28, 2018
Reaction score
The above though would need a 'staff restructure' Honestly.

The details in this post is but one part of my formerly, but not proposed ideal to structure the community into a positive, content generating powerhouse.
This is at best me working my memory and should not be taken as a literal proposal nor as all the facts and structure!
It is in fact me rambling out what I recall in vague detail, but don't quote me on this since its been a while and I need to kick start my brain.

While I understand that everyone is a volunteer in this respect but the division of Operator,superOp/vetOp/controller amongst the servers creates a disconnect of the experience of what a 'community' should be.

Admin do not count because they receive controller on the other servers, but right there is a hint in the direction that the staffing of the community should turn to. Opinion based.

One staff.

Operator should entail to mean you are an EscRestart Operator, not a BuildBox,AOD,ROF,SMP one.
Just an Operator among them all.

This does not however mean you have to be completely familiar with the literal backbone of the server like the former Operator status.
Leave that to the Super/Vet rank. It just means you are involved with the community not a segregated part.

Staff rank should be merited not upon the time you have played into a given server but the content and experience you wish to provide for that server and the community as a whole.
It's a promise to provide, not the predisposition of a promise for an arbitrary weekly minimum amount of time you will play and that's it.

Trusted becomes server wide, it means you have the appeal that you want to become involved and start generating content somehow, someplace.
This separates the community focused from the 'I can haz rank here because i play X the most'.

Want to be just involved with a singular server?
If you've shown the appeal while being a trusted then you can move into becoming a 'specialist' on that server and retain trusted status on the others.
Because this is EscRestart, not Rituals of Fire or Army of Darkness.
Those are just experiences under the same umbrella.

Operators would then be community wide and have an idea of each or a singular servers workings in the case of a Specialist.
Operators arethen expected to have a voice in them, while a specialist would be expected to have a stronger voice in their given game mode.
Being an operator/specialist means you would be given inside information about proposed and upcoming events including the ability to propose them.

Want to be a part of the higher end backbone of a specific server?
Vet/superOp would have this right, but expected to become a full operator involved with the other servers.

Happen to be a vet/super on all the servers?
You can then become a community Controller.

Doing well as a community Controller?
In time you could work to step up into an Admin position.

You've been exceptional as an Admin?
Maybe you could be one to climb into the ranks of Head Admin.

Details on ranks lower down.

This also means that Bans too would be server wide, can't just slip up on the fire server and expect access to the others now can you?
While we would still provide the hub world for people banned you would then be brought to the 'Ban World' if you attempted to connect to any given server. We aren't closing the door in your face, we just need to know why we should re-open it for you.

For information and tl;dr (you wont get a tl:dr) aspects here is a proportionate breakdown of the staffing structure under a 'one community one staff' precipice. Bear in mind that this structure is an incredibly long read.
It goes hand in hand with other structures(undisclosed at this point) as well and should not be considered a stand alone change for the current or former EscRestart community:

First and foremost some footnotes:
No LAZY bums!
The higher the rank, the more responsible you become, the more content you can provide and are expected to generate and organize.
Staff are required to provide timezone and the expected times they see themselves playing the game, contributing, or rather even to be able to be contacted to better organize.
The times aren't law and forced to be on, but an expected 'zone of contact'

Forum account required for all staff ranks.
All staff ranks are required to contribute to content generation; in-game, opinions, blueprints and constructive criticism are the founding point of being involved with staff.

Lack of communication or presence will first have the corresponding rights according to the rank stripped, but not the rank removed.
Notifications of leave will preserve your rank for no more then one month.
Further lack of above will result in a weekly step down the ladder from the rank they have until they become the Trusted rank.

Trusted rank is permanent until proven dis-trustworthy regardless of activity.
Trusted rank is the only game-rank determined through application, all other ranks are decided on higher staff consciousness, availability and determination shown by the individual.
All ranked individuals can step down a rank, refuse a promotion, or return to trusted rank at any given time.

The basis of this rank organization is that the more enthusiasm and regular content an individual contributes the higher they will rise and more organization they can provide.
The higher your rank the larger the project you can be approved for as well as the amount of staff you will be permitted to request. More on this at the end.

Regardless of rank you may participate in any of the open projects that still request help, however it is requested that you only take the work you can complete timely.

Trusted are the lifeblood as they will always see the approved projects that need assistance.

Part of the core concepts of this restructure is that the staff bring about a 'living' community where players can easily move into the Trusted rank(Everyone loves a staff rank)
Players might even only participate only once or not at all in contributing once they get said Trusted rank, but may remain simply because they have the rank(We can weed out the undesirables that try to power play this powerless rank) More foot traffic.
Knowing that you can actively have something you worked on or contributed 'become' a part of the community you enjoy is all the more appealing.

The basis is all about teamwork.
While there are many things that can be done alone building a rapport with your team shows the communication and skills that show with your involvement you can lead a project to its completion.

This staff chart does NOT solely translate to the the Minecraft game.
Minecraft is merely the basis that I am using to iterate a point.

Common sense dictates that each progressive rank merits the abilities and information of the lower ranks.

Rank structure Player base- [Application] [ Merit Based ] [ Need Based ]
Basic long route -Player-> Trusted-> Specialist->Operator->Vetop-> Controller->Admin
Advanced talent route -Player-> Trusted-> Operator->VetOp-> Controller->Admin

Stand alone ranks :
[These ranks are to be considered stand alone and may or may not involve in-game interaction. I may not detail these positions in this post but may in subsequent posts at a later date. These are crucial to content generation as much as the standard server ranking.]
Promotions Management
Social Media Directors
Graphic Artists

Project allotment sizes to be detailed after ranking details.


How to get:
Show real interest in content generation, no playtime needed. You don't have to be a trusted to contribute, but this rank shows you have the ambition to bring even greater things to the community! An application is required. This rank starts to get you behind the scenes access.
No discord or teamspeak needed but suggested.

Responsibilities and information:
Server wide rank, welcome to the EscRetstart community staff team! This is your first step.
You've shown an interest in producing content for the community in some way, shape or form. No in-game commands are given, your rank shows that you are here with prosperity in mind. You are beginning to show that you may have what it takes to generate content while ensuring a fun lively game play experience for all.

