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HERP DERP DUMBASS TITLE| also, corrupted wish game.


Aug 11, 2011
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Granted, but you get too many cookies and you can't eat all of them in time and they keep regenerating and they end up rotting everywhere and you get really fat and your blood sugar spikes and you get diabetes and you can't move after a while and people come to your house as a local attraction for the regenerating rotting cookies and you're fined because your house is an eyesore and disrupts the entire street and eventually all of your neighbors move to another neighborhood and you get inevitably lonely because you're so big you can't move an inch and you eat cookies to soothe your pain and after a while you realize that the cookies have a small amount of a hallucinogenic substance in them and you begin to think that the only friends you have are your cookies and you talk with them and have wonderful conversations all the while people are moving further and further away from you and your house is on the news and you have a television show and helicopters fly over your house to give the public the best view possible of this complete disruption of humanity and you're so fixated on the cookies that you don't hear the doorbell when they come to interview you, and there was a man with an oversized check worth four million dollars because you won the nobel peace price for the most innovative display of contemporary modern art and you don't even know it because you can't turn on your television because the power went out three years ago but it only felt like five minutes to you because your cookies kept you safe, your cookies told you how to live, and everybody knows you can't trust a cookie.

I wish my hands weren't cold all the time.