IC Guardians of the Mansion


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Topaz glanced inside the bag, before hopping off her rock. "I guess I'll come." She said.

((Don't look at me I can't think of any snacks.))
((I just figured I'd leave it at "snacks" so you could make your own decisions without "OH BUT I LOVE FAIRY BREAD" :3 ))

The volcano wasn't far away, but even so it took about an hour for the two Guardians to make it there on foot. They stopped occasionally and Topaz tended to stuff her face with treats. That's not to say Ross didn't get his share as well. They eventually reached the peak and stopped. "Thanks for coming with me," he said, "I know you never got to meet him, but Pyro was the Guardian of Fire before you. He and I were close. And when he died....I never really got a chance to bid him farewell. So every once in a while...." Ross started getting choked up. "I'd come up here, and just- I don't know. But I thought you might want to hear the story of the Guardian before you. That, and I need someone to tell it to, instead of repeating it to myself over and over again."

((Sorry if I'm making this too serious a scenario, I just don't see this being able to fit into the main thread....Honestly it might not fit here either, but fuck it there aren't actually rules here o-o ))


Jul 20, 2013
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Apparently, know one had heard him.
He knew that it was polite to wait until some one comes and opens the door, but normally, he'd be able to just press the doorbell or knock.
This not being a normal situation, and no one seeming to hear his question despite signs of activity, Catcocomics Floated into the lobby of the mansion.
He could hear people talking and doing things; morning activities by the sounds of things, so he decided to go towards the source of the sounds.
Flying through things while going many times faster than the speed of light (still unsure why he crashed in the first place, despite the speeds he was going...) was one thing; a smash flash of true darkness as his atoms completely ignored his obstacles'.
Flying through things at less than the speed of a bicycle was completely different; instead of a brief flash of darkness, he was met with dark support beams, circuits of wires (passing through some of them gave him an odd tickling sensation, similar to that of being electrocuted by various... things... but less painful), bricks, and the basic details that make up the inside of your typical mansion walls.
After a few minutes, Catcocomics made his way to an odd looking room with tile flooring and circular metal things with handles on them; this must be the kitchen... and it was a mess.
There were some people in there, some staring at something he couldn't see due to his current position, most of them looked familiar, but with minute deviations from those he remembered from his own plane of existence.
Catcocomics was reminded of a game he had seen and sometimes played back on Earth, but this time, there wasn't a magical moon about to fall and doom everyone... or a creepy mask sales man.

Wanting to make his presence known;
"Hello, pardon my lack of manners, but I can't seem to knock or ring the doorbell. mind telling me who you all are?"
Although he could easily recognize most of the people there, he didn't want to arouse suspicion by already knowing their names.

((And let the "haunted mansion" fest begin... for a brief moment.))
Last edited:
Sep 7, 2013
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((I just figured I'd leave it at "snacks" so you could make your own decisions without "OH BUT I LOVE FAIRY BREAD" :3 ))

The volcano wasn't far away, but even so it took about an hour for the two Guardians to make it there on foot. They stopped occasionally and Topaz tended to stuff her face with treats. That's not to say Ross didn't get his share as well. They eventually reached the peak and stopped. "Thanks for coming with me," he said, "I know you never got to meet him, but Pyro was the Guardian of Fire before you. He and I were close. And when he died....I never really got a chance to bid him farewell. So every once in a while...." Ross started getting choked up. "I'd come up here, and just- I don't know. But I thought you might want to hear the story of the Guardian before you. That, and I need someone to tell it to, instead of repeating it to myself over and over again."

((Sorry if I'm making this too serious a scenario, I just don't see this being able to fit into the main thread....Honestly it might not fit here either, but fuck it there aren't actually rules here o-o ))
((It's not my fault you didn't have the correct sprinkles for fairy bread.))

Topaz would wipe her face routinely after eating the snacks, purely eating to pass the time, usually. Though sometimes eating because a girls gotta eat. Once the two reached the peak, she stopped after Ross, listening to him talk. Unsure of how to react to the fact he was choking up from telling her this, she simply let him finish. Topaz facial expression remained blank, "...Well..." she began, "I may not have know 'Pyro', though thanks for telling me. I was a bit curious, though I didn't know he left... like that. I guess." Topaz was unsure of what to do, or how to react, for that matter. "And apologies. I guess it's a bit hard for me to react... I didn't know him, after all. Though, from how you react. I can tell you were close with him. I'm sorry."

((Eh, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Kindaputmeonthespotthough))


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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"Sorry for bothering you with this. I just... Felt like I needed to tell someone. Thanks for coming along and listening..."

