One day I should just go through every page of this thread and listen to every song.
Sadly that is not this day.
Instead have some tracks of people I've been listening to: coincidence that they both have "sleep" in their name? Possibly.
For once Youtube did a good job with its recommended video sidebar. An amazing job because oh my gosh I'm in love.
One of the best ways to make your music stand out and grab someone's attention is with top-notch and interesting music videos, and thus people will associate said songs with said video for amplified effect!
And then they'll slowly branch out to the other songs and find those other songs are also amazing, at least that's how I tend to feel whenever I get sucked into listening to a band. x)
Anyways here's a pretty cool synthwave(I think that's what they call it) project with music videos with some killer 80's aesthetic when it's implemented.
Not the most demanding attention of musics, but it might just entrance you too: Why does it always sound like a dumb sales pitch when I write this stuff. I just want to make it sound interesting. ;-;
This one's my favourite. ^-^
I want to play this as a game so badly. ;-; Beautiful pixel art.
Aaaaaaaaaand yep, that's GTAV. Who knew one day GTA would be used for a band's music video, cause I didn't expect that.