Guilds and Communities on Popular Games


Not Former Staff
Jul 15, 2015
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1) we could receive a large amount of trolls (honestly it's a small risk)
2) There wouldn't really be a way to control where "Official" clans will start up. (Trust me, there will be a lot of well meant, but unapproved clans.)
3) There will a lot more cliques forming in this already divided community.
Trolls can't really be fixed besides your normal moderation, but as per 2 and 3, why not just have a formal application process for clans so there are only 1 official clan per game.


Sep 15, 2011
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This is how I imagine the setup will be.
Much like GMod, you post an announcement like "guild members let's meet up and do X at this time" its all handled in the game and the forums don't serve a use for discussing it. To me it's like there will be a thread to tell people to join and discuss the game/guild once in a while and that's it. In the end the whole purpose it served was to make friends and keep people on buddy buddy terms in the community which is a good thing, but how many people would it really attract from outside the community? The only point of growth is if an MMO player joins the guild and checks out the forums.
Although I'm all for the idea, you've got to establish the point that whatever happens in the guild/game stays there and goes nowhere else as the forums aren't really involved.
And that's pretty much my understanding of WoW and PoE guilds that are associated with forums.
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Fidget Spinner
Aug 6, 2011
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If we made an official PoE guild it would probably be a very on and off thing. Since PoE revolves around challenge leagues, its activity is massive, like top 10 steam game massive, in the first few days and then it steadily declines. But a new league with a lot of cool changes is coming out in 3 weeks so activity will probably spike again soon.

Not sure how active ill be for the next league due to school and my promotion in work, but i could see if i can branch out the guild more outside of the immediate blocktopia network if there is still enough interest in the game here.


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
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If you want to do it, then do it. But it's just a matter of if you will follow through and manage the Guild itself and find ways to make it successful and and filled with enough players who will stay in it and make it grow. This can go for anyone else that wants to create a Guild under the EscapeRestart name. If you're devoted to making the Guild then fine, but don't drop out of it after a few days.

Trying to figure out what you (Jolteon42 ) would require from us here though:
- Promotional Material - Pretty much an image on the Feature Slider front page.
- Chat Channels in TeamSpeak or Discord? Both?

If you have any other ideas then toss them in because I'm unsure of what else would be helpful.


Jan 20, 2012
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This is actually a pretty good idea if handled well. At least as far as a WoW guild goes, you can put any kind of events in the calendar and send them out to the guild. So if you were going to host any kind of event for escrestart, you could send it out the wow guild and catch anyone interested. The guild message can also have any information you want, like pointing people to these forums to find more of the community if we wanted to.

As for WoW details, I'm very much stuck on the realm I'm on but I could make an alt anywhere and join. I've got 10 level 100's already, and a lot of content can be done cross realm.


Mafia Host
Aug 11, 2011
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If you want to do it, then do it. But it's just a matter of if you will follow through and manage the Guild itself and find ways to make it successful and and filled with enough players who will stay in it and make it grow. This can go for anyone else that wants to create a Guild under the EscapeRestart name. If you're devoted to making the Guild then fine, but don't drop out of it after a few days.

Trying to figure out what you (Jolteon42 ) would require from us here though:
- Promotional Material - Pretty much an image on the Feature Slider front page.
- Chat Channels in TeamSpeak or Discord? Both?

If you have any other ideas then toss them in because I'm unsure of what else would be helpful.
Add a sub-forum and that's about it.


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
Add a sub-forum and that's about it.
Okay done. Post info about the WoW Guild in the Guilds forum and hopefully Digitalmez or I (or anyone if they wanted) can create some type of image to promote the guild on the slider.

Anyone else that wants to create a guild in other games can feel free to do so, just post relevant info or anything necessary.