Feeling awkward as hell, Ross started down the same path they came from. "We should head back, else we won't have any snacks left. Besides, the others are probably wondering where we went. ... Speaking of others, why'd you spook basil anyway? He kinda fucked up the kitchen."
Sep 7, 2013
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"It's fine. If you ever need to tell someone about it again rather then repeating yourself, don't be afraid to drag me up here." The fiery female replied.
"Why'd I spook Basil...? Uh..." Topaz trailed off, thinking. '...Why did I spook Basil anyway...?' She thought, following the male as he walked. "Well... Erm, I don't know... Might be something to do with the fact that Tora summoned stag beetles or whatever you call them in her sleep again... And of course they climbed into my bed and bit me, instead of getting eaten by Caithe's plants like usual."


Jan 23, 2012
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*After getting out of the shower, Airis made his way to his room to dress up*

"Its quite hot today." -He said to himself.

*He grabbed a pair of red shorts and a navy blue polo shirt*

"That should do it."

*He then headed towards the kitchen, just to see that it was pretty messy*

"I'm telling you. I feel I'm living with animals in this house." -Airis thought to himself.

*He opened the fridge and grabbed the orange juice. He poured some in a glass and drank some. He then immediately got some goosebumps. He felt this strange presence in the kitchen*


(( Catcocomics ))



Jul 20, 2013
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"Oh hi, so people do live here! That's good, I almost thought this place was a 'haunted mansion', if you know what I mean."
Catcocomics greets Airis, despite not being noticed initially. Perhaps it would've been better to be... floating(?) some where more open than halfway in a counter.
"You have no idea how cliché those places tend to be... err, well... you know... actual ghosts and all... umm...
Hi call me Miles, I'm not a ghost, and I don't haunt mansions!"
He's not completely certain that he chose the best... temporary name to go with for this plane, but at least Catcocomics was somewhat used to responding to it.
Catcocomics couldn't help feeling a little awkward, now being in the presence of someone familiar who didn't know him, particularly with his ghost-like form.

Catcocomics does not look anything like the ghost above.))


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Endal had been trying to sleep. Unfortunately, for the past two hours there'd been (relatively) consistent noise coming from downstairs, and it wasn't like it was possible to fall back into his slumber any more. The effort needed to glance at the clock that stood on his night table was considerable. 11 am. Ugh. They just couldn't let me sleep happily until afternoon, could they? The wizard sat up in his bed, looking the part of a gloomy zombie awoken from a deep (try Mariana trench deep) sleep, complete with magnificient bed head.

As he was making his way downstairs from his room on the third floor, Endal wondered why the place had been livelier today than usual. Sure, the Mansion was always a chaotic place (maybe Cairne had messed around with something), but that didn't typically disturb his sleeping. The usual time for waking up was around 3 pm for Endal, and he was somewhat annoyed by the early disturbance.

After paying a visit to the bathroom, the first stop would be the kitchen. Endal found Himinn floating under the ceiling, so he grabbed her leg and pulled her back down. The Guardian of the Sky was quick to note Endal's lack of shirt, but the wizard was completely oblivious to the fact that he was wearing nothing more than his sleeping shorts (which was an accomplishment on it's own, Himinn supposed. Sometimes, not often, but on a rare occasion it did happen that Endal would forget to wear anything at all, although so far he'd discovered it before any of the female occupants of the Mansion would see.). Not that it mattered much to Endal, though (for the benefit of everyone else in the house, he did try to remember to wear clothes). He was hungry and grumpy after being woken by the noise, so he completely disregarded Airis and the ghost (poltergeist? something.) that were in his way and walked straight to the cabinet, pulled out a bowl, took a bag of corn flakes and a bottle of milk from the table and the refrigerator, respectively, and got to eating.

((No way am I going to miss out on this.))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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((even though this looks positively lame and I was too bored to read any of it I'm going to include my character because why not.))

Zwn wakes up, rubbing her eyes and patting down her hair half-heartedly as she trudges down the stairs blearily. "Nnyyhh, Good morning," she mumbles tiredly, eyes half closed. She fiddles with the hood of her unicorn onesie, curling her toes as a chill goes through her cute spotted woolen socks. She shuffles towards the toaster, gently shoving anyone in her way to the side so she can get there. "I require sustinence," she mutters quietly, holding a finger in the air matter-of-factly. Slowly she grabs two pieces of bread and puts them in the toaster, head drooping as she presses down the button and plops herself heavily on the floor, tired form hunching over. She dozes off momentarily, only the be awakened by the strong smell of burning as the toast pops to reveal blackened toast. "Nyyggh oh great," she groans, sliding her butt across the floor and letting out a cute little yawn, "I'll just eat later." The girl stands shakily and steps carefully back upstairs and into her room, leaving the crumbling toast in the toaster.


