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four word story


Drink up baby, stay up all night
Sep 20, 2014
Reaction score
just like hex, who

edit the story so far

once upon a time The world ended abruptly the golden geese of new york were responsible because they laid eggs fist my ass daddy Children lived in sewers aqua was among them the grandest sewer kiddo and that is how our story begins. Seven inebriated dolts led a revolt against the Admins server closed, the end. 10th remake was launched and died almost instantly as is expected from an SMP by EscapeRestart Especially when Jolt's admin of this garbage heap while Aquatic Update ruined absolutely everything. All because it overhauled ocean content "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" cried raxo loudly because he had been suprised by raider when he'd been sucking dicks before stealthilymurdering aqua who was a bit gaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaay Which surprised no one. Personally, I blame the competitive gaming for toxicity as well as Jewish Foreskin removal rituals due tomorrow during hurricane season After Notme killed Aqua , and everyone lived happily and butchered his rep Notme died too afterwards committing sudoku for his Sudoku world championships tournament That he sadly lost since he was busy because Aqua's ghost cursed Notme and his family Meanwhile, Liz Made a big pizza with pineapple shaped organs harvested from all the past SMPs Players killed by Danni fester in their tombs . When Liz ate the entire staff of EscapeRestart as a tasty snack she got poisoned and joined small ghost army Who wore no clothes when they showered but were always very smelly just like hex, wh