With this rank you are given access to the 'Trusted Repository' Forum:
This is the go-to place where you can see projects that have been decided upon and will be implemented soon to a server/game-mode!
You are among the first that get to experience the new content and help finalize it before release, the insiders look.

These projects need a helping hand in all sorts of positions. It could need a builder, a storywriter, even a playtester! There are any number of ways you can contribute and we are happy to offer these positions to those that would enjoy and strive to contribute. Discuss the positions you feel you could best help out.

Keep in mind that you will be following the guidelines that the organizing staff on the project provide for the position. Your opinion is valued but the projects in this forum are not up for interpretation as they are considered finalized before production. These projects are for those wanting to take action to actively bring out new content. Its entirely up to the organizing staff to accept your talents or not.

Show you have the right stuff and you can move up to Specialist or even Operator where you can propose and organize your own content additions!

How to get:
Requires the trusted rank.
You've shown that you have a real knack in helping the content for a certain game mode and you wish to step into the idea of producing.
You've gone above the ordinary to give a helping hand for that game mode.
At this point we would strongly suggest that you have a discord/teamspeak so that you can be readily contacted.

Responsibilities and information:
As Specialist rank is awarded to you you are given rights to commands in game along side being tutored in their usage within that respective game mode you are specializing in.
You share the same level of rights as an Operator, however being focused on a single game mode.
This does not mean you have become the strong arm of the law.
It means we are trusting you with helping the player-base now in game given someone disrespects the rules. Someone that can be called upon to assist in these instances within that game mode is a specialist.

You are now given rights to access the respective game modes "Events and Content" Forum:
Here your voice can be heard.
Not only are you starting on your trail to becoming a core figure in the community here you can propose and discuss ideas for upcoming content before they become finalized and released to the 'Trusted Repository'

Discuss with other staff the goals and content you feel would best embody and promote game play for the mode you are specializing in. Not all propositions are approved right away.
This means you could be a production leader working together with those of the trusted rank on smaller projects. Responsible for the timely completion of an approved content idea you submit!

How to get:
Requires the trusted rank.
This position is given to those that show that they generate content and game play for the entire server, not just a singular game mode. You seem to have an eye for whats appealing and great team work with all staff across the board. Its time to produce as a leader.
This shows that you have talents that benefit then entire server and you have no singular focus on a specific game mode.
Requires discord/teamspeak.

Responsibilities and information:
Much like a specialist you would be given access to commands for in game, however unlike a specialist you would be tutored in the commands for each given game mode.
Again you are not the strong arm of the law, merely an assistant that wishes to help provide relief in-game to the players that need it when another is disrespecting the rules.

You would be given access to all game modes 'Events and Content' Forums:
Your voice has become even louder! This doesn't mean you would need to create content on every game mode,no. This just means that your efforts and work provided are valued enough to be a voice that should be heard for all game modes. All details pertaining to a specialist apply to you.

How to get:
Requires Operator. You've shown that you have what it takes to lead projects to a successful completion and your content creates a buzz. You've generated enough content that its time for you to start even bigger projects. Your insight into the content provided is creating population and player base.

Responsibilities and information:
To introduce you into the rank you will choose a game mode to which you will become a Vet/SuperOp for, unless you are specifically invited and accept the position for a given game mode. Allowing you to enter this rank for a specified game mode one at a time is to decrease any concept of burden an individual may experience despite having the talent for all game-modes. The individual would retain Operator rank on other game modes until the subsequent promotions are merited within those game modes.

This entitles you to create and propose even larger projects then the Specialist/Operator. Completing successful content introductions may lead to you being invited into the Vet/Super position on other game modes or offered the opportunity to take the rank on the game mode of your choosing. Becoming a Vet/Super on all game modes will show that you have the capabilities to become a Controller should a position be available and offered to you.

You would be given access to the 'Event time-table and scheduling' Forum:
Within this forum Vet/Super and above ranks work together to properly schedule the releases and discuss the prospective projects of the Operator/Specialists. The deadlines and possibility to include a project would be discussed in detail here. From this forum you may be put in charge of supervising one or multiple projects that Operator/Specialists are organizing in order to assure they have the tools at their disposal and complete the project timely for the decided release date.

How to get:
Requires one to have obtained a Vet/Super standing rank on all games modes. Shows an exemplary ability to time manage and properly work with larger groups in order to get things done. Appointment would only come as an 'as needed' basis. This rank is the first true management position into the community and it given among all game modes simultaneously.

Responsibilities and information:
As the first true management position and an 'as needed' rank this rank is more of a paper pusher and statistics tracker then former ranks.
Individuals given this rank are presumed to be needed due to the large amount of staff that are active within the Controllers given 'Zone of Contact' Responsible for keeping track of the projects the staff within their 'zone' are pursuing.

Typically any given Controllers 'zone of contact' Should overlap with two other Controllers 'zone of contact' Once at the start and once at the end of said 'zone' to provide flexibility and comfort for all management staff. Bear in mind you may be managing upwards of 20-40 Operators/Specialists/VetOp collectively with other Controllers.

You would be given access to the 'Mega Projects' and the 'Administration' Forum:
Controllers are the first rank to be allowed to propose Mega projects. These are huge projects that task large amounts of staff and cannot be taken lightly. These projects are discussed among the Admin and themselves before being brought to the VetOp's for discussion.

The administration Forum is for table talk about numbers, advertisements and the implementation of promotions. As well as pertain to where to go with game play and what kind of content they are looking to approve. Developers are also granted access to this forum to try and bring life to some of these ideals. These talks may also include needed promotional art, photos,specialty steaming times, social media announcements and other content distribution.

This rank speaks for itself given the details formerly, but I may elaborate more another time.
They are essentially the biggest paper pusher there is responsible for keeping the controllers in check with their duties and receiving reports from them.
Typical back-end access
Can propose a 'server event' Where a huge huge amount of the staff would be involved.