Jul 20, 2013
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Catcocomics is launched spinning through a wall as a GOON (Guardian Out Of Nowhere) walks right into him, seemingly oblivious to his presence.
Dazed. Catcocomics flies back into the kitchen to find that he had collided with Endal... without a shirt...
Deciding that there is nothing at all wrong with the situation (except maybe that Endal hasn't had sufficient rest), Catcocomics just... exists in place trying to understand the situation.
But one thing was curious; how come he can go through walls and other solid objects, but not Endal?
There wasn't any kind of shield around him, perhaps it was just Endal's spirit or something? If that was to be the case, then perhaps other living beings would also be solid for him.
In any case, it would probably be up to him to avoid being smashed through any more walls like that.


Jan 23, 2012
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*Airis almost dropped his orange juice glass at hearing this ghost-like person talking to him*

"Oh god! Do you want to give me a heart attack? You can't just appear from nowhere and talk to someone like that!" -Airis said while regaining his posture.

"Miles, isn't it? Well, where do you come from? Did you just got here? Because I've certainly never seen you before in this mansion."


(( Catcocomics ))



Jul 20, 2013
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"I uhh... not sure where I'm from.
I kind of just dozed off and wound up in front of the mansion. I'd have waited at the door, but I can't exactly knock on the door or use the door bell in this state of being (which I'm still getting used to).So uhh... do you believe in, like, spirits or anything of that sort? I swear I'm not some spooky ghost come to haunt a random mansion, that's just not my style."
Catcocomics looks up towards the ceiling due to his awkward-ish position, having little experience with speaking to a familiar yet completely different face, whilst in a ghost-like form.
His hat was also dislodged by the sudden movement of his head, and started drifting away to reveal his entire head of hair, which looked almost like a light cyan rat's nest.

((Ansoro2112 ))


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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The ghost - yeah, I guess he's a ghost or something - stumbled into the wizard. How he had managed that in air was beyond the capability of understanding for Endal's half asleep brain. He looked up from his bowl of corn flakes and gave the ghost most murderous look you could imagine. Mornings really weren't Endal's favourite time of the day, even without stranger paranormal beings floating around and colliding with him.

Zwn came to the kitchen to fetch some breakfast while he was eating. He muttered a dark "gdmrning" to her and finished his corn flakes. As he got up and placed the bowl in the kitchen sink, he noted Airis in the kitchen, gulping down some orange juice and trying to talk to the ghost. Endal walked up to them. Not paying any attention to the ghost, he asked Airis: "Where are all the rest?" and then let out a yawn.


Jul 20, 2013
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Catcocomics kind of felt a little left out when Endal proceeded to speak with Airis, completely ignoring him.
He couldn't really think of anything he could do to get this Endal to change his mind about him being non-existent, since he obviously had less physical mass than a feather and physically ignored the magnetic fields keeping everything from overlapping each other.
An idea hit him; perhaps he could- nah, drowsy guy is drowsy. Whilst pondering what he could do to regain attention, Catcocomics started to feel... tired?
A blackness was beginning to obstruct his vision, and he felt the sensation of falling...
He awoke to see dirt, just bare dirt, for miles...

((This sort of thing will be happening for a while, where my character transitions between GoTE and GoTM.
I know this was a little abrupt, but Catcocomics will be back in the mansion soon (and hopefully, it won't be morning anymore), and after that, his visits to the two worlds will be longer.
Incase it isn't already obvious, this Catcocomics shall visit the mansion when unconscious, so it'll be harder for me to just... not be able to play when my character gets knocked out in GoTE.
The GoTM Catcocomics should also be coming soon as well, but don't expect him in the GoTE Catcocomics' (or should we just call him Miles on this thread from now on?) next visit.
I know this is a bit hasty, but I'll try not to be too hasty with this.))


Jan 23, 2012
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"Well, now I for sure believe in ghosts. Now that I have one right in front of me." -Airis said answering Mile's question. "So, you're planning to stay here at the mansion?"

*He then turned to see Endal. He could tell he was still sleepy*

"Can't he see the ghost?!" -Airis thought to himselef. But he decided not to mention it. "Um, I actually have no idea. I woke up like 15 minutes ago. Haven't seen anyone yet. Except you and Zwn."


(( Catcocomics Enderfive ))​


Jul 14, 2013
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Tora walked back inside noisily, "I've decided I need more animals." She announced. "So I will be in my room if anyone needs me." She smiled and walked up stairs and into their room, she lay on her bed and starting summoning animals of all kinds, the door opened slightly letting out a zoo. "Oops.."'She muttered but just kept summoning animals, "They won't mind.." She closed her eyes and dozed off into a deep sleep, letting the animals roam free.