Funniest Game Usernames Ever Created


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
Well, I was playing kingdom of loathing.
And someone came into my clan chat.
Hilarity ensues.
(not exactly appropriate for younger ones!)
Right Testicle wanders into chat.
Right Testicle: I say, where is my brother?
Left Testicle: Over here, dear brother!
Left Testicle: I missed you so.
Right Testicle: And where is our member?
Goron Soilder: i know he did but it usual wil say "limeygreg has logged off."
Left Testicle: LimeyGreg? He seems to be offline. :(
Twinkertoes: ah, dunno, maybe that doesn't work when he just closes the window?
Right Testicle: Alas! Now we cannot be complete!
Left Testicle: For a pair of testicles with no dick is useless.
Shematics12: So sorry I've been out lately!
Shematics12: ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Left Testicle: Hello!
Shematics12: WTF?!!
Right Testicle: Salutations!
Shematics12: AHHHHHHH!!!!
Shematics12: OMG
Twinkertoes is so confused...and yet amused.
Left Testicle tosses a glance to Righty.
Right Testicle returns the glance.
Right Testicle: These people are weird.
Left Testicle: I concur.
Shematics12: Ok I have to say... this is pretty hilarious
Left Testicle: I'm glad you think so, friend! Pray tell, do you know what has become of our member?
Right Testicle: He was online not ten minutes ago. We came to join him, but, alas, he has vanished.
Shematics12: He's over there, right next to the automatic shoe kicker
Twinkertoes: Is he just named member?
Right Testicle: His name is LimeyGreg.
Left Testicle: Perhaps you've heard of him?
Shematics12: lol >.<
wolfmaniac1 (private): whats your alt?
private to wolfmaniac1: Right Testicle.
Shematics12 runs off to read a book
Shematics12: BANANA
Twinkertoes ignores the trolls.
BananaOfDoom: Hey chat!
Firbaelvan: Book? Blasphamy! -hic-
BananaOfDoom: hey shem!
Left Testicle is upset that Limey is not here.
BananaOfDoom: :confused: there's a left testicle and a right testicle in chat...
Right Testicle: Banana! You'll do.
Twinkertoes: Just ignore them BoD
Left Testicle: We came to find him.
Right Testicle: We're missing our Member.
BananaOfDoom: Who's multi are they?
MantaWolf checks his pants to make sure his testies are still there....
Left Testicle: I'm Right Testicle's multi.
Right Testicle: I
Right Testicle: am NOT Left Testicle's multi. :\
Right Testicle: I'm insulted, lefty. I thought we were brothers!
Left Testicle: Brothers, multis. Tomato, tomahto.
Right Testicle: :(
Right Testicle: BananaOfDoom, would you take the honour of standing between us?
suinoq: are you guys running a script here, or ad-libbing?
Left Testicle: It's getting cold.
suinoq: either way, you should get on with it - the show is getting stale.
Left Testicle: Suinoq, surely you jest. We came here to find Limey, not to act in a play for your amusement.
Right Testicle: Indeed.
Right Testicle: If he's not here, then we will be off.
Twinkertoes: Limey is not here, he's gone to bed.
Left Testicle: Cheerio then, mates!
Left Testicle: Hugs and kisses.
MantaWolf is certain there is enough staff online to handle your issue
Right Testicle: Fare thee well!
BananaOfDoom: So....weird...
Edit: For those wondering, these are someone elses logs of the event, not mine, which is where the private message part came from. I could never be that good of a troll.