How this works in a perfect system with player count and staff count in the higher double digits:
All staff are consistently generating content on a regular basis, conferring with colleagues and building a team like atmosphere.
When in a a pinch for participating individuals the Trusted user base comes in.

These numbers include the individual proposing the project, you cannot propose a project then be completely uninvolved.

Operators/Specialists are allowed to propose a project that can take no more then 5 individuals to complete.(5)
Vet are allowed to propose a project that can take no more then 10 individuals to complete.(10)
Controller can propose a project that can take no more then 25 individuals to complete.(25)
Mega projects may allow up to 40 individuals but are not to be taken lightly.(40)
Server projects are something that can make or break a server and should be considered like a festival!(??)

Lets say an Op/Spec rank proposes a project, Staff begin discussing the project in the Events forum.
A vet with confidence then brings the project up in the cont/admin/vet discussion, either offering to supervise or denoting the idea is a sound one.
Effectively adopting the project under their supervision and giving a higher form of support for said Op/Spec.
Otherwise the project is open to public discussion in said thread.

How its fits, if they are confident that the person can finish it, extenuating details so it doesn't overlap, all these things are covered.

If it is something feasable the vet+ discuss(in the higher forum) then provide a deadline to said proposer and they approve it or deny the project for the time being and provide a clear reason; the persons scale is too large, lack of confidence, not enough free staff this week, so-on and so-on.

Deadlines should only be known to the proposer and the approving staff.
It is strongly discouraged to be revealed!
Managing a project means you are confident you can meat the goals within the time given, not that you are slave driving those in your project to meet a date.
Time management and personnel control!

The proposer then decides if they can meet the deadline, if they cannot then the project is shelved and they can pick it up another time.
If they can meet said deadline then the project is open to recruitment for Spec+
At this point other staff are welcome to decide if they wish to contribute should the proposer choose to go through with it.
If Spec+ staff are not interested in contributing then the project is brought down into the trusted repository.

Should a project fail to meet its deadline no extensions are to be given, it must go through with being re-proposed.

Individuals are welcome to start a project before a proposal but risk not being confirmed for inclusion.
I'm actually very surprised how similar this was to a idea I was going to present along with another one


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Then I remember y'all make snide little comments like this and it's not worth the time or effort but I think getting rid of server specific staff role would bring new ideas in
That's another aspect that this community strangled itself with and made itself into a dust bowl.
I liked playing games and conversation; I didn't care that you got a new hoodie or jeans.
If you aren't in the Cool Kids Club you get this kinda treatment and people commentate that way easily.

Now if you were
Snapchatting with allllll the filters
(Yeah members have tried and failed to get my Snap, like what even for?)

posting glorified selfies constantly on the forum,
(ohmagawd I need to make sure every last person knows exactly how I look in dis minecraft communiteh, heres mah insta and twitter and like follow me mkay)

facebooking members,
(Yeah they would try and get in your FB like it was chill to add wtf)

constantly in the teamspeak voice servers,

always going on webcam in tinychat or where-ever,
(Yeah they used to do this like it was some kinda ritual, given how things are nowadays prob discord vid conferences)

dating another member in some kinda musical chairs rotation
(No1 & no2 dating this week but next week no2 is with no3 and no1 is with no4, the week after that 2 and 4 hit it off but 1 is crushing on 6 while 3 suddenly came out as bi/gay)

THEN you would not get snide little shit snide comments. Maybe some constructive criticism.

You would then be in the Cool Kids Club and they would actually y'know treat you like a member of the community.
Otherwise you are just 'faceless user X'

Don't believe it?
Anyone reading this is to ask yourself how many people know your face and actual real name, location, other personal details.
Then afterwards look at how you've been regarded through blocktopia, the ones, escrestart.
Seems like faceless user X usually gets a low ball.
You will see those that slam their face into the camera and peel out their info like its necessary to be involved here somehow climb the ranks regularly like it was nothing.
Knowing your work and skills =/= being your best buddy and knowing how I style my hair and dress.

I come to feel I have been the ONLY high ranking staff in the ENTIRE community that not a single member has known my actual name or real life face.
It just shouldn't feel needed to have friends and a fun friendly gaming experience.
Don't bullshit.

OH RIGHT I forgot right as I posted that there was a PRIME example of this I just need to find it where a person rose the ranks because it was insinuated that they were an asian girl
After they posted pictures on the forums some bs about their bf getting deployed for some war or whatever and photos of themselves they got called out for cat-fishing and basically blacklisted sure.

That's not after the fact that since 'she' offered so much information 'she' shot up into staff like it was a joke to be a staff.
Yeah, cat-fishing is wrong kids however this proves a point of 'what it takes' to be welcomed and 'involved' with this community.
Last edited:


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Then I remember y'all make snide little comments like this and it's not worth the time or effort but I think getting rid of server specific staff role would bring new ideas in
What do you mean snide little comment? I'm genuinly saddened deeply that you didnt share your amazing ideas with us.

You know, with you insulting practically every single person who worked on the current SMP saying they've done nothing I am very disappointed you also appearently chose to do nothing.

That's another aspect that this community strangled itself with and made itself into a dust bowl.
I liked playing games and conversation; I didn't care that you got a new hoodie or jeans.
If you aren't in the Cool Kids Club you get this kinda treatment and people commentate that way easily.
Sorry, but what a load of nonsense. Cool kids club? Maybe I'm out of the loop but who are these cool kids you're talking about.

Now if you were
Snapchatting with allllll the filters
(Yeah members have tried and failed to get my Snap, like what even for?)

posting glorified selfies constantly on the forum,
(ohmagawd I need to make sure every last person knows exactly how I look in dis minecraft communiteh, heres mah insta and twitter and like follow me mkay)

facebooking members,
(Yeah they would try and get in your FB like it was chill to add wtf)
How dare these people try to socialize with others.

constantly in the teamspeak voice servers,

always going on webcam in tinychat or where-ever,
(Yeah they used to do this like it was some kinda ritual, given how things are nowadays prob discord vid conferences)
How dare these people have fun times together.

dating another member in some kinda musical chairs rotation
(No1 & no2 dating this week but next week no2 is with no3 and no1 is with no4, the week after that 2 and 4 hit it off but 1 is crushing on 6 while 3 suddenly came out as bi/gay)
Damn hormonal teenagers how dare they have feelings. ON THE INTERNET!!!

