FORM-29827281-12: Test Assessment Report


Aug 27, 2011
Reaction score
Good evening, hope you are all doing well.

The time has come for me to announce my resignation and departure from Escape Restart. I'm sure that many among you have seen this coming for quite a while, and while I am disappointed that I have not been able to achieve some of the things that I set out to do here, I'm GLaD to have had the opportunities I have.

I have met some truly amazingly talented and friendly people here, and had the privilige to collaborate with many of them. If you had told me 6 years ago that I would create such strong friendships with strangers from all over the globe, there is not a chance in hell that I would have believed you. But yet, here I am. Y'all are great. I consider myself pretty lucky to have stumbled across a community that is, on the whole, so friendly*.

*On the other hand, some of you are straight up twats. Some have transformed during your time here and are actually pretty cool to be around now, but others haven't. All I can do now is hope that, for your own sake, you are able look back in a couple of years and cringe at your attitudes and actions.

I've made a fair few enemies during my time here, and probably deserve many of them. I wouldn't say I regret that, because I've done what I can, and been who I am. I'd say this summarises the common theme quite well:

For real though, it's been great. I have learned way more than I possibly could have imagined by staffing here. Having grown from Trusted to Administrator, I've been exposed to systems I had absolutely 0 knowledge of, but am now very confident in handling. It's been a fantastic learning experience, and one I very much recommend you get involved with if you can.

Thank you to everyone that has helped me along the way. Below are just some of the people that have had a great impact on me -I owe it to them that I got to where I am, and stuck around as long as I did.

TheQube - I know you'd throw a fit if I didn't put you at the top, so there we are. You've been a great friend, and the main reason that I have stuck with this community for so long. You're pretty blunt in your opinions, but always the go-to-guy for honest advice and a laugh. Thanks for putting up with my bitching, fucker.

GmK - I don't know if you'll read this, but I hope you're doing well. Thanks so much for putting up with me over years, you taught me more than you could imagine. Cheers for everything.

Malcovent/Snowma(because you are pretty much 1 now) - Malc, I'll rate you 9/10 for your 24/7 tech support. Extremely knowledgeable, very approachable. I would have given you a 10/10, but I know that would go to your head. Nevertheless, you've been a great teacher and an ever greater friend. Ta. Snow, you've been a hilarious person to talk to, and always good for a laugh. Just go easy on Malc, ok? He is fragile in his old age.

Pickyer/San00b/Other ex-admins - We didn't talk much but you always struck me as super cool guys, thanks for keeping the community around long enough for me to be a part of it.

superstein - m8, you're doing a great job, keep it up. Had some seriously sweet times with you, hope to have more in the future. You know where to find me!

Nillbugwtw - It's a shame we didn't talk too often, but we spoke enough for me to know that you are a great guy, and will go real far if you keep working. Good luck!

Psycho - Regretfully we haven't had much time to work alonside as admins, but you have already brought great energy to the team. You're an extremely talented builder and an even better team player, I'm certain you'll do a great job keeping this place running.

All of the directing/adminstrative team, past and present - Working with you all has been a pleasure. Keeping this place going is challenging at times to say the least, but thank you all for sticking with it, and making me proud to call us a team.

Sploorky - Man you're a great guy. Friendly, knowledgeable, and funny as fuck? That ain't even fair. Thankfully I still have accent on my side, Yankie scum.

Araidian/Piggy/Shande/Greg/5genda/Other Lava/LoP friends - Had some great times with you lot, it's because of you that I got involved with this place, so thanks for the memories! TR0LLZ4R signing off.

Iguana/Wooffus/Airkid - You promoted/referenced me for trusted. Thanks.

You(Customise as appopriate.) - Wow, _____. It has been a wild ride. You have always been a _____ person, and I am very ________ to have met you. Our time together has been ______. Adios!

Controversial thanking time:
Deadl0ck - I'm sad things ended the way they did, but I always had a lot of respect for you, and still do. Hope you're doing well whereever you are, teamspeak meetings with you were a highlight of my time here.
Marnixxie - Wow, it's been a seriously long time since we talked. I hope your Hungary excursion went well, and your studying is paying off. Working with you on JtE and hanging out with you in IRC was such a memorable experience, and one I remember very fondly.

So that's it. There's been ups, and there's been downs, but all in all, I can say that I had fun. It's been manic, it's been stressful, but at the end of the day, it's been worth it. My one request for the community going into the future? Help where you can, and continue to make this community awesome - never lose faith.

All that is left for me to say now is goodbye, good luck, and thank you.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Sad to see you go :( Thank you so much for all you have done. You were so unbelievably dedicated to AoD and I have you to thank for a lot of my confidence when it comes to staffing; thank you so much for believing in me and teaching me how to be a staff member. You were a real inspiration to me. Best of luck in life!


Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Don't have anything personal to say, although I know you've done a lot for us...
Thanks for everything that you've done for this community, hope you enjoy what you set out to do in the future. Good luck and best wishes, because you deserve it. :)


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'll always remember you for your short and stubby ARK character.. fighting massive alligators. Sorry you're leaving, doubly sorry that me and Malcovent took yours and Qubes armour that one time and totally feigned innocence WELLGLADWEGOTTHATINTHEOPENLOLKBYE.