THEN you would not get snide little shit snide comments. Maybe some constructive criticism.

You would then be in the Cool Kids Club and they would actually y'know treat you like a member of the community.
Otherwise you are just 'faceless user X'
People who get 'snidle little shit snide comments' around here tend to be the ones who shit on everything and everyone for no reason and then cry when nobody likes them or is nice to them. You dont need to be in some cool kids club to not get those, you just need to not be in the trash person club.

Don't believe it?
Anyone reading this is to ask yourself how many people know your face and actual real name, location, other personal details.
Then afterwards look at how you've been regarded through blocktopia, the ones, escrestart.
Seems like faceless user X usually gets a low ball.
You will see those that slam their face into the camera and peel out their info like its necessary to be involved here somehow climb the ranks regularly like it was nothing.
Knowing your work and skills =/= being your best buddy and knowing how I style my hair and dress.
Face: 0.
Real name: 0.
Location: 1 or 2. Unless you mean country in which case plenty people know I may or may not be from scotland but why would anyone hide their country thats just an absurd thing to say.
Other personal details: I like Minecraft! Am I in the cool kids club now?

Yeah that cool kids club really dropped the ball when they made a faceless nobody like me developer. Like how could such a huge mistake just get past them they should of atleast asked for 5 selfies first.

I come to feel I have been the ONLY high ranking staff in the ENTIRE community that not a single member has known my actual name or real life face.
It just shouldn't feel needed to have friends and a fun friendly gaming experience.
Don't bullshit.
This may be hard to hear but some people arent insecure and try this thing called socializing. It comes natural when people have fun playing together.

Are you that insecure about yourself that you think anyone who dares share some personal info with their close friends must be a vain person?

Like how dare they go on tinychat and show their faces have they no shame? Is your definition of "friends and a fun friendly gaming experience" just strangers who never interact with eachother and dont share a singular thing about themselves.

OH RIGHT I forgot right as I posted that there was a PRIME example of this I just need to find it where a person rose the ranks because it was insinuated that they were an asian girl
After they posted pictures on the forums some bs about their bf getting deployed for some war or whatever and photos of themselves they got called out for cat-fishing and basically blacklisted sure.

That's not after the fact that since 'she' offered so much information 'she' shot up into staff like it was a joke to be a staff.
Yeah, cat-fishing is wrong kids however this proves a point of 'what it takes' to be welcomed and 'involved' with this community.
Yeah please do find it I do like myself concrete examples. And when you do please take a look at all the current higher staff members and show me how their vanity, self-glorification and oversharing got them some higher social status.

If literally every single one of us is the problem then maybe the problem isn't all of us, it's you.
Last edited:

Deleted member 4601

Honestly the SMP staff team picked a goal that wasn't quite within reach and they've been criticized a bunch for that but they've really outdone themselves so shall we take a moment here to appreciate their hard work... m(-_-)m

Also Lee_scar a lot of the current staff have been chosen based on mostly merit so maybe we can all agree that perhaps things have gotten slightly better while you were gone and that's pretty neat and all


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry, but what a load of nonsense. Cool kids club? Maybe I'm out of the loop but who are these cool kids you're talking about.
EU-PHI_MIS+M its not connoting a literal list of people.
The true nonsense is that you pick out this post to quote and discuss out of alllllll the posts in this thread to offer your constructive criticism.
Contrary to that yeah cliques form, whatever sure. Its called a group of friends.
Though its an entirely different concept when you interview new players to the community and the most popular response was "I feel alienated here so I'm going to play another game/server with other people'
How dare these people try to socialize with others.
How dare these people have fun times together.
Damn hormonal teenagers how dare they have feelings. ON THE INTERNET!!!
Yup, because the moment you turn them down they turn around and stop socializing, wow! My right to privacy supersedes an appeal to play a game together!
Who would have thought that someone trying to kiss your ass for an advantage or you simply do not wish to share with would suddenly turn cold when you say I don't want to share my real life with a stranger, holy shit!
Fun times can be had without a lens up my nostril and a vlog about my breakfast and whats happening in my life, abstract concept I get it.

Yeah hormonal teenagers end up causing hmnn how do you say, something not living with a device that prevents entry on it of sorts, yeah, only a few of us realize.
If you don't know then all the better.
Anyone remember when this was called Datetopia? I do. Regular(rituals) old(of) Flirting server? I do. Singles Meet People(SMP)? I do. Blocktopia isn't a dating site? I do.
Lets just reiterate that these areopinions based in the past everywhere just for good measure since this concept flew over your head.
Yeah it's obviously not that way anymore, you have no concept of how outdated my knowledge is seemingly. I fail to see how you have the right to attack me in personal ways.

People who get 'snidle little shit snide comments' around here tend to be the ones who shit on everything and everyone for no reason and then cry when nobody likes them or is nice to them. You dont need to be in some cool kids club to not get those, you just need to not be in the trash person club.
Sign me up for this trash person club, no matter the opinion I've shared up or down I feel like I've been a VIP there for a while, didn't know it was official. Who else is a member? I'm sure other people that don't shit on anything anyone's said on the regular also want entry for the mood they receive.

It's called ease of access. No clue if it persisted to this day, hopefully not, but it sure as hell existed back then.
Do you really think that only a small percentage of staff got that rank formerly without being personal friends with others of rank?
So with that its become different now then we can really see why its become dead perhaps.

I wish I could cry that nobody likes me but to be frank I've never cared nor tallied anyone's opinion. I feel like I should add that to a poll so I can cry into my pillow tonight.
I was and am here to enjoy a vidja gaime not be this resounding lets play trumpets when this boi walks in the room person.

I would love to see how I've shit on anything when I've not graced the toilet seat of this place for a while. Just barely taking a seat back into this place. Had nothing but positivity and constructive attitude then and now. My above post? Just the facts of life that I saw, no bashing, no shittalk, just pure opinion
I like how you chime in when you feel you have the right to rage based on someones outdated knowledge and opinions.

You really must hate when people show the underbelly and founding of an institution.

Face: 0.
Real name: 0.
Location: 1 or 2. Unless you mean country in which case plenty people know I may or may not be from scotland but why would anyone hide their country thats just an absurd thing to say.
Other personal details: I like Minecraft! Am I in the cool kids club now?

Yeah that cool kids club really dropped the ball when they made a faceless nobody like me developer. Like how could such a huge mistake just get past them they should of atleast asked for 5 selfies first.
Alright your point being? It's an entirely different horse between a game rank and a developer rank.
I haven't even a clue to when you obtained this rank nor the means you went through to obtain it. A Dev rank isn't exactly something someone wanting the friendship advantage can amply use to be able to rank anywhere.

I get it you are busting your butt for the smp perhaps and given people were bashing it in the thread.
Did I support the bashing? Nah.
Did I admonish the bashing? Nah.
A point you seem to be entirely missing in your anguished insecure rage.

You see its kinda like a driver and a mechanic for a race car.
One gets there based on popularity, exposure and skill, the other based on skill and knowledge with how they can fix and upgrade things.
You missed the clear point.

This may be hard to hear but some people arent insecure and try this thing called socializing. It comes natural when people have fun playing together.

Are you that insecure about yourself that you think anyone who dares share some personal info with their close friends must be a vain person?

Like how dare they go on tinychat and show their faces have they now shame? Is your definition of "friends and a fun friendly gaming experience" just strangers who never interact with eachother and dont share a singular thing about themselves.
Yeah please do find it I do like myself concrete examples. And when you do please take a look at all the current higher staff members and show me how their vanity, self-glorification and oversharing got them some higher social status.

If literally every single one of us is the problem then maybe the problem isn't all of us, it's you.
I can actually taste your triggered at this point.
Must of started an angry discussion with someone so you decided to come blow up.
Not today.

Where in any quote or text was given that "literally every single one of anyone is the problem"?
Did I say vain?
Did I say shame?
Did I say how dare they like it was an issue?
Did you really just shame a person for having any kind of insecurities?

I said clearly that it was the structure that was actually keeping people here, now that its seemingly gone where is everyone?
You address me like I've been a body lurking around enough to even have a clue.
Clearly you must not like the fact that its pointed out that this place was formerly an actual clubhouse and not a community.

I defy you to look at the departures and returns forum and tell me that each and every individual was met with the same fervor and friendliness regardless of their personal standing with people around here existing then and now.
There are like 3-10 actually friendly social people, bless them.

That's the whole fucking point, you could not simply play a game you had to volunteer your life in order to feel an atmosphere of 'I am welcomed'

Do I have to be involved somehow again to have an opinion?
Am I not allowed to scope my past observations and feelings?
Must I sit here and chat people, research and dig thru any rumors?
You felt so insecure about my distaste regarding these facts that secular people always felt they entered with no welcome?
That you had nothing constructive to say about anything up until this point?
That you felt that you had the right to come and be directly insulting to me and toxic?

Yeah my definition of friends on a game is such: strangers that enjoy a game together regardless of their personal standing in life or the information they choose to share. Did I ever admonish it?
No I simply stated that the more you did, the better your standing and higher privilege you could see.
There are several people that I played with for hours and hours and hours with nay a single personal detail shared between us and had the best time I could have had on a video game.

Fuck you for your narrow ass minded scope of 'fun' and 'friends' on the internet. Coming in here thinking you can impose yours and try to instill shame unto me for my beliefs.
Clearly freedom of speech and opinion is beyond your acceptableness.

Honestly the SMP staff team picked a goal that wasn't quite within reach and they've been criticized a bunch for that but they've really outdone themselves so shall we take a moment here to appreciate their hard work... m(-_-)m

Also Lee_scar a lot of the current staff have been chosen based on mostly merit so maybe we can all agree that perhaps things have gotten slightly better while you were gone and that's pretty neat and all
I enjoyed the Smp server, I haven't left the spawn town just yet because I cannot for the life of me find a place that sells arrows. Kinda sucks that the system kinda mocked a person picking the archer class haha.

Nottykitten this, right here. this. what @mulberry said was allllll you had to say.
You do realize that opinions reflected here are with no knowledge of the current social structure of the community right? Like I have some omnipotence to be able to peer into what the fuck has even been happening in the community.
You went the entirely wrong way about this and went so far as to make direct personal attacks on a vague blanketed ass outdated sentiment and statement. I appreciate the personal attacks.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
EU-PHI_MIS+M its not connoting a literal list of people.
sounds like an excuse for making a baseless point to me

The true nonsense is that you pick out this post to quote and discuss out of alllllll the posts in this thread to offer your constructive criticism.
honestly from everyone i know who’s read this post, noones been able to actually read/understand what you’re talking about, for example:

With 20 Mods that means you could house 80 Trusted effectively

So basically 20 teams of 5 all generating content.

that's 20 weeks worth of content. All around the board, not focused on any game mode specifically.



Hell thats even 4 teams of 5 for 4 weeks worth of content.

a single month of content that while smol

things like mini dungeons, a new AOD map or ROF map, a collaborative competition on BB anything.
where are you getting these numbers from

do you expect every trusted/op/whoever to be able to build, code, lead, etc

do you expect people to moderate servers they’re not interested in (this was one of your other posts but) since i guarantee that will lead to people not applying since they just won’t care for 50% of what they’re doing

Though its an entirely different concept when you interview new players to the community and the most popular response was "I feel alienated here so I'm going to play another game/server with other people'
where is this survey

Yup, because the moment you turn them down they turn around and stop socializing, wow! My right to privacy supersedes an appeal to play a game together!

Who would have thought that someone trying to kiss your ass for an advantage or you simply do not wish to share with would suddenly turn cold when you say I don't want to share my real life with a stranger, holy shit!

Fun times can be had without a lens up my nostril and a vlog about my breakfast and whats happening in my life, abstract concept I get it.
notty literally didnt say you had to? i assume you were breaking this down point by point before reading the whole post since notty themselves have revealed quite literally 0 info about themselves

and ??? i don’t know what kind of people you were talking to but literally no one has behaved like this to me and i’ve revealed 0 personal info about myself other than to my super toxic clique, and that was after talking to them regularly for about 2 years? not because i was pressured but purely because i wanted to, and my face, voice, location?, etc are still all a secret to them since they don’t care since no one does

Yeah hormonal teenagers end up causing hmnn how do you say, something not living with a device that prevents entry on it of sorts, yeah, only a few of us realize.

If you don't know then all the better.

Anyone remember when this was called Datetopia? I do. Regular(rituals) old(of) Flirting server? I do. Singles Meet People(SMP)? I do. Blocktopia isn't a dating site? I do.

Lets just reiterate that these areopinions based in the past everywhere just for good measure since this concept flew over your head.

Yeah it's obviously not that way anymore, you have no concept of how outdated my knowledge is seemingly. I fail to see how you have the right to attack me in personal ways.
history will know this as the dawn of the bold attack

but yeah i don’t remember this to the extent you’re saying it happened to, i know of 3 or 4 dating things that happened here and only 1 of them ended super badly (and action was taken on that)

and i don’t see how these quotes were a personal attack on you

I wish I could cry that nobody likes me but to be frank I've never cared nor tallied anyone's opinion. I feel like I should add that to a poll so I can cry into my pillow tonight.

I was and am here to enjoy a vidja gaime not be this resounding lets play trumpets when this boi walks in the room person.
press X to doubt

I would love to see how I've shit on anything when I've not graced the toilet seat of this place for a while. Just barely taking a seat back into this place. Had nothing but positivity and constructive attitude then and now. My above post? Just the facts of life that I saw, no bashing, no shittalk, just pure opinion
>"(ohmagawd I need to make sure every last person knows exactly how I look in dis minecraft communiteh, heres mah insta and twitter and like follow me mkay)"

Alright your point being? It's an entirely different horse between a game rank and a developer rank.

I haven't even a clue to when you obtained this rank nor the means you went through to obtain it. A Dev rank isn't exactly something

someone wanting the friendship advantage can amply use to be able to rank anywhere
is it? and sure if you want another example to satisfy you infected_alien8_ has also revealed none of this information, honestly no idea but the only thing i remember nill doing was posting 2 videos of him feeding a squirrel or something, i don’t remember comp doing anything other than reading a few meeting recaps on discord, arelic who was CA also revealed no information about themselves

maybe this is because times have changed, but maybe it was never as bad to this extent as you thought (but hell maybe it was but since you refuse to drop any names of people in this thread (the conspiracy theory of staff threatening to ban you if you ever went public with a suggestion, this (non) asian girl, members of the coolkid club) who can actually see if you’re correct)

A point you seem to be entirely missing in your anguished insecure rage.

I can actually taste your triggered at this point.

Where in any quote or text was given that "literally every single one of anyone is the problem"?

Did I say vain?

Did I say shame?

Did I say how dare they like it was an issue?

Did you really just shame a person for having any kind of insecurities?
1) you sure havent acted like there are people that aren’t a problem

2) uhh idk where this word is coming from

3) act like what was an issue

4) no..? notty literally is in the same boat as you share-wise

I defy you to look at the departures and returns forum and tell me that each and every individual was met with the same fervor and friendliness regardless of their personal standing with people around here existing then and now.

There are like 3-10 actually friendly social people, bless them.
and it was usually the friendly social people that was met with more fervor and friendliness

everyone isn’t gonna be great buds with every other single person, and if you’re expecting it to function like that then idk what to say

Do I have to be involved somehow again to have an opinion?

Am I not allowed to scope my past observations and feelings?

Must I sit here and chat people, research and dig thru any rumors?

You felt so insecure about my distaste regarding these facts that secular people always felt they entered with no welcome?

That you had nothing constructive to say about anything up until this point?

That you felt that you had the right to come and be directly insulting to me and toxic?
1) no? but if you expect people to just be like congrats we love and accept your opinion without second thought then again idk what to say

2) sure you can but again if you expect to be met with no hostility after slamming the (old) community then idk what to say

3) idk sounds pretty unsocial if you’re not chatting to people……….

but for real you came in here, partially opened this can of worms (or box as you said in your status), and again seemed to not expect any sort of questioning

honestly call me toxic but the entire vibe i get from you is what you seem to insult yourself, attention seeking

you walk in here with rumours but keep half of them to yourself (‘i had some ideas for smp and then someone threatened to BAN me if i ever shared them, so i left instead…’ to me this seemed set up to provoke a response as to what these ideas were, who threatened to ban you, etc)

4) like who other than yourself (who still worked his way up to admin without any of this)

5) again your posts are very hard to understand but hey maybe there is something in them but i’d beg for them to be in simpler terms so simple people like me can understand them

6) talk shit get hit

Yeah my definition of friends on a game is such: strangers that enjoy a game together regardless of their personal standing in life or the information they choose to share. Did I ever admonish it?

No I simply stated that the more you did, the better your standing and higher privilege you could see.

There are several people that I played with for hours and hours and hours with nay a single personal detail shared between us and had the best time I could have had on a video game.
again, who what where why when how

notty literally never said that you can’t be friends if you share no information with eachother since surprise notty also hasn’t like a large portion of the community hasn’t

Fuck you for your narrow ass minded scope of 'fun' and 'friends' on the internet. Coming in here thinking you can impose yours and try to instill shame unto me for my beliefs.

Clearly freedom of speech and opinion is beyond your acceptableness.
oh hey this was pre-italicized thanks

also yikes bit toxic too now aren’t we

and, again, notty never disagreed that you can’t have fun or be friends if you don’t share info since, again, notty also hasn’t done this like, again, a large portion of the community hasn’t

Nottykitten this, right here. this. what mulberry said was allllll you had to say.

You do realize that opinions reflected here are with no knowledge of the current social structure of the community right? Like I have some omnipotence to be able to peer into what the fuck has even been happening in the community.

You went the entirely wrong way about this and went so far as to make direct personal attacks on a vague blanketed ass outdated sentiment and statement. I appreciate the personal attacks.
guess you went about this the wrong way too then huh

edit: im great at formatting i promise
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Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
EU-PHI_MIS+M its not connoting a literal list of people.
The true nonsense is that you pick out this post to quote and discuss out of alllllll the posts in this thread to offer your constructive criticism.
Contrary to that yeah cliques form, whatever sure. Its called a group of friends.
Though its an entirely different concept when you interview new players to the community and the most popular response was "I feel alienated here so I'm going to play another game/server with other people'
I mean they can't be alienated by a concept so really it has to be actual people alienating them.
Yup, because the moment you turn them down they turn around and stop socializing, wow! My right to privacy supersedes an appeal to play a game together!
Who would have thought that someone trying to kiss your ass for an advantage or you simply do not wish to share with would suddenly turn cold when you say I don't want to share my real life with a stranger, holy shit!
Fun times can be had without a lens up my nostril and a vlog about my breakfast and whats happening in my life, abstract concept I get it.
Literally none of our servers ask you post in the picture thread before you get to play. Literally nobody here ever said 'tell me your address or you don't get to play with us'. Nobody cares if you don't share all your personal info.

Look at this nice quote of yours: "Yup, because the moment you turn them down they turn around and stop socializing, wow! My right to privacy supersedes an appeal to play a game together!".

Yeah I sure wonder why someone might feel alienated if they stop socializing. It sure is fun to play a game with someone who says nothing types nothing does nothing, might aswell be playing with a bot. Again, who are these people that would like to see your breakfast vlogs because it sounds like you're making up a whole cherade about privacy when in reality nobody is probing you about anything private other than expecting basic communication to make sure the game is still fun. Maybe I'm missing something here, maybe someone in the community treated you horribly but I haven't seen or experienced any of the behaviour you seem to describe. Could it be my bubbly personality? Instead of a bunch of heresy give us concrete examples or stop talking like this community is some giant alienating attention-whoring clique.

Lets just reiterate that these areopinions based in the past everywhere just for good measure since this concept flew over your head.
Yeah it's obviously not that way anymore, you have no concept of how outdated my knowledge is seemingly. I fail to see how you have the right to attack me in personal ways.
I, too, lived in the past once. Your post however was very present tense so I'm glad you've learned your post is wrong.

Sign me up for this trash person club, no matter the opinion I've shared up or down I feel like I've been a VIP there for a while, didn't know it was official. Who else is a member? I'm sure other people that don't shit on anything anyone's said on the regular also want entry for the mood they receive.

It's called ease of access. No clue if it persisted to this day, hopefully not, but it sure as hell existed back then.
Do you really think that only a small percentage of staff got that rank formerly without being personal friends with others of rank?
So with that its become different now then we can really see why its become dead perhaps.
If it's a big percentage give me names, shed some light on the dark past of our community.

I wish I could cry that nobody likes me but to be frank I've never cared nor tallied anyone's opinion. I feel like I should add that to a poll so I can cry into my pillow tonight.
I was and am here to enjoy a vidja gaime not be this resounding lets play trumpets when this boi walks in the room person.

I would love to see how I've shit on anything when I've not graced the toilet seat of this place for a while. Just barely taking a seat back into this place. Had nothing but positivity and constructive attitude then and now. My above post? Just the facts of life that I saw, no bashing, no shittalk, just pure opinion
I like how you chime in when you feel you have the right to rage based on someones outdated knowledge and opinions.

You really must hate when people show the underbelly and founding of an institution.
I was mostly talking about Fantome shitting on everything and anything. You seem to do a great deal of it yourself though Mr "just facts of life that I saw".
  • Claim a big percentage of the old staff only got their rank because they have 'personal relationships' with the other staff. Essentially shitting on the work they put into the community.
  • Insinuating every single person posting selfies in the picture thread is a self-glorifying attention whore.
  • Saying you think every single higher staff aside from you plasters themselves on social media and thats how they got their ranks. Shitting on every single one of us and deminishing all the work that we have put into the community. I don't care this is some 'outdated knowledge I knew this XD I was talking about the past'. You're still shitting on the people from the past.
It's kinda funny how you claim your post is "Just the facts of life that I saw, no bashing, no shittalk, just pure opinion" while mine is somehow a personal attack. Do you classify it as a personal attack because it's not just my pure opinion but a fact? Interesting conclusion we'll leave that up to the jury.

Alright your point being? It's an entirely different horse between a game rank and a developer rank.
I haven't even a clue to when you obtained this rank nor the means you went through to obtain it. A Dev rank isn't exactly something someone wanting the friendship advantage can amply use to be able to rank anywhere.

I get it you are busting your butt for the smp perhaps and given people were bashing it in the thread.
Did I support the bashing? Nah.
Did I admonish the bashing? Nah.
A point you seem to be entirely missing in your anguished insecure rage.

You see its kinda like a driver and a mechanic for a race car.
One gets there based on popularity, exposure and skill, the other based on skill and knowledge with how they can fix and upgrade things.
You missed the clear point.
Don't get agitated now. You don't know how I got Dev so let me tell you. I posted my families secret salad recipe on insta so that Hex would promote me.

Who cares if you don't know whats happened the last 3 years, you're still insulting everyone from the past. I did have other staff ranks long ago, and plenty people that I like had staff ranks aswell. Having seen how they all tried to better the community it's an insult to all of them to say that they got it by popularity not because of the work they put in and the skill they had.

Your entire post seems to be about how sharing personal details climbs you on the social ladder and otherwise you get rejected. I think everyone can agree Notme is the best person to ever grace this community and I don't think we've ever seen his face or heard his voice. Is he the exception to this rule?

I can actually taste your triggered at this point.
Must of started an angry discussion with someone so you decided to come blow up.
Not today.
Yeah the angry discussion was your post being so on point right after I got denied into the cool kids club at my work because I wore a paper bag over my head saying im not popular anymore.

Where in any quote or text was given that "literally every single one of anyone is the problem"?
In the quote below.
Don't believe it?
Anyone reading this is to ask yourself how many people know your face and actual real name, location, other personal details.
Then afterwards look at how you've been regarded through blocktopia, the ones, escrestart.
Seems like faceless user X usually gets a low ball.
You will see those that slam their face into the camera and peel out their info like its necessary to be involved here somehow climb the ranks regularly like it was nothing.
Knowing your work and skills =/= being your best buddy and knowing how I style my hair and dress.

I come to feel I have been the ONLY high ranking staff in the ENTIRE community that not a single member has known my actual name or real life face.
It just shouldn't feel needed to have friends and a fun friendly gaming experience.
Don't bullshit.
Did I say vain?
Not directly that didn't let it stop you from practically describing the definition right here: "posting glorified selfies constantly on the forum,
(ohmagawd I need to make sure every last person knows exactly how I look in dis minecraft communiteh, heres mah insta and twitter and like follow me mkay)".

Did I say shame?
Did I say how dare they like it was an issue?
Read the first part of your post again and tell me you're not acting as if you think these people should be ashamed of themselves. That's a condescending tone if I've ever read one. Your entire post is about how everything they're doing is an issue because you just want to play games without socializing but you're not making any friends like this and feel alienated. Well not you maybe some other hypothetical member, but you act certainly as if you think it's an issue.

Did you really just shame a person for having any kind of insecurities?
Did you really just shame an entire community for socializing and posting pictures in a picture thread. Also who did I shame now? You're free to have insecurities as long as you don't insult the people without them because of what could possibly be jealousy. I asked an honest question that might explain why you seem to be so riled up about people sharing personal info.

I said clearly that it was the structure that was actually keeping people here, now that its seemingly gone where is everyone?
You address me like I've been a body lurking around enough to even have a clue.
Clearly you must not like the fact that its pointed out that this place was formerly an actual clubhouse and not a community.

I defy you to look at the departures and returns forum and tell me that each and every individual was met with the same fervor and friendliness regardless of their personal standing with people around here existing then and now.
There are like 3-10 actually friendly social people, bless them.
I won't tell you that since that's obviously not the case. I do wonder how many you greeted back when you were active. I also find it very strange behaviour people would welcome back an old friend that they had many fun experiences with and not post on other welcome threads. Maybe they just can't be bothered? This has nothing to do with us being a clubhouse and not wanting new members and everything to do with people not being bothered enough to welcome new members. If you don't see the difference between that then try harder.

That's the whole fucking point, you could not simply play a game you had to volunteer your life in order to feel an atmosphere of 'I am welcomed'
Again, you were talking present tense but I'll forgive you this time. Also again, I also lived in this magical past of yours. You didn't have to volunteer anything about your life. It's the league clique that hurt you isn't it? Damn league clique causing troubles to this day. However for the rest of the community everything '3.years.ago' really wasn't as dire as you claim it to be.

Do I have to be involved somehow again to have an opinion?
Am I not allowed to scope my past observations and feelings?
Must I sit here and chat people, research and dig thru any rumors?
You felt so insecure about my distaste regarding these facts that secular people always felt they entered with no welcome?
That you had nothing constructive to say about anything up until this point?
That you felt that you had the right to come and be directly insulting to me and toxic?
If you're gonna be asking so many questions please prefix it with 'lightning round'.
1) You most certainly do if you're gonna be making propositions on how to change the community based on outdated knowledge which is also just a shitty opinion.
2) Only if you name the thread 'Let's talk V6'. Feel free to tell us but don't expect us to just take your nonsense.
3) You're the one claiming things with this thread and then refusing to drop some names. You're the one starting rumours right now!
4) Can I use a lifeline on this one? I'll use my 50/50!

5) My entire post was constructive. It was about how maybe instead of insulting our entire staff team and going on a rant about not liking people socializing, you could try and find out why this angers you so much.
6) Oh I sure like being direct. Unlike you who seems to not name a single person or thing in any of your rumours, heresy and shittalk. I wasn't insulting nor toxic though, I gave my pure opinionTM. My post is directed at someone who trashtalked the community and its staff so if it's insulting to you then maybe I am right and I reached my target audience yet.

Yeah my definition of friends on a game is such: strangers that enjoy a game together regardless of their personal standing in life or the information they choose to share. Did I ever admonish it?
No I simply stated that the more you did, the better your standing and higher privilege you could see.
There are several people that I played with for hours and hours and hours with nay a single personal detail shared between us and had the best time I could have had on a video game.
Oh. My. God. People like other people better when they know more about them? What a revelation that is. It's great that you don't like sharing personal details, Ron, but don't bash on those that do. And most definitly don't cry when people find you no fun to play with causing you to feel alienated.

Fuck you for your narrow ass minded scope of 'fun' and 'friends' on the internet. Coming in here thinking you can impose yours and try to instill shame unto me for my beliefs.
Clearly freedom of speech and opinion is beyond your acceptableness.
That's not very nice of you. Coming in here thinking you can impose yours and try to instill shame unto me and my friends and staff and fellow community members for trying to be people. Clearly freedom of expression is beyond your acceptableness for implying people are vain. Clearly freedom of speech and opinion is beyond your acceptableness considering you try to tell all of us that playing games shouldn't require being social when that may just yet be exactly our opinion when making friends.

I admit that you coming forward with these 'problems' is very bold. But that is literally the only thing your post is.
Nottykitten this, right here. this. what @mulberry said was allllll you had to say.
You do realize that opinions reflected here are with no knowledge of the current social structure of the community right? Like I have some omnipotence to be able to peer into what the fuck has even been happening in the community.
You went the entirely wrong way about this and went so far as to make direct personal attacks on a vague blanketed ass outdated sentiment and statement. I appreciate the personal attacks.
Oh cry me a river, where is my freedom of speech and opinion now? And stop pretending I don't know you're talking about the past because everything I said applies exactly to the past just as it does the present.

And lastly, I would like to make it abundantly clear that I have not made any personal attack against you. I cannot possibly have, for you made it very clear yourself none of us know anything personal about